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Forum question regarding limitation on like feedback per day


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Question for the moderators:

I tend to read the forum infrequently but when I do I like to catch up on a number of threads and leave positive feedback via the "like" response. I keep getting told I have reached the max number for the day. Is there a reason for that? That is different from other forums I have used. I am not objecting or complaining just confused as to the logic. Since I only have time to read in the occasional spurt then once I hit my limit I'll probably never go back to support posts I read the previous session to give them a like.

Thanks in advance!

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I'm not really complaining. Its just I tend to have fewer but longer sessions to look at the forum and not everyday so it just means I can support fewer posts/members with a like/thanks/haha than I could otherwise. More than anything I am just curious as to why the policy.

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1 hour ago, pedrofisk said:

I'm not really complaining. Its just I tend to have fewer but longer sessions to look at the forum and not everyday so it just means I can support fewer posts/members with a like/thanks/haha than I could otherwise. More than anything I am just curious as to why the policy.

Cory answers this concern over in the other thread:


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