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Gup’s breeding adventures

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Both my upstairs fishrooms have been consolidated to one finished fishroom in the basement.  

I’ll go round the entire fishroom and share what’s in each tank and how I’m breeding with videos as I go along in this new journal. For now I’ll just list everything and attach video and photos as I get time. 

Here is what is new. 

Ivannacara bimaculata pair only with me a few days so far  

Notropis chrosomus-rainbow shiners  only had them a few days  doing great so far  


Melanotaenia parva-sunset rainbows (Gary Lange strain) Eggs have hatched I have at least 60 fry swimming aboutIMG_2396.jpeg.be76aaa26a3ef05909f56ab3c2073c79.jpegIMG_2275.jpeg.fc0d3be013341d3a259c4a566d2646ad.jpeg

Youkihi ricefish - eggs are hatching and so far I’ve seen about 10 decent sized fry

Aphyosemion Australe- orange lyretail killifish eggs hatched- fry doing great about 20 so far with more eggs hatching  IMG_2565.jpeg.691c0d6396ffc18e20c085f625f86bfa.jpegIMG_2566.jpeg.9acd474ae6f4ceda0a74146845bbf67d.jpeg

Epiplatys dageti monroviae- Red chin panchax  about 20 have hatched out and doing great with at least 29 more eggs eyed up  

Micropoecillia picta- swamp guppies  adorable little things one girl is ready to birth any day now  I have 2 boys and 4 girl  the other girls are preggo but just starting to develop  

Apisto Agassizi trio from @tolstoy211 girl went through a huge growth spurt and color up.  I’m about 70% sure she was a he 🤣  They do just fine  the girl is bright yellow and flirty  the boys each have their side of the tank  they squabble but not kill mode fight  the newly colored up boy/girl? Dashes behind the sponge filter when he gets caught flirting with the definite girl  it’s peaceful though time will tell  I do have Beckfords red pencil fish with them as bothers so that helps keep it calm  

Semi-new  not sure if I listed these in my old journal

Sawbwa resplendens- Asian rummy nose - babies submitted for BAP at the club  working on more to sell at Keystone Clash

Gastrodermus hastatus- Tail spot cory Babies submitted for BAP my tiny group is now 25-30 strong .  I might collect some eggs to take babies to the Clash if I can shoehorn them in a growout some where

 Oryzias woworae-Daisys ricefish these bred, I submitted for BAP, tore down the tank and gave the fish to Smallworld Aquatics kept plants in a bucket for almost 2 weeks.  Set up tanks downstairs moved others down plants got dributed without thinking  so I have baby daisys in SIX tanks 🤣

Oldies but goodies 

Sewellia lineolata - hillstream loaches I now have 5 successful hatches in this tank.  Cutest things ever I spend way to much time just gawking at them  IMG_2574.jpeg.c6f2b59c0f4c67ffbc19744a56a80e91.jpeg

Laetacara curviceps- smiling acara all 200 babies still thriving  parents on a mission to populate the planet IMG_2486.jpeg.f42f7eb1d0ffba912d2562ff6a39163e.jpeg

Laetacara dorsigera red breast acara- I believe these are at the age now they are done breeding but you never know  

Apisto caucatoudes triple red trio- One mom just brought out another batch. Same as the curviceps populate the world 

Mikrogeophagus ramirizi -German Blue Rams  these are the F2 in my tanks.  Mom n dad were older and got into a tussle.  Neither faired well but trio of babies are spawning happily every few weeks  

Mikrogeophagus altispinosus Bolivian rams  - breeding colony of 6 babies all grown up and rehomed  they still are spawning constantly.

Rohanella titteya-cherry barbs and Pseudomugil gertrudae Aru ii

My psuedomugil luminatus now reside with my still breeding Badis Badis and my honey gourami  

Aspidora Spilotus still spawning non stop. 

Mom n dad longfin lemon blue eyed bristlenose pleco-  we had tragedy  my papa twisted and shot out of the cave  something in his guts twisted and within minutes his belly swelled to dark purple and he was gone in hours  I did find another make but he is young  I hope he is old enough mom does not get egg bound but just yesterday I saw one of papas little babies on the glass  

With them are my Melini corydora and Pygmy Cory  still laying eggs like there is no tomorrow.

My frogs still produce clouds of eggs  there was not a huge market on these so I do not collect and raise the babies anymore. 
Thats my happy prolific family and the breeding adventures I’m working on  morevphotos and videos to come  











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Amazing how many fry you’re producing in a relatively limited number of tanks compared to some.  Well done!

