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Easy root tabs question

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I have a question about root tabs. I am currently looking into Pearl weed live plant on AC and I have had this Q a while, can I still suck up the gravel and put root tabs in the gravel? 

 Basically I was just wondering if I could still siphon out the waste and keep putting root tabs in the aquarium. Any advice, of course is accepted! 🙂thanks 

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On 2/1/2024 at 7:44 PM, Tony s said:

I like to help people if I can

Yes! Hey have a Q that needs to be answered right now! Can I add dechloranater (stress coat) to each gallon of water. I am doing 5 gallons of water for the change. Cycle just finished. Help. Like can I do the dose of 5 ml of water for each gallon of water? @Tony s

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That one I'm not sure on. I use well water run through an RO system. nothing at all in my water. good or bad, just a blank slate. I do know you have a bit of time to add the dechlorinator. takes about an hour and a half to kill bacteria, let alone the fish. as for how much, no idea

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On 2/1/2024 at 7:53 PM, Tony s said:

That one I'm not sure on. I use well water run through an RO system. nothing at all in my water. good or bad, just a blank slate. I do know you have a bit of time to add the dechlorinator. takes about an hour and a half to kill bacteria, let alone the fish. as for how much, no idea

So I am prob good. I will add the dosage of the water in tank to first gallon and add tap water rest of the way. That should work….😅

Still actually helped btw! Now I can add the water without stressing

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/1/2024 at 7:47 PM, Bigdog99 said:

Yes! Hey have a Q that needs to be answered right now! Can I add dechloranater (stress coat) to each gallon of water. I am doing 5 gallons of water for the change. Cycle just finished. Help. Like can I do the dose of 5 ml of water for each gallon of water? @Tony s

I always just added it to the water in the tank before I added fish and in my bucket for water change

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On 2/24/2024 at 10:47 PM, johnnyxxl said:

I always just added it to the water in the tank before I added fish and in my bucket for water change

Yes I have thought about that but went with a 5 gal bucket and dechloranated it and then used a funnel to pour into a clean 1g bucket ata time

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I have another root tab question- I got a pack of ACO root tabs and placed 6 tabs in my 20G tall. I have gravel substrate; 4 young pogostemon stellatus octopus and 1 thriving water wisteria (and a ton of amazon frogbit).  I noticed about 2 weeks later, I now have a big ammonia/nitrite spike, noticed it first with test strip and confirmed with my API master kit. Never had a problem with ammonia/nitrites before.  Fortunately, fish look ok. 

- I was wondering if the spike could be related to using the root tabs? I saw a tip in one of the youtube videos to poke a small hole and squeeze out the air in the root tab capsule underwater before placing in substrate so they don't float. I did see a little bit of material come out during that process so not sure if they also contributed. 

- Should I dig out the root tabs or could that make things worse?



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Hello, I have not seen an issue with root tabs specifically made for aquariums (non-osmocote based, such as aquarium co op, nilocG thrive, our seachem flourish) causing ammonia or nitrite spikes in my aquariums. I do see nitrate levels increase for a week or so, which I believe is because some of the fertilizer gets into the water column. If you only put 6 in a 20 gallon, I would look for another reason for the spike, and change water frequently (I would do 50% every other day) while you are seeing the elevations until you figure out what is causing it.

I would not remove the tabs if it were me. You may make things worse by stirring up substrate.

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On 2/1/2024 at 7:47 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Yes! Hey have a Q that needs to be answered right now! Can I add dechloranater (stress coat) to each gallon of water. I am doing 5 gallons of water for the change. Cycle just finished. Help. Like can I do the dose of 5 ml of water for each gallon of water? @Tony s

I use a 3g bucket to fill my 29g tank and I’ve always just added the drops per gallon to each bucket as I’m filling . Then transfer it to the tank. Never had an issue doing it this way

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On 2/29/2024 at 7:57 AM, FLFishChik said:

I use a 3g bucket to fill my 29g tank and I’ve always just added the drops per gallon to each bucket as I’m filling . Then transfer it to the tank. Never had an issue doing it this way

Ok that is a good idea, but what do u mean by “drops per gallon”?  




Totally MESSED up the editing! Oh man!!! 😭😂

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On 2/29/2024 at 9:19 AM, Whitecloud09 said:

Ok that is a good idea, but what do u mean by “drops per gallon”?  

Totally MESSED up the editing! Oh man!!! 😭😂

I use Prime and it’s 2 drops per gallon. So I add 6 drops to my 3g bucket.

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On 2/29/2024 at 10:19 AM, FLFishChik said:

So I add 6 drops to my 3g bucket.

Do you do that thing where you add the drops to an empty bucket, and count the drop sounds, not the actual droplets out of the bottle? 😛

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Yeah root tabs shouldn’t contribute to