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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 7/7/2022 at 3:07 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Clean the pump head out really good with warm water. Something in there already hardened will trigger it to keep happening. Then if that doesn't work, switch to measuring.

    Maybe I could soak it in vinegar. That decalcifies coffee pots & stuff. It would probably work on this too.  Plus the warm water as well.

  2. On 7/5/2022 at 9:03 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    The water parameters were not good and/or snails are stressed.  I tested ammonia and nitrite. Ammonia was at about a .2 but I used Prime so it's nontoxic ammonia. Nitrite was 0. I didn't run any other test. I should have though, to get more information. 

    @nabokovfan87 I'm starting to suspect the tap is a problem because between this tank and my other tank, the .2 seems to be a new norm?  I've been adding Fritz Zyme during water changes and I use Prime. I don't know if this is the false Prime reading or what, but prior to this I used AquaSafe and was always at a zero.  I think I've seen you suggest a tap test before - something about putting an airstone into some water for a few hours? 

  3. On 7/7/2022 at 1:27 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    you can get the ACO dosing glass and use that! 

    I have an irrigating syringe too that has measurements on the side in mL.

    On 7/7/2022 at 1:16 PM, Katherine said:

    For keeping it unclogged, can you get in the end with a toothpick and kind of scrape stuff out?

    I tried to do that with a straight pin - went round in there in a circle a few times. Got some stuff out, but still it didn't want to pump out much product.  I think I may just skip the pump and do the measuring. 🙂 

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  4. On 7/7/2022 at 1:12 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I just watched that. I’ve not seen the gluing eggshell before. Pretty cool

    Also sometimes she uses a glass "snail file" if the front edge of their shell is broken/jagged. She has to make sure they tuck in real good so she can do it.  hehe

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 7/7/2022 at 12:57 PM, Guppysnail said:

    There is a spot that looks pitted the entire way through 😢. I’m going to give him time to settle in the look under magnification.  If it’s not the entire way through I will look to repair it. But if it’s through already that will only trap bacteria and possibly harm him further. It sad because he is so active already and has wonderful shell markings. 

    Aw. Keep us posted.  At least he is active.  

  6. 🌿Hey guys, I dose Easy Green in the 29 gallon at 3 pumps per week.  My nitrates never get above 5 and the java ferns are developing brown spots. One java fern turned totally black and then died, but during the time it was turning black it made a ton of babies, so I kept them.  (Thanks, java fern!)

    Two questions - should I dose more Easy Green?  And what's the best way to keep the pump unclogged?  I tried pumping plain tap water through it, but it didn't seem to help and not much product is coming out when I pump it.  I'm afraid to pump extra into the tank; I worry I will add too much.


  7. Since I haven’t posted much about the breeder box lately. There are 4 minis in there. I’m sure they’d be ok in the growout but I worry that they might end up in the gravel vac, so I am letting them grow more.

    My friend had recently asked, hey, didn’t you have more snails? Well, yes. Some of them I found as empty shells when I checked on them. For what reason I do not know. Some escaped the breeder box, I am sure. The nylon covered most of the slats but not the top part, and babies can fit through there. Did the best with my resources. However what is under the breeder box is a school of tetras. So, when they see something fall.. well, it’s lunch.  There is a Bolivian ram that is always picking at stuff on the bottom of the tank, grazing. But some snails may be in the tank. I found some in the tank before and returned them to the box but who knows? May be others. There’s a bunch of plants and the big spiderwood, so I can’t really see everything.

    I don’t know if I will find an LFS to buy snails. One said probably but they have death in their tanks, too often. The other was a firm “no snails”. I cringe at big box stores but I did call the one that has the best maintained tanks, and they weren’t interested. So, I’m researching local aquarium clubs and toying with the idea of listing them on Nextdoor. Since I may get inexperienced aquarists on Nextdoor, I’d want to include a care sheet with each snail adoption. 🙂  Maybe give a little bit of food out with the snails to get them started. That’s a back burner idea. I’d prefer aquarium club first.



  8. On 7/6/2022 at 11:56 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    ^^ It might help stability to add some hardscape. Lava rocks or something. Just more things for bacteria to grow on that isn't wood or sponge.

    Hi @nabokovfan87! 😊  My moms got some river rocks in her yard. I can steal some this weekend.


    On 7/6/2022 at 11:56 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    What is that one on the left! I like it.... very beautiful!

    The one on the right was anubias coffeefolia. It melted since that pic but ACO swapped it for a gift card. They are the best. The roots are still there and might do something. I was careful NOT to glue the rhizome. Does it look like the little white shoots are new growth?

    The one on the left is anubias barteri. I think it looks kinda tropical. 

    On 7/6/2022 at 11:56 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Very fun reading this! Love it.

    You should scroll up a few and read about the very important mission of the Snail Team Six operatives. 🤣


    • Haha 1
  9. On 7/6/2022 at 3:15 PM, Jstewart0925 said:

    They have laid another clutch now for a total of 6

    You can freeze the clutches you do not wish to hatch in a Ziplock bag. Once frozen, hammer to crush, then refreeze just in case, then dispose.  (Sounds savage, I know, but trust me, this is the humane way, before any development occurs.) Most of us do not have the capacity to raise 600 snails. 

  10. On 6/16/2022 at 12:38 PM, dasaltemelosguy said:

    Thank you so much for the kind words. I do very much prefer this stuff to using clove oil for the reason you cited. I had a bad clove oil experience when my betta passed too. So long as you go slowly, this stuff seems to quit literally put them to sleep and then you increase it until the gills stop.

    What is LD? 

    I used baking soda successfully. It was quick.

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  11. On 7/6/2022 at 8:04 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Sometimes snails see/smell/6th sense ailing plants before we can see anything. I have had them munch on stem plants and when I pull the stem up to see why ant trim the roots have been mushy or disintegrated.  

    That's been my experience with York also.  She's also been guilty of chewing off the ludwigia at the stem level too though. Usually when I find it, the part where it was chewed was brown & slimy, so it probably was on its way out.  I replanted all those ludwigia and they grew into new plants.


    On 7/6/2022 at 8:04 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I want to take a moment to thank you for doing this wonderful and detailed journal.  Having hatched multiples so much of the “mystery” is gone and is now just cute behavior.  Your excitement on this new adventure reawakens memories of the wonder of my first few clutches. I’m enjoying it so much. 

    Other folks who embark on a first time venture will have this lovely and fun accounting to explain so many of the unique and odd things along the way. 

    So big thanks from me and future mystery adventurers 🤗

    You are so sweet.  ORD! ❤️ Thank you so much. I'm glad you're enjoying it!  Might I remind you that this journal was your idea?  🙂 

    I love writing posts about the snails.  My husband does NOT care to hear about the snails, but I need to talk about them because I'm still excited all the time at everything they do!  Example: "I have some groundbreaking news!" (The day I found the different color mystery snail in the tank that I had not even put snails into yet).  Husband: "It better not be about snails." 🤐

    They are so cute and unique, and taking care of them gives my life purpose. Watching the eggs hatch was magical; I was at the tank for 3-4 hours during that time: watching, gently helping, rinsing newborn snails off the little styrofoam platform, down into the breeder box so they could join their buddies and find the food.

    By posting I do feel like I'm helping the folks that are new to hatching mystery snails. At some point someone will find a clutch and have that panicked, yet curious response to it and want to hatch it, but yet they don't know the first thing about it.  That was me!  I put a lot of tags on this thread so that those folks can easily find this and read about what they can expect (cuteness).

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