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Posts posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. On 7/12/2022 at 10:05 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Their snout is much longer

    They remind me of anteaters.

    On 7/12/2022 at 10:05 AM, Guppysnail said:

    They are supposed to be filter feeders as well so I put a touch of Dr. Tim’s Hawaiian spirulina powder and sera micron in a pipette mixed with water and swish it in the water. They do indeed slightly extend the tube on their right side when I do this so I believe they are filtering. 

    That is so cool.

    (Most photos have a shrimp hitchhiker. Interesting.)

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/12/2022 at 12:30 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

    If you have multiple fish I would say follow the severe.  What is the change in the fish so far?

    Thanks. I went ahead and added dose 3.  The fish seem energetic, utilizing all of the tank space, but I still see the white patches.

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  3. That’s cool that the kids got involved and were interested. 

    I changed the wet paper towel in the incubator daily, but some people don’t do that. Not sure if it mattered, as long as the moisture was there.

    Goldilocks is a nice looking dude. I like his white foot. I have a thing for gold snails… 

  4. On 7/9/2022 at 6:18 PM, Colu said:

    Does the white patches  have a fuzzy appearance if they I would keep treating with maracyn and ick x he's aquarium co-op treatment recommendations for fungal infections 


    Got home from trip. Everything is going well with the tanks. @Colu I left the Maracyn at 2 doses, and the ick x and salt is in there too. I’m following instructions above but I have no idea whether to treat the mild case or the severe case. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  5. On 7/11/2022 at 5:50 PM, Zenzo said:

    It has been awhile since we last had any Forum gift package recipients, so here are the latest.

    Congratulations to @FrozenFins @nabokovfan87 @Chick-In-Of-TheSea 

    I will be sending you individual messages and will be putting care packages together soon.

    Thank you for participating on this forum!


    Thank you so much! This forum has been wonderful for sharing knowledge and supporting one another!

    Congrats @nabokovfan87 & @FrozenFins! 🎉

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  6. On 7/10/2022 at 6:59 PM, yassy said:

    ..I hope it is just simple fungus and not neon tetra disease

    If you go to the thread linked above, there is a video in it that Cory made about neon tetra disease. He said most of the time it is something that the quarantine trio is able to treat. It is more rare for it to actually be neon tetra disease. Doesn’t mean it isn’t neon tetra disease, it’s just more likely that it is something more common and he recommended trying the usual fish illness remedies first.

    • Like 1
  7. On 7/10/2022 at 9:17 AM, Katherine said:

    It's bare bottom with a sponge filter

    That should make it easy for you. Seal gaps in the lid. 😉

    On 7/9/2022 at 10:13 PM, Guppysnail said:

    baby snails poop so much it’s not funny

    One great thing is the terra cotta dish. They spend most time in there with the food and the waste gathers wherever they spend time which makes cleanup simple with the turkey baster.

    • Like 1
  8. Today I am at a disadvantage. I have friends coming into town, and I have to go meet them and spend an overnight, so I will not be able to monitor anything with the quarantine tank. However, this morning I did add salt, and I also threw in grungy sponge from my outflow. I usually keep two chunks in the outflow of the hang on back to dampen the sound of water. I have to keep my water level down a bit, because I have two adult snails that require access to air. The mystery snail goes up there to lay eggs, and the nerite snail just enjoys air in general. I did test both tanks today, the snail tank and the quarantine tank, and I got zero ammonia and zero nitrite .

    However there is one concern, and that is fish behavior. Before I left, I noticed one of the black neons in quarantine was exhibiting a darting behavior. Not really sure what I can do given the situation with my travel today. I will have to check again  tomorrow night when I add a pack of Maracyn.

    • Like 1
  9. On 7/9/2022 at 10:21 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    When things get like this, I'll usually feed, an hour later vac out the extra. If you want to feed them later in the day, fine, but that's how I worked out how much to feed as oppose to trying to dump in a lot of food and letting it sit all day

    This works well with fish. Newborn snails need constant access to food though. I had to gauge what they would eat in a day.

     When I put food in for baby snails they often won’t seek it immediately. They would wash the walls for awhile and then “maybe” go for the food hours later. Also I had to work as well so I’d need to put food in the morning and then head out.

    Been getting 0 ammonia readings The last few days so it seems things have now normalized in that tank and all but 4 tiny snails were transferred out. 🙂

  10. Forgot to tell @nabokovfan87 I concluded the 24 hour experiment

    Tap ammonia 0

    24 hour aerated water w/ prime 0

    Tank 0

    Inconclusive? 🤷🏻‍♀️

    @Katherine if you end up doing breeder box it’s less reaching in the tank to clean uneaten food and do snail welfare checks, and also you would not have to move the snails from one tank to another later. I’ve only tried the one method so I have nothing to compare it to. It was high maintenance at first because I kept feeding too much food, then i would have to clean it out. I would have to also inspect everything that came out in the white dish to make sure I didn’t suck up snails. This required a magnifying glass.

    I imagine @Guppysnail hatched multiple ways and can give the pros and cons of breeder box vs tote?

    • Like 1
  11. On 7/9/2022 at 8:54 PM, Guppysnail said:

    prefer a clear tote over a breeder box.

    Can you see into your tote well? My plastic is not very see through. I can see the fish through it but I can’t see any details (status of illness). In my case the tote is for QT.

    Oh, I had an ORD moment at the LFS today. Look at this guy go! He was cruising around outside of water on a piece of plastic that was partly submerged in the tank.



  12. Ok @Colu & @nabokovfan87, I went ahead and added the Ick X. I didn’t add salt because last qt I had a bad experience with salt. It killed the nitrifying bacteria on the sponge filter & I ended up with an ammonia spike. I still could end up that way this time. This sponge filter isn’t really seeded, so dumped in the “new tank dosage” of Fritz Zyme 7 and hacked the filter Irene style with an ammonia removing pad and a rubber band. If ammonia does spike even after that, I’ll go after it with Prime. Half of the water in the qt tank came from the main tank too.

    Also dropped in a second airstone. Setup ain’t pretty; pretty barbaric actually. We’re in emergency response mode here. At least I got to use the gang valve. #thuglife

    There is a plan. 

    (The cat likes the setup. It’s easier for her to watch fish. Heh)


  13. On 7/9/2022 at 8:09 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    It could be "open wounds" from something like decor.  This is easiest to diagnose with behavior of the fish.  Flashing, things like that where the fish might be trying to "scratch" or remove something from their skin.  This could lead to a wound.  You can also get a wound pretty commonly from just fighting and breeding behavior.

    If the wound looks smooth, not like a cotton ball, then I would lean towards this type of treatment. (bacterial).

    It did not look like wounds. The fish were active and eating well. No flashing, no scratching. Looked like white patches on the body. Not “fluffy” but on the first fish, the patches were, perhaps, just a teeny bit raised. Had to look really closely to see that. If the fish hadn’t overeaten, I’m not sure I would have noticed the illness. First thing I noticed is the black stripe on the fish was interrupted by “something”. And whatever it is, it has passed to another fish.

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