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MTS vs books

Dawn T

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Because of space limitations, I've been keeping only 2 tanks - both 29g. I've wanted more and bigger tanks, but I have to wait until our living arrangements change. In the meantime, I've been considering setting up and aquascaping one of my empty 10g tanks as a cherry shrimp habitat. Same issue arose, though. Where to put it. Then I had an idea. If I pack a bunch of books and move out a bookcase, I can put a 10g (or two!) in the same space the bookshelf currently takes up. Considering I'm a writer AND an avid reader, bookshelves are sacrosanct, but shrimp would be worth putting books away for, I think. Where there's a will, there's a way, right?

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I’ve heard Cory say that in the US, everyone thinks “more is better!” But in Europe, _ perfection _ is prized. Maybe there’s a way for you to sort of “rewire” and try to perfect the tanks you’ve got already? Here’s the Green Aqua showroom...


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Unfortunately, VERY limited option there without rehoming existing fish. I don't want to do that. I have 2 options at this point, remove books and a bookshelf so I can set up at least 1 of my 10g tanks, or I wait until my existing fish die of old age and naturally free up the existing 29g tanks.

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2 hours ago, Fish Folk said:

I'm myself am eyeing a bookshelf filled with never touched books as a space better used for another couple of aquariums. Alas, they're by partners books not mine, so the campaign will take some time. I figure there's not much point in hauling around and displaying dozens of books that will never ever be read again.

Full disclosure- I come from a thoroughly academic family where moldy, old, unread books were sacrosanct.


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I understand your dilemma.  I'm sitting here at my desk with a 20 gallon long tank on the file cabinet at my left and two 5.5 gallon tanks end-to-end across the right side of the desk, with a 65 gallon community tank and a 10 gallon shrimp tank across the room.  There's a 9' wide by 6' tall section of bookcases behind me, with about half hardbacks and the rest double-stacked with paperbacks.

It has occurred to me more than once that if I moved some books out I'd have room for more tanks, but then I remember that I've been keeping fish for less than 2 years, and enjoyed recreational reading for about 50 years, so so far the books are still there (and I still enjoy reading them).

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@Streetwise, how do you deal with too much light/heat from windows (we have no north facing windows, so every window provides direct sunlight at least a good portion of the year at some time during each day)? I've got a little jarrarium "algae farm" on a bedside table right now that sits in front of a window. Even though those curtains are seldom open, the light that comes under the edge of the curtain is just enough to feed the algae in there. I had tossed some crypts and java fern in there a little while back when I did some thinning in my tank in the bedroom. Amazingly enough, they seem to be holding their own despite being overrun with algae. I'm not sure if the snails that were originally transplanted in there with the plants are still around or not. I need to take a close look.

I've been giving serious consideration to breaking down the aforementioned "algae farm" and using that container for a true jarrarium (not a haphazard thing but one I actually put together on purpose) and giving it space on my desk. Of course, that means I need to clean my desk. No easy task, let me just say. LOL

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@Dawn T, all of those tanks are in my bedroom, which is heated in the winter and air conditioned in the summer.

For my North-facing windowsill tanks, I use a pair of mesh speaker grills to diffuse the light. Those are both unheated Neo shrimp tanks. I have a lot of photos in my Streetwise Indoor Aquariums journal.

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