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I'm gonna introduce myself and my story but if you just wanna look at pretty pictures of my tanks and keep scrolling you are more then welcome too as well. 🙂

I'm @Aquatictimes I have been a fish hobbiest for almost 2 years now. It all started with a small European 90 gallon pond I bought on facebook marketplace for my back deck. From there came my three pet Goldfish: Luna, Toothless and Cloudjumper. Yes HTTYD Themed for those that recognize. Luna I always imagined was the white dragons name even though they never said in the movies. When fall came we quickly realized that the pond wasn't deep enough to keep out all winter (hardly 2') thus began the Multiple Tank Syndrome. I got one for them and it worked well. So, then I got another for plants to quarantine before going in the main take for the Goldfish to destroy. (Yes I had a whole tank to quarantine plants...did I mention I was new to the hobby and overly cautious?)

After that it was just downhill until I ended up here with 7 tanks. I have a 3 gallon for my one and only nerite snail, 3-5 gallons (mostly because people gave them to me and I said SURE! Again, they started with only plants and quickly added fish or invertebrates.) 1-10 gallon for my beloved Corydoras. I have a problem with Catfish, I want them all. 2-20 gallons and a 40 gallon for the Goldfish but only over the winter months before they go back out for to the pond for spring, summer and fall. 

Last year we renovated a part of our basement for my obsession, I mean hobby. Now I have my own fish room.  We even added a muck sink for easy water changes and a supply cabinet where I house all my collected aquarium co op stickers on the door. 

I have learned a lot but I have a lot to learn. So here I am!


Aquatic Living Creatures I've kept:

Fancy Goldfish including a Telescope Moor, Trapdoor snails, Ghost shrimp, Amano Shrimp, Pea Puffer, Mystery Snails, Otocinclus Catfish, Corydora Sterbai, Endlers, Nerite Snail, Ramshorn Snail

I have an unstocked 20 gallon at the moment...What should I look into having next?











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22 hours ago, Aquatictimes said:


st year we renovated a part of our basement for my obsession, I mean hobby. Now I have my own fish room.  We even added a muck sink for easy water changes and a supply cabinet where I house all my collected aquarium co op stickers on the door. 

I have an unstocked 20 gallon at the moment...What should I look into having next?

  • You were right the first time.
  • I have sparkling gouramis, CPD's, and Corydoras pygmaeus in my 20 long, if you're looking for ideas.
Edited by JettsPapa
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