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I have trained my guppies to eat from my hand and they don’t mind me lightly brushing them with my finger, and they brush against me too. I don’t know if this is safe for the guppies, please give advice, I want to pet them but if it is not safe i won’t 

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In general, it's not recommended to touch your pet fish with bare hands. Fish have a slime coat, that protects them from bacteria, parasites, and helps them swim. Touching can potentially remove this layer, making fish more susceptible to infections. 

However this is a big debate and it is up to you. I personally do not do it and I also wash my hands very well without soap before putting my hands in a tank. 

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Doing this sparingly is fine in my experience. 

I've got a flower horn that allows me to pet him. I only do it every now and then, and always gently. Never noticed an issue. 

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its not best for them as mentioned they have a slime coat that helps prevent infections etc. now having said that years ago i had a gar that always refused to get out of the way when i was cleaning and id have to grab him and move him, but i didnt go out of my way to do it.

Edited by lefty o
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On 4/22/2024 at 9:58 PM, mynameisnobody said:

@lefty o that’s insane. Gars do not play. This may be the best thing I’ve heard all week. Respect 

he was actually really cool with it, until you tried to pick him up out of the water, then the fight was on, and everything got wet.

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Should be fine but I wouldn't do it every single day for multiple times a day.  In the trout fly fishing community, we take extra precaution when handling fish- some more than others.  Precautions are taken during the de-hooking process after a catch, taking a photo with a fish and sometimes when stocking fish into rivers.  The protective slime coat is what most people aim to protect, but they also try to avoid touching their gills and over exposing the fish to air if removing from water.  One of the best ways to protect fish when handling is to wet your hand first prior to touching or picking it up.  Do not touch it with dry hands.

Trout are obviously a much different kind of fish than a guppy, however similar care would apply.  Also keep in mind this info is coming from a trout fisherman and not from a guppy handling expert haha but I figured I'd let you know how some people handle fish if they choose!

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My sunset honey Gourami's swim against me when I am doing maintenance and my hand is in the tank. I decided to see if they would let me pet them and they did. Then I put my hand in a cup shape and they took turns swimming in and out of my hand. It was really interesting, but not something I decided to make a habit out of because it isn't reomended. I don't think you are going to hurt your fish unless you are being rough, forcing it against its will, or have something toxic on your hands. It is your personal choice. 

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