Have you considered trying panda garras -  Garra flavatra?  They are very popular right now and getting pretty good prices for them.  Really cute and really brave when little and will check out and skim across your hands while working in the tank.  I think they stay pretty bold as they get older but mine are only small right now.  They are also reported to eat BBA and only get to the length of an average cory with a more slender body.  I suspect the markings could be developed more with time and they would be even more popular.  Here’s one of my littles at a bit over 1” long right now.  I’ll be adding a few more to the 100 G nanofish tank.



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On 8/22/2024 at 5:32 PM, Guppysnail said:

Mom n dad longfin lemon blue eyed bristlenose pleco-  we had tragedy  my papa twisted and shot out of the cave  something in his guts twisted and within minutes his belly swelled to dark purple and he was gone in hours

Sorry to hear about that 😪  he was a cute. Especially the way he’d take the brine shrimp.

the room looks fantastic! You’ll have a lot of fun in there. Lot of work too, but it all goes together 

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I agree with @Odd Duck about Panda Garras being a good recommendation. 

I would like to share a few notes from my personal experience:

Note: I only have experience with 1 panda garra, it's possible some of these things are not true in groups.

My Albino cories are over 2 years old at this point and have pretty much hit full size at just over 2in, my Panda Garra has pretty much maxed out at a little over 3in.

My Panda Garra is generally peaceful, but will sometimes chase after similarly colored fish like my Tuxedo platy, or other bottom dwellers like my Albino Corydoras. (never doing any damage but he will chase they around)

Coloration wise mine is very bland, there are visible yellow stripes and red fins, but they are rather muted. I attribute this to having a lone Male, but I don't know that for sure.

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On 8/23/2024 at 6:43 AM, Odd Duck said:

Amazing how many fry you’re producing in a relatively limited number of tanks compared to some.  Well done!

Have you considered trying panda garras -  Garra flavatra?  They are very popular right now and getting pretty good prices for them.  Really cute and really brave when little and will check out and skim across your hands while working in the tank.  I think they stay pretty bold as they get older but mine are only small right now.  They are also reported to eat BBA and only get to the length of an average cory with a more slender body.  I suspect the markings could be developed more with time and they would be even more popular.  Here’s one of my littles at a bit over 1” long right now.  I’ll be adding a few more to the 100 G nanofish tank.



I think they are not breedeable in home aquariums, all I read was some team of fish scientists with large large river system like tanks managed to maybe breed them, with hormones included

Alas, I have seven, their group behavior is even better, they tried to eat me the last time I put my hand in the tank and they are shrimp safe. Lovely fish indeed

The markings are all the same on each fish in my opinion, here are some quickly taken pictures of mine. Also, notice the bba :))



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On 8/23/2024 at 8:34 AM, beastie said:

I think they are not breedeable in home aquariums, all I read was some team of fish scientists with large large river system like tanks managed to maybe breed them, with hormones included

I believe Steenfott Aquatics on YT has bred these, he said he used cold water changes and FD tubifex worms to get them to breed.


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On 8/23/2024 at 12:43 AM, Odd Duck said:

Amazing how many fry you’re producing in a relatively limited number of tanks compared to some.  Well done!

I thank other nerms for this.  Though I’ve been keeping fish most of my life I only really know what I have first hand experience with.  
Thanks to all the fabulous forum and club members, I now have a collective knowledge base of thousands of years experience to draw on.  

I approach every new fish as if I know nothing. I read every first hand account from forum members I can find.  I reach out to folks and find out what worked and what did not so I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel with each new fish. 

Many of the fish I’m trying are due to accounts of our great forum members.  

@Desktop Aquatics and their awesome ivannacara bimaculata and @Fish Folk passion for shiners and natives and so many more. 

I can say left to my own trial and error my journey would be much slower and wrought with many pitfalls others have already navigated. 

THANKS NERMS…your shared knowledge is a boon!

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I hooked my speakers up recently. I’m so used to wearing headphones so I don’t disturb my husbands perpetual news watching. My videos are usually silent or narrated by my cat. 
I realize now I have background music 🎶 on the video 🤣

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On 8/23/2024 at 9:30 AM, Guppysnail said:

I thank other nerms for this.  Though I’ve been keeping fish most of my life I only really know what I have first hand experience with.  
Thanks to all the fabulous forum and club members, I now have a collective knowledge base of thousands of years experience to draw on.  

