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Whitecloud09's 20g long aquarium journal

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I think you'd be fine to add another 3-4 anytime you want to. You seem to be pretty stable nowπŸ˜ƒ. then for the next batch, I've been impressed with the green neon. Joanna Adams sold my daughter 10 at aquashella. they're still going strong and have a lot of color

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On 8/26/2024 at 12:09 PM, Tony s said:

I think you'd be fine to add another 3-4 anytime you want to. You seem to be pretty stable nowπŸ˜ƒ. then for the next batch, I've been impressed with the green neon. Joanna Adams sold my daughter 10 at aquashella. they're still going strong and have a lot of color

Thanks! Struggling with algae, and plants etc. So will buy some next month, @Tony s That is awesome!Β 

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On 9/3/2024 at 12:55 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Think that sounds good

Any extra air source is great. But I'm sure you know, the one area they are horrible at is mechanical filtration. The new sicci shark that Jason was demonstrating looks really good and would do a great job of mechanical filtration for you. But no idea when it's coming out or what it costs. For now, an extra sponge would do the job

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On 9/3/2024 at 3:53 PM, Tony s said:

Any extra air source is great. But I'm sure you know, the one area they are horrible at is mechanical filtration. The new sicci shark that Jason was demonstrating looks really good and would do a great job of mechanical filtration for you. But no idea when it's coming out or what it costs. For now, an extra sponge would do the job

Yep saw that! I watched the vid. But for now I will go sponge. Thank you!

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Bad news, I only have 2 panda corydoras now........😭.

Yes I know, crazy. One died 2 weeks back, then the next had coumnaris or some bacterial infection, and then one died 2 days ago, and then one today, besides the one with the infection that passed they all looked normal. Now my two are not very active and do not eat much either. I am so confused...

Ammonia is a lil under .25 ppm. Very close to zero.Β 

Nitrite is 0.

Ph same.Β  7.5

hardness same.Β 

temp stable in between 75 and 76. @Colu, @Tony sΒ what is happening? Maybe a parasite in the tank. Idk, and I am very discouraged, the tank is getting super difficult to keep clean and maintain. BGA is showing up too.Β Β 

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Wow, so sorry to hear that. What treatments have you used on anything. Or did you lose them before you could treat? I know the Cory with fungus passed quickly. Did you use anything in the tank for that?

if you have blue green algae, that could cause you a whole range of problems. It has me. That’s what crashed my big tank when I treated for it. Luckily I had places for some fish to go. I still have it in a couple, but got fritz slime out in this week.

bga is capable of producing toxins as well, I believe.Β 

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On 9/7/2024 at 6:24 PM, Tony s said:

Wow, so sorry to hear that. What treatments have you used on anything. Or did you lose them before you could treat? I know the Cory with fungus passed quickly. Did you use anything in the tank for that?

if you have blue green algae, that could cause you a whole range of problems. It has me. That’s what crashed my big tank when I treated for it. Luckily I had places for some fish to go. I still have it in a couple, but got fritz slime out in this week.

bga is capable of producing toxins as well, I believe.Β 

Yes, I did one dose of Ich X, and the next day, the second fish (the one with the infection)Β passed. There is more and more and more and more and more every day of BGA. @Mmiller2001Β has been helping me, so i will ask him soon.

Should i Buy a filter for 5g and put them in there? But I am tighter on money rn so it would be a week or two. Since I put fish items not last but lower when it comes to actual needs if that makes any sense lol. @Tony s

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On 9/7/2024 at 8:15 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

I have kanaplex. So, should I do a full dose? thank you, I agree

Always use a full dose and duration for meds. Less than full meds causes antibiotic resistance. And it should also clear up your bgaΒ 

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On 9/7/2024 at 8:18 PM, Tony s said:

Less than full meds causes antibiotic resistance. And it should also clear up your bgaΒ 

Well that was ambiguous. Using meds will help your bga. Not using less than full meds … well, still ambiguous. I’m sure you get the point thoughΒ πŸ˜…

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Goodness, been a bit sorry guys!Β 

Update: tank is struggling, BGA and other annoying alages are taking over while my 2 not very active (but healthy) pandas are still in there. wed completed my 3 dose kanaplex week. Filters are doing their best, but I need to clean one of them soon. I have not checked water parameters in several days, but I do have one excuse lol. I am EXTREMELY busy during the month of September and October too. 😩.

Here is photos of my tank today. Going to check parameters today.







yeah looks rough.........

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  • 2 weeks later...

25% wc today. Cleaned glass plants gravel etc. My plan is to add fish and have tank stable by Early Jan. Then keep it more stable lol. But we will see! I need to check water parameters but Have forgotten like 20 times lol. The busy part of my year lol.


amazon sword IS COVERED in algae. A work in progress 😁

Hurricane Helene struck 1 AM and shut down power. Thank goodness for only an hour. People in florida had it very rough. Struck my house as a catergory 1 hurricane so not to bad. And i have a AC battery pump for my sponge filter so no problem for my 20g!!

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On 9/27/2024 at 6:23 PM, Tony s said:

That thing was incredibly fast moving which was good. Rain is already on us, and Southern Ohio is fighting the storm now. Usually, it takes days to get here

Yes 40 mph winds for us. 13 inches of rain too lol

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On 9/27/2024 at 6:34 PM, Tony s said:

But the good part, it was in and out quick I'm guessing. Would have been a whole lot worse with a slow-moving storm. Have never done a hurricane. Have gone through several tornadoes though.

Yes! Lasted like an hour or two. But the wind went on from 1 AM to 10 AM.Β 

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