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Mystery Snail's Shell Lacking Calcium?


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Hi Everybody,


I thought I had this one covered on my own, but the problem only seems to get worse and so I am reaching out for any experts opinions.

I use well water that I have had tested and it comes back high in pH naturally as well as iron otherwise it is lower in minerals but not with in normal range. I keep up with my testing (pH, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, ect) ensuring the water stays within proper parameters and copper isn't ever an issue.

However, about four months ago I noticed my Mystery snail suddenly having some shell issues that I linked to a calcium deficiency. I have tried adding cuddle fish bones, boiled egg shells and bottom feeder pellets from a couple brands (Bug Bites and Hikari Algae Wafers) but instead of stopping the issue, she only seems to be getting worse while my bladder snail population is booming. I haven't been able to buy Repashy at any of my local pet stores, I know it's what is recommended through the forum. But at this point I am wondering if there is something more going on with her. She lays eggs like crazy and eats plenty. Anyone have any idea if I'm barking up the wrong tree? I have attached a picture for clarification. 


Thank you for your help,




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I supplement my snails with Tums, either straight into the tank as is (I have hundreds in the tank, so you may want to remove the excess after and hour or so.) I will also crush it up and add it to Repashy, or Snello. I use this recipe, roughly: 


I do not recommend Wonder Shells- I know lots of people sing their praises but I had a terrible time with it knocking my gh, kh, and pH out of whack. I have had better luck with crushed coral in the filter and this Tums feeding supplement.

I don't see any issues in the photos you posted, but if you want a smoother shell, then yes, go for the calcium. Good luck!

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1 hour ago, MDoc said:

You mentioned you have high pH, but what pH exactly is it? 

I use driftwood to keep it around 7.2, but right from the tap it is 8.0 so I do have to use a ph down when doing water changes. It took years to figure out how to stabilize it but it finally working by changing at most 1/3 of the water and putting in a ton of drift wood. I always keep records of my parameters that go back each week to help keep up with it.


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34 minutes ago, Jimycle said:

Feet it Hikari crab cuisine pellets. I do not believe the shells Will Repair but any new growth will come out smooth and healthy. My mystery snail shells were unhealthy when I purchase them once they started eating this their shells became amazing my blue one even sits up like a dog on its hind legs and holds it why it eats it

That's an amazing picture, I'll get some soon. But honestly, after doing some research and reading some comments I think she's just maxing out on life span here at just over a year of having her sadly. But defiantly thinking about breeding them in the future, they're just so much fun to watch in the tank.

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15 minutes ago, Kat_Rigel said:

I supplement my snails with Tums, either straight into the tank as is (I have hundreds in the tank, so you may want to remove the excess after and hour or so.) I will also crush it up and add it to Repashy, or Snello. I use this recipe, roughly: 


I do not recommend Wonder Shells- I know lots of people sing their praises but I had a terrible time with it knocking my gh, kh, and pH out of whack. I have had better luck with crushed coral in the filter and this Tums feeding supplement.

I don't see any issues in the photos you posted, but if you want a smoother shell, then yes, go for the calcium. Good luck!

Thanks Kat, appreciate the snail insight. I've worked hard to keep my cycled tank going strong. Before this I had these guys in another tank that was set up for over a year with no issues, until I had to move it and it's wall cracked. This current tank has been set up for 6 months and seems to have finally made it to that steady point again.


Edited by LisaBoBisa
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