I approach every new fish as if I know nothing. I read every first hand account from forum members I can find.  I reach out to folks and find out what worked and what did not so I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel with each new fish. 

Many of the fish I’m trying are due to accounts of our great forum members.  

@Desktop Aquatics and their awesome ivannacara bimaculata and @Fish Folk passion for shiners and natives and so many more. 

I can say left to my own trial and error my journey would be much slower and wrought with many pitfalls others have already navigated. 

THANKS NERMS…your shared knowledge is a boon!

Reading and asking for tips is a great start, but it takes serious dedication and determination to get that many species to breed and to raise young successfully!

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You definitely have a knack for baby fish.

I'll put in another vote for panda garra, I love mine. He's always out and about, peaceful with shrimp and baby endlers, and will happily graze my arm when I put it in the tank. Mine was sold marked as "tank bred"

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  • 3 weeks later...

I’m going to try and start posting about what’s going on in my fishroom. With Keystone Cladh coming up I’m packed to the gills with babies that keep me crazy busy. 
This is my favorite tank. Mom n Dad (RIP) longfin lemon bristlenose pleco.  A few month ago Dad injured internal organs and passed. I got another boy from a friend.  Is is mature and has bristles but only half moms size and shows no interest in cleaning a cave even though mom is ready to spawn. 
Melini corydora who are determined to populate the world. So many survive in the parent tank. Pygmy cory They also have their fair share of community survivors. Celestial pearl danios. Most fry dont survive but I collect and hatch out roughly 100 once or twice a year.  Neocaridina of course.  


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This is the Bolivian ram tank. There are 6 and they spawn constantly.  I’m girl heavy so on several occasions two girls pair up and spawn together on a rock and guard it until the eggs fungus. When I want fry I siphon them off one of the pairs fry pile. So far none survive in the community.

The cherry barbs are dithers.  I’m hoping they eventually spawn where eggs fall in the egg collection dish.  I also have a group of Psuedomugil getrudae in here. They are an older group from a friend. I do hope to eventually get an egg or two but they are mostly past breeding age. And of course neicaridina   The Bolivians are more active towards evening swimming around as a group  I love these guys  


Ivanacara bimaculata tank. These came to me from hard water. I’m still working on transitioning them to soft. This is their second spawn. The first I didn’t get to in time and this second I almost missed it. I was in time before the eggs all died and got just a few wigglers that hatched yesterday.

Rhese guys are so outgoing and friendly.  Normally my dwarf cichlids are not fond of bright light but these kids don’t seem to care. 
When she first dropped her breeding tube and it was red I got scared. Thank you @Desktop Aquatics explaining this is a phenotype in this fish. 


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Micropoecilia picta-swamp guppies.  These are darling. Guppies that only get an inch big 🤩

Sorry about all the bbs. I saw a newborn after I fed and wanted to get it on video. These newborn fry are the same size as standard guppy fry. They don’t have as many at one time though. There are several fry batches in here mostly still hiding. 


These girls are comical. These three are very pregnant and crabby so squabble constantly 🤣



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Oryzias latipes - Youkihi medaka ricefish

Begining of the video is fry. I just moved the parents to another tank with my Aspidora spilotus c125 and these are what hatched out. 
In the breeder net are Aphyosemion australe (second video) new hatches. Their fry are at the end of the second video. I have 20 or so, so far they like to hide. 

Sewelia lineolata. Hillstream loaches. This pair breeds like crazy. Every few weeks more tiny ones show up. I do nothing but feed the tank and change water. These are so crazy cute.  


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My Apisto agassizii. They were supposed to be a trio but once they grew up more I had 2 boys. 2nd boy got moved to my Epiplatys dageti (red chin panchax) tank. Once the agassizii spawned wat broke out with my beckfords pencil fish being chased out of the tank. So they went on vacation to the panchax tank also. My nerite snail went into the cave and trapped mom. This happened before to my caucatuoides so yes I know better but forgot the nerite was there. Stressed mom out and either her or the snail ate the eggs yesterday 😣


The panchax are serious egg producers. I only collected eggs once and got roughly 20 babies. I’ll upload the baby tank video tomorrow, YouTube says I have hit my daily upload limit 🤪




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On 9/18/2024 at 7:14 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Aw!! He’s so sweet!

Does Spooky like watching the fish?

No Boo could care less.  He is a mommas boy and only pays attention to me. He was fascinated with the Limia nigrofasciata but those were the only ones. He never paid attention to Spooky as his name but Boo Bear he does so we went with Boo. 

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