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Fish Poop Water - GOOD STUFF

Dawn T

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At least, according to my Croton. With all the changes I've been making, all of my houseplants have been getting only detritus-rich water from fish tanks. They're all happy, but apparently my Croton decided to take it a step further. It's blooming! Never done that before, and I've had this plant for YEARS. Check it out!

Anyone else have houseplants that are absolutely flourishing because of a steady diet of fish poop water?


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I love it!

I've had a potted fig tree and a rosemary shrub flourishing on fish water and compost tea from my worm bins. Can't wait for warmer weather so I can use it on my raised beds. I might even try corn or brussels sprouts again this year, which are both really heavy nitrogen feeders. I'm not 100% comfortable giving it to low-to-the-ground raw leaf plants like lettuce and spinach, but maybe I could do drip irrigation...hmm...

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when it is not frozen outside, i dump the buckets from my small tanks out in the yard. where i dump them becomes very green shortly after compared to the rest of the yard no matter how much rain has fallen. fish poop water is very good medicine for green stuff.

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I picked up this poinsettia in December, and added only enough regular water to keep it from drying out until there was enough morning light in the plant window, around mid-February. I don't know much about poinsettias but heard they're dormant in the winter and shouldn't be watered a lot. Once the red leaves started dying off and the sun started shining on it, I started adding fish water. Wow. I hope I can keep it alive!20210307_101649.jpg.20060483ca85b8c2fc512e92404cec6f.jpg


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On 3/7/2021 at 10:27 AM, Maggie said:

I picked up this poinsettia in December, and added only enough regular water to keep it from drying out until there was enough morning light in the plant window, around mid-February. I don't know much about poinsettias but heard they're dormant in the winter and shouldn't be watered a lot. Once the red leaves started dying off and the sun started shining on it, I started adding fish water. Wow. I hope I can keep it alive!20210307_101649.jpg.20060483ca85b8c2fc512e92404cec6f.jpg



14 hours ago, Dawn T said:

Cool! Poinsettia is one plant that I cannot keep alive. Kill them. Every. Time. LOL Maybe next time I'll try fish water. See if they do any better. 

I was really good at killing Poinsettias.  I have one about the same size and condition as Maggie's, that is entering it's 3rd. season.  My "greenhouse" is a basement entrance with a small south facing window and supplemental  fluorescent lights.  This year it went red without any of the required adjustments for light.  Fish water is all that my plants get.  My poinsettia would have been taller but for an accident bringing it back into the house.

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10 hours ago, Brandy said:

I just had this happen--did not know these COULD bloom. At night they open and the smell is HEAVENLY. I feel blessed, and I am not the religous type. Dracena fragrans is the right name, for sure!


Nothing gives your day a better start than finding that your nonflowering plant went ahead and did it anyway.

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10 hours ago, Brandy said:

I just had this happen--did not know these COULD bloom. At night they open and the smell is HEAVENLY. I feel blessed, and I am not the religous type. Dracena fragrans is the right name, for sure!


Gorgeous! I think the fish hormones in the water from all the frisky business going on in our tanks is making houseplants go "hmmmmmm". (J/K)  😃

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I temporarily rejuvenated a moth orchid (Phalaenopsis) with poor dying roots by using aquaculture aka my shrimp tank.  I put in weekly shrimp Thrive fertilizer, and the shrimps themselves cleaned up any deterioration on the roots until they were clean.  The rooted plant fit in the opening of the hood and received just the right amount of window light at the same time. It rehydrated, grew a new shoot and I was able to repot in new bark.   Win.win! 

Screen Shot 2021-03-19 at 8.05.23 AM.png

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My Croton is growing more and more flowers. No signs of stopping yet. I'll be curious to see how long it maintains the bloom cycle. I water it ONLY with tank water, plus I've been dropping duckweed in there when I thin it out in the tank in that room.

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