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Shrimp food

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I currently been using hikari shrimp cuisine and frozen San Francisco bay frozen foods but I can't find alot of shrimp food out there so I'm wondering what fish food is also good for neocaridina skittles. I'm about to have many babies and I wanted to maybe mix the foods and grind it for them . Please any tips on food much appreciated 


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My skittles neocaridina colony has been thriving and overpopulating in all of my tanks for about 5 years. I give them away by the dozens and have resorted to using them as feeders to try to control populations. I used to buy expensive shrimp food and such. I stopped buying shrimp food completely.  I found my shrimp thrive equally well on any decent fish food.  I crush flake to powder so it gets to new hatch shrimplettes wherever they are. 

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I've had good luck with shrimp envy and banquet blocks attracting shrimp.

Probably the most shrimp I've ever seen at once is when I add a mulberry leaf to the tank though. I'm lucky enough to have a few trees I can harvest from but I've seen some stores stock them with botanicals as well.

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Mine like Repashy foods. I usually mix Community Plus with either Super Green or Soilent Green. Just one of those foods would probably work good though. Its spendy but I don't buy it specifically for the shrimp. My bottom feeders get it and I give the shrimp treats. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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There are definitely some expensive shrimp foods out there. They do work great! Especially the powder Bacter AE... However, I've found the same as many others, just crush up a good quality fish food like Xtreme crave works just as well...:classic_laugh:

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I was about to buy the repashy soilent greens but I ended up buying bactra a . I was going to buy shrimp baby but glassgarten is so pricy even shrimp king is pricy and I'm really not looking to breed alot either but just have a low stock for pleasure.  I just started this journey.  I added cholla wood from my betta tank to my shrimp tank because for some reason it was full of biofilm and shrimp went and ate it up.  

So I have a 3 gallon with 20 shrimp and 2 pregnant shrimp so how much bactre a should I add ? A pinch to create bio film or how much ?

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@lighting13  It's kind of hard to say how much to add to a 3 gal.🤔.. It's actually hard to describe how much I add every other day in my 6 gal. :classic_laugh:  I'd call it just a 1/4 of the little scoop that comes with it. I've got a lot of shrimp, snails and plants,.. so food gets consumed fast...There are a couple of You-Tube videos I've come across that fellow hobbyist descibe what they do in different tanks. It's amazing how much info you can find these days! :classic_biggrin:


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I recently saw a video on YouTube (though I’m not sure which channel. Maybe keeping fish simple?) where an experienced shrimp keeper said his focus wasn’t on propagating shrimp, it was on propagating biofilm. Like you mentioned wood can be a great source of biofilm as can leaves. The leaves that come to mind are mulberry like @wuht mentioned, oak leaves, Indian almond/cattapa leaf, and magnolia leaves, all of which would also add varying amounts of tannins into the water. 

In the video I mentioned the shrimp breeder didn’t clean the sides of his tanks and in some of the caridina tanks the walls were absolutely covered with babies, so that may be another route to consider. If I remember right he also said he just doesn’t feed colonies until they get to around 100 shrimp. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll see if I can turn that video up. 

Good luck with your shrimp!

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This might be helpful:

I've used anything and everything under the sun for shrimp.  For neocaridina I would opt for having whatever your normal food is in addition to one mineral based food.  Keep a GH/KH test kit handy as well, but beyond that shrimp eat a variety of foods.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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Yes. Mr gibisson i would incase i past that video.  I think I've seen over 50 videos since I started over a month ago but still run into problems. I just feel like sometimes there is not enough in depth data on these lil shrimp. I was just thinking hey I should probably get alge wafers for a bottom feeder so my shrimp can eat some.  I currently lost a lot of my alge when the last pair I had died and the water was no good so started fresh.  I recently lost 2 shrimp out of the 20 I got Jan 31th . 

Ok so my water parameters are tested from api master freshwater 

Ph was purple so I think 8.4 up

Ammonia 0

Nitrites 0

Nitrates 0 even tho I use leaf zone for my java moss and hornewort 1.5 ml 3 gallon weekly

My tap water is naturally hard so gh is at 300 

I tested it for a week straight everyday at around same time.  My tank is cycled because ammonia dose not spike if I leave food in tank. 


I use cappta leaves /cholla wood/ gravel and hornewort with Java moss . I use stability and prime from seachum with leaf zone and stress zyme from api.  

I did drip acclimate them for hours but can't tell you how long exactly 


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On 2/4/2024 at 10:52 PM, MrGibson said:

I’ll dig around YouTube for that video and report back if I find it 🙂

Found it! The video is primarily talking about caridina shrimp like crystal reds but aside from water parameter things I think everything should be transferable. His philosophies on feeding will certainly impact my shrimp keeping when I’m able to get started again. 


Hope this helps! 

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Mine really love the Xtreme shrimp sticks and will even fight over them. I have a nano banquet block in there right now and while they ate some of it the first day in there, they haven't touched it that I've seen since. I might take it out of there tomorrow if I still don't see anyone on it. They really like to snack on the mix I have for the fish (a few different foods in a pepper grinder) when it gets caught on the floating plants sometimes.

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I have cherry shrimp in 3 of my 5 tanks (one of which is a shrimp only tank that I use as my shrimp breeder tank). I don't feed a "shrimp specific" food for mine. The ones with fish in them are fed xtreme nano pellets and/or xtreme krill flake. The breeder tank doesn't get fed that often and they thrive off the stuff growing inside. It's heavily planted with anacharis. 

Judging by the wide range of comments, I think you can get by with feeding them almost anything.

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Nice.  I been shopping on Amazon for shrimp food and looking specifically for lollies but only see glassgarten which I think are pricy . 

I did need to ask a question that's been on my mind is the calcuim and Magnesium a issue in my tank even tho I have natrual hard water  which means I have enough natrual minerals in my tank correct ??? 

I added sungrown rocks tob tank

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