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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 7/8/2022 at 11:32 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Anywhere from 5-6 to like 20 of different sizes. Kind of bothered me but that is because they are treasured pets I respect and think actually have feelings. To some folks it’s an income source commodity at least they are sharing them and they have a chance to find a loving home where someone will name them and feed them generous yum yum 😁

    I was thinking like 2 snails/bag or 3 snails/bag.  Because I don't think anyone should travel solo. 🙂 

  2. On 7/8/2022 at 10:55 AM, Guppysnail said:

    On bagging I have seen many at just the two auctions I went to. I’m not thrilled to see snail tucked in rolling about clanking together. I was considering an inexpensive clear disposable container vs bag. Apparently they do ok bagged though. Don’t supplemental feed for at least 24 hours prior. Though it’s impossible to actually fast them and I’m not certain it’s good for them with the difference in their poor digestion and amount they need. 

    I don't even know where to purchase bags!  🙄 Other than buy rice and oatmeal from the bulk section of the grocery store and then use those bags.

    Also I suppose I could transport them in tupperware & wet paper towels and bag them when I get there.  But then i don't know if it would be a shock to them to drop them in water - I have no way other than the cooler to control the temperature of the water.  The meeting is tomorrow.  Another occurs in 1 month.

    Maybe I will pay another LFS a visit rather than taking such a journey.

  3. I found a local aquarium club. It's actually 2 hours away. They will allow me to auction snails but they require them to be bagged. I am hesitant due to ammonia build up in the bag. They'd be in there for the trip, throughout the meeting/auction, and then, potentially, on the drive home if they don't get sold. What do you guys think?  


    Today York laid clutch 7 behind the outflow.  A little marble-sized clutch.

    • Haha 1
  4. I don’t understand the red-shrimpness. I’d expect to see a red line in the shrimp where their digestive track is full of xtreme krill flakes, but otherwise not sure? Although if anyone has seen the molting video for Leon the Lobster, his colors were brighter and different after his molt.

  5. Maybe I can stick the turkey baster tip into the side of the log, and she can swim in the front. I think the tetras are too dumb to figure that out, and they don’t go in caves. She doesn’t shy away from the baster or aquascaping tools.

  6. On 7/7/2022 at 8:21 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    The fish REALLY didn't understand it because it was closed on one side

    Oh! I have a swim through one I made! It’s in the back. Also I have this log thing. I saw her swim through it before but usually she’s out in the open. 





    Check this out. This is how I made the pot; I followed the girl on this video. Easy!


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  7. Well here is a demo of the tetras being jerks. Seems like the crushed pellet still sank ok though. She thought it was very chewy! 🤣😍 So maybe I could toss this in at the same time as the krill flakes. I think the tetras will go for the flakes first which will buy her time.


    On 7/7/2022 at 8:07 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    the other thought I had was to just presoak some

    Agreed! 😳

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  8. Got a little bit of footage of the random mystery snail. He’s finally big enough that I can see he has a black foot! I’ve never had a mystery snail with a black foot, that I can recall. 😍 Also yesterday I caught him eating with the group in the dish for the first time! He’s making friends!

    Also the limpets somehow made it over to this tank and seem to be multiplying. I’m cool with it. They are cleaning the glass.





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  9. On 7/7/2022 at 3:55 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Very much so, very underappreciated.

    I went to a bunch of stores to find a Bolivian ram after seeing them in a video and how they behave - shy, yet social. Their movements are deliberate.  Stop, look at something, if it's interesting approach. If not, move on. Swimming in little spurts, just checking things out.  They do well in a community tank.

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  10. On 7/7/2022 at 3:51 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    These are the ones I was talking about. Some fish just don't like them, so I've switched to using vibra bites.


    To give you an idea those say mini size and it's 3.0-3.4mm  The biggest I comfortably want to use for any of my fish is 1.0mm (1.5mm was too big for barbs)

    I'd need to find a sinking version though.  She doesn't like coming up to get food.

  11. On 7/7/2022 at 3:51 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    She looks good.  Hopefully some of the pink, red, orange, yellow, and light blue hues come in soon for you with the feeding adjustments.  I miss having my ram.

    Yeah, I feel like she had better color when she was in QT.  She has the most adorable little personality.  I love how they shift into reverse when checking things out. I feed her pellets with aquascaping tongs a lot because it's fun.  She is not really afraid of hands in the tank, turkey baster, tongs, etc.  A very social little fishy.

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  12. On 7/7/2022 at 3:29 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    I can't believe we've gotten this deep in the thread and you haven't shown off the ram!

    Ha.  I know, right?  What was I thinking?  Here she is.  And a snail eating a green bean.



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