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On 6/4/2024 at 12:40 PM, Odd Duck said:

You can try it but the more I think about it the less I think this is bacterial.  Just trying to be honest.  Either one of the foods you have would work for the metronidazole.

I’m currently fighting a cold so my brain may not be at peak.

I hope you feel better soon, and thanks for your help. I am not confident the fishy will eat the medicated food. She has negative buoyancy because her poor belly is so swollen. She either doesn’t notice, can’t get to easily, or has no interest in the flake food. I did get her to eat some frozen brine shrimp a day or so ago. I try not to feed her much (in quantity or frequency) as I don’t know how difficult it is for her to digest and defecate. 

I moved the other guy out because he became a little bit of a bully. ☹️

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You can put meds into the frozen brine shrimp as they thaw.  The brine shrimp will absorb at least a little bit of the meds.  I can’t remember the amount but I’m pretty sure I saw that online somewhere?

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Oh, and don’t feel bad about the kanamycin.  It’s listed in my exotic animal formulary as being absorbed from water (which it will be, a bit, just not from food) but it cites ZERO source studies about how much is absorbed or which species, etc!  And this is the BEST exotic animal formulary available.  I have 4 different exotic animal formularies from various sources I’ve purchased over the years and this is the only one that I buy the newest edition as soon as it’s available.  I now have all 5 editions of this one.  Never bought a new edition of any of the others.  This just shows how few studies are out there and how we sometimes have to resort to near flat out guesswork (educated guesses, of course 😝) when treating exotic animals.  Most especially fish where studies may have only been done on farmed fish or maybe game fish that are captive bred then released / restocked into waterways.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks @Odd Duck. After the 2 water changes (post-Kanaplex), the fishy perked up and was swimming all around the QT tote. 🙂  I decided to do one extra water change at the time of removing the carbon and polyfilter, suck up whatever carbon dust I saw, clean the sponge filter, and then let the fishy enjoy the clean water a little more. That was last night. 

Today I will dose the Maracyn 2. Nervous because it says the first day dose is 2 packets. Also nervous for my bacteria. I will make sure to use Prime and really get the air going in there.

I do want to treat red gill guy too with the Maracyn, but he was nipping at her so if I do it, he would have to be in the breeder box or something. I hate keeping fish in breeder boxes. They look so unhappy in them.

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Posted (edited)
On 6/6/2024 at 5:24 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I do want to treat red gill guy

Red gill guy has been moved back into this qt and, as predicted, is not pleased with the breeder box situation. It’s tough love, I suppose. Will dose packet 1 in about a half hour, wait an hour, then dose packet 2. An acclimation of sorts, but to meds instead of temp.

I did not treat last night, opting to rest the neon a little more.



You can see my bloated girl there in the breeder box pic as well.

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Air is kickin, and both doses of Maracyn 2 are in there. Red gill guy (I will call him Hank, and bloated girl I will call Onyx) has calmed down. Onyx is still swimming all around the tank, sightseeing and taking it well. Glad to see her active again, as she seemed depressed/uncomfortable/lethargic before in the kanaplex. Hank is just chillin, counting the days til he gets his get out of jail free card (5 days)

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Strangely, Onyx has colored up a little more. Her stripe is bolder. This usually happens when she rejoins her school. I expected the opposite because I know meds cause stress.

Her swimming is casual, and she seems content.

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Yes, I pretty much threw everything at the wall. I treated the tank with both maracyns at one point not only for one of the tetras but also for Punk. Had no effect on either of them. Your case might be different. I hope so!

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Posted (edited)

Both fishies seem the same. Last day of Maracyn 2 is tomorrow. No cycle crash has occurred yet whereas it would have already happened with regular Maracyn. Hopefully it will hold steady, but I have a nasty PFS I can toss into the QT tank if needed.

@nabokovfan87 had an extra tube of MetroPlex and was kind enough to send it along. Thank you so much!  I made the recipe this evening and will begin feeding tomorrow. I am doing this for Onyx’s bloating, but I wonder if this could help Hank’s red gill issue too?




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The fishies are off Maracyn 2. To tell you the truth, I don’t see any difference. Onyx is washed out; not a bit of black on her right now. But I hope to see some this afternoon, as I did a water change for her this morning. Hank is back in the other QT with his school. He isn’t nice to Onyx, and I can’t see forcing him to stay in the breeder box now that treatment is done. I’m extending the school’s QT anyway because there is a guy in there that doesn’t put on weight. May do a level 3 salt for them next, as level 2 did not resolve and Hank’s gill still needs treatment. But for now, I will let him rest and spend time with his friends.

The good news is that Onyx seemed excited about her breakfast, which is the medicated frozen brine shrimp with the Metro. Maybe the Metro will target the other kind of bacteria; the kind that is ailing her. She has been active too and has tolerated the treatment well.

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On 6/11/2024 at 7:24 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

The fishies are off Maracyn 2. To tell you the truth, I don’t see any difference.

Sorry to hear that, but I'm sadly not surprised. 


On 6/14/2024 at 4:30 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

feed garlic to fish

I think even @Odd Duck has cautioned against this. My understanding is that it's used as a last ditch effort to entice a fish to eat medicated food (probably because it attracts them) so you're not exactly feeding the garlic itself to them. 

The benefits are not entirely clear if there are more than just getting them to eat. 

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Too much garlic is known to potentially cause multiple different problems from liver failure to blood issues (in many different species including many different species of mammals and in some fish).  The problem is we don’t know exactly how much is too much for any particular species other than a few reports in food / farmed fish.  It’s the unknown that’s the kicker.  A little does seem to stimulate the appetite, but we don’t know what “a little” is to most tropical species.  Even in fairly well studied species like dogs and cats the “safe” amount is a range and is known to be different between the 2 species.

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Posted (edited)
On 6/1/2024 at 2:33 PM, Odd Duck said:

Combining it with metronidazole and that gives an even more broad spectrum coverage since metronidazole fills in a few gaps getting some bacteria that minocycline doesn’t

@Odd Duck how long should I feed the metro to the fishy? Been feeding since 6/10, once a day.

She’s doing well, by the way. I put another black neon in there and she likes hanging out with him. They are active and seem happy.

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On 6/21/2024 at 12:19 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Not sure what to do next. She should have a break from meds. 


Looking at the video I would consider humanly euthanizing her with clove oil or you can use koi sedate 

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On 6/21/2024 at 7:20 AM, Colu said:

Looking at the video I would consider humanly euthanizing her with clove oil or you can use koi sedate 

Given the data I found and lack of response to 3 or 4 medications, I unfortunately agree. I believe that even since beginning treatment she has grown larger, and if the illness continues to progress it will bring [more] suffering. She seems in good spirits now especially since having a buddy, but I would want to save her from that outcome. I despise euthanizing when a fish is energetic…

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On 6/21/2024 at 3:41 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Given the data I found and lack of response to 3 or 4 medications, I unfortunately agree. I believe that even since beginning treatment she has grown larger, and if the illness continues to progress it will bring [more] suffering. She seems in good spirits now especially since having a buddy, but I would want to save her from that outcome. I despise euthanizing when a fish is energetic…

It's never an easy decision to make you will no when the right time is to let her go

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On 6/20/2024 at 4:19 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Not sure what to do next. She should have a break from meds. 

I would definitely hold back everything for minimum 10 days, at most 14. If you don't see any changes or improvement then I don't think it's worth letting the fish suffer further. 😞 

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