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Guppy fry update and shrimp question


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Hi every one.  It’s a snowy Sunday here today.  A perfect day to stay in and enjoy the forum. 
I thought it might be interesting to update on the accidental guppy fry and ask a serious question about shrimp and snails. 

first off here is those guppy fry I didn’t know what to do with.  They are now six weeks old and are growing by leaps and bounds.  I don’t think I’ve ever had a batch of fry grow this large so fast!   Technically they are blue dragon but I didn’t have control of who the male was.   So my line breeding program was side lined by this mishap, as I was trying to breed for specific traits. Oh well



Can you see that little male already coloring up?   Looks like he is going to be a beautiful blue just like his uncles. I’m just amazed at their size already and the fact they are coloring up 

Now on to the question about shrimp and snails

I have some beautiful red snails that I like very much.   Also HAD some shrimp both amano and caradina   But these critters loose their shell color then die off.   The snails lay enough eggs to continue their species but the shrimp do not.   The shrimps should be easy to keep and even breed, but not n any of my 4 tanks   I know for a fact they are getting food as I have watched them eat.   I’m thinking it’s a water related issue but I don’t know what?  
any ideas?







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Are they making it through any molts ? What do you have in the way of Calcium in the tank? Lots of folks use crushed coral. I believe their shells are like 90% calcium. The snails are only 50% or so. Maybe the mineral content is enough for the snails but not the shrimp. 

I don't keep any shrimp personally yet but am planning to get some when I get a second tank so I have been researching water parameters, life cycle, diet, and breeding etc...

I think Colu has a good point too what do they eat? I did read that they need supplemental food beyond tank/algae grazing. They are omnivores so they like meat and plants. 

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I use mineral junkie bites and wonder shells, but my water is soft out of the tap and I have lost a few yellow shrimp. I just got some blue bolt shrimp which prefer softer, lower pH water and am hoping they'll do well in the main tank, pH of ~6.6. They are tiny and I can't count them all. I have seen my rasboras try to go after them, and am hoping they didn't nip. The shrimp seem oblivious to the fish, a little scary when they are babies. 

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And here is where I suspect a problem lies. My ph is 8.2   

I believe my water 💧 is hard but lacks minerals.  Is that possible? But. Didn’t want to add a wonder shell as I think it would further raise the ph in the tank

currently I have guppies , Corydorys and celestial pearl danios.   The fish do very well no problems there    

as for feeding shrimp I feed flake food, shrimp pellets.  There is also tons f bio film everywhere.  I do mean tons as my tank is heavily planted and hard scraped with an abundance of algae covered rocks.   I also throw in an occasional zucchini.   

Thank you for the responses.  And appreciate everyone’s input very much

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3 hours ago, Jollypop4321 said:

I believe my water 💧 is hard but lacks minerals.  Is that possible?

That’s definitely possible. Maybe it just doesn’t have the right minerals. You can try adding crushed coral or oyster shell for calcium. It should dissolve very slowly in that high of a pH so I don’t think it will raise your pH noticeably. You can also try something like SaltyShrimp to add the micronutrients they need.

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4 hours ago, Jollypop4321 said:

And here is where I suspect a problem lies. My ph is 8.2   

I believe my water 💧 is hard but lacks minerals.  Is that possible? But. Didn’t want to add a wonder shell as I think it would further raise the ph in the tank

currently I have guppies , Corydorys and celestial pearl danios.   The fish do very well no problems there    

as for feeding shrimp I feed flake food, shrimp pellets.  There is also tons f bio film everywhere.  I do mean tons as my tank is heavily planted and hard scraped with an abundance of algae covered rocks.   I also throw in an occasional zucchini.   

Thank you for the responses.  And appreciate everyone’s input very much


  • You're probably right about your pH being the problem.  I haven't kept them, but it's my understanding that caridina shrimp need lower pH.
  • I'd suggest trying neocaridina shrimp.  My water is also 8.2 pH, and while that's outside the "ideal" range for them mine are doing fine, and have been for almost a year.  All my colonies are growing.
  • If you water is hard then by definition I believe it has minerals.
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For your water I'd have Neocardina shrimp. Caridna shrimp like a KH of about 0 with a GH of 4-6 so some calcium and magnesium I believe. the wonder shells would help raise your GH but not raise your PH so that's fine.  To lover your PH for them I'd recommend adding almond leaves and only doing top offs for a bit so long as it doesn't produce ammonia. 


Amano Shrimp can live in fresh water, but require brackish water to hatch and survive. The adults need a neutral to acidic environment so 6-7 PH. In terms of hardness they should be more hardy and can acclimate to most waters kept for shrimp. 

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