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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 7/16/2022 at 10:01 PM, Katherine said:

    😆 I want mine to clean stuff! That's why I got a second nerite to begin with. Any particular reason you want yours eating the supplemental food?

    I just worry she’s not getting all the nutrients she might need. But she looks really healthy. I have hard water so I believe we are good in the calcium department. I keep cuttlebone in there too, and if they don’t eat it, the calcium slowly releases into the water. One time she was sifting through sand. It was incredibly weird, but the forum members said she was getting food out of it. I thought she was dying. But nope, she went right back to cleaning everything afterwards. I think she can pull nutrients she needs out of the driftwood too?


  2. On 7/16/2022 at 9:47 PM, Katherine said:

    @Guppysnail I couldn't remember where we were talking about nerite eating habits, so I figured I'd throw this in here.

    As I've had my zebra nerite a little longer I've noticed it spending more time on window washing and other algae/biofilm eating and less time on the food I add in for my mysteries. It does still munch on it sometimes, but not as much as when it was initially added to my tank. I'm thinking maybe it was starving and needed the large amounts of food in one place rather than it's preferred food which requires more work.

    I really wish mine would eat what I offer but she just wants to clean stuff.

  3. On 7/16/2022 at 9:13 PM, Cinnebuns said:

    Hey!  I know this won't count as an entry but I wanted to add it anyway. This week got away from me. 

    1-inch per gallon rule rewritten:

    In cases where you need a quick-easy answer I suggest using aqadvisor.com but this site also has it's flaws. If you have the time, it's better to figure it out yourself using these factors. It can still help to use the site as a beginning place and adjust. 

    1.  Bioload:

    Some fish/inverts eat and poop more than others and therefore require more water to handle that. A classic example is a goldfish. They do enjoy their eating and popping. (Kinda like my ex-boyfriend) This is partially why goldfish have a large recommended tank. Another common example is mystery snails compared to other snails of a similar size. Knowing how much bioload a species produces is an important part of research and stocking. 

    2.  Filtration:

    Typically the more filtration you have the more livestock you can accommodate, to a point. When in doubt, over filtering is better than under filtering but it isn't a silver bullet. Consider adding more filtration in conjunction with other factors to allow for stocking more. 

    3.  Water changes/Maintenance:

    The more work you are willing to put in the more you can stock. Consider how much work you are willing to do. More livestock = more maintenance. 

    4.  Swim Space:

    Some species, of the same size, require more swim space than others. Generally speaking a high energy or schooling fish will require more horizontal room than a solitary, low energy fish. Consider a danio vs an otocinclus.  Some require more open horizontal space than others. 

    5.  Personal Space/Line of Sight:

    This one can get a little species specific but it's important to know if the species you are keeping fit into this category. Some species need their own personal space or a way to break line of sight to avoid fighting. This factor can go into how big of a space you need as well as how you arrange the decor. 

    6.  Live Plants:

    Live plants add a huge amount of value to any tank and honestly will be a factor in almost all of the precious categories. They help to filter and clean the water. They provide hiding places for personal space and breaking line of sight. They are just an overall amazing addition to any ecosystem.  Generally speaking, more plants means the ability to add more animals. There are exceptions as some fish cannot be kept with plants, but usually it is something that will help do part of your job for you!

    I really like this @Cinnebuns. Thank you for posting!

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  4. On 7/16/2022 at 5:39 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    😂 one of those days!

    Thank you again Zenzo!

    I got some new repashy to try, a dope green hat, root tabs to help save these plants and then a puffer hat for my little sister 🙂

    Congrats @nabokovfan87! Well deserved!  I remember you helped me fix my filter and saved me $60! You pulled diagrams and drew indicators on them to help me with disassembly & reassembly.

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  5. On 7/16/2022 at 7:19 AM, CKetchum said:

    I cannot resist how cute snails are! And don't even get me started about snail babies 🥰@GuppysnailWhat do you put in your tank for calcium supplement? I am feeding veggies and Repashy Soilent Green. I have read you can use "cuttle bone" and/or wondershell. Do you just place a hunk in the tank and the snails will go to town consume the calcium and/or either will add some calcium to the water column? Just want to ensure good husbandry.

    Cuttlebone - just leave it in there. They will graze on or it will slowly dissolve and release calcium.

    Banquet food blocks

    Calcium chips (lifewithpetsgci.com)

    Hikari crab cuisine

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  6. On 7/15/2022 at 6:59 PM, Any Huit said:

    It's 7 months old now, so I think it's well seasoned-ish. I just changed from using carbon activated filters to a brand new sponge filter, and put my air stone inside the sponge filter. So in that sense, it's also new?

    The ammonia spike is caused by a lack of beneficial bacteria on the sponge filter. Changing filters has caused your tank to go through the nitrogen cycle. If there is a recommendation on the bacteria bottle for new tanks, I would recommend following that dosage.

    However, if ammonia spikes pretty high, you should do a big water change and redose as @nabokovfan87 suggested.

    What would also help us if you had some of the old, grimy filter media from your previous filter. That can still be used to help out the cycle as well.


  7. On 7/15/2022 at 6:34 PM, Any Huit said:

    Thank you! I just did this, I ran out to get seachem Prime & used the top fin bacteria starter. I suppose this means it's safe to continue the med trio for 5 total days? if I wait til sunday (48 hours) to add more prime, and add the bacteria dose once a day for 5 days? I've also been adding a dose of stress guard per day

    Is this a new tank or is it a well seasoned filter?

  8. Meds and fish stress will sometimes cause an ammonia spike. I handle it by adding Prime to the water. Prime has an ammo-lock feature which makes the ammonia harmless (you will still have the ammonia reading when you test the water though). It’s my understanding that Prime detoxifies ammonia for 48 hours. I would add bacteria too. That really helps.

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  9. I did an afternoon water change of 40%

    That’s in addition to the 20% this morning.

    Fed the fishies some frozen brine shrimp (just a little) and they ate well.

    Kanaplex and Jungle Fungus will arrive tomorrow. I sure hope they smell better than the Maracyn. That stuff smelled very chemically. Kind of like that stinky soap in the hospital’s soap dispensers. 😝

    In the meantime, I found something weird in the bottom of the tank. There is a sponge filter in there and a couple rocks, a cube decoration, and a silk plant. I don’t know what this is. Do you think it came from the fish?

    Sorry for shakiness. I had some blood drawn this afternoon (just routine checkup stuff) and I think that’s what is causing it. Anyway. All the stuff on the paper towel was found laying on the bottom of the quarantine tote.


  10. Color poppin’ on the ram today after I target fed her the crushed sinking pellets. She liked searching for them. When she spotted one her fin would stand up and she would do a little charge at it. The size was perfect for her to swallow, and some she chewed up. After she ate the gold on her belly became really vibrant.

    She ate some frozen brine shrimp too.





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  11. On 7/8/2022 at 10:28 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Awesome! I've been watching a bunch of there lofi video/music noise background things on youtube just to have something cool and chill while I work.

    I love the ones with the girl and the cat. ☺️

    On 7/15/2022 at 11:38 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    IMO you can't get a more perfect tank cleaner than a Nerite snail. They're also very lovely little animals to enjoy and observe. this is my Olive Nerite Curlyque. She (I know she is a she due to occasional eggs) is on the lid of my 4 gallon Aquatop and is the only Nerite in the tank, along with my CPDs and a smattering of Bladder Snails....


    I feel like another nerite is in my future.

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