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Does anyone have any idea what this is?

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Hey everybody, does anyone know what this stuff is? I’ve seen it growing for about a couple of weeks, but now it’s starting to creep me out. I’ve kept some serious tarantulas, yet whatever this is has me wanting to cut that piece of wood off and out. Any ideas? 




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After some digging, it appears to be black pellia. I am definitely not set on this, but it’s the closest I’ve gotten to describing it. Apparently it’s a very rare occurrence which occurs with deeply tannic wood. One of the rare instances, I’m glad I didn’t boil the wood. Here’s a side photo but my photo skills are terrible. It seems like it’s beginsgroing white, but soon becomes very dark. 


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And it grows, pretty quickly and is spreading throughout the same piece of wood. It looks like black coral. Just as a size reference, that’s a 4” rainbow and way in the background are 5” Denison barbs. First time, I wanted the fish to dive bomb the photo for size reference, but apparently they had an etiquette class earlier today. 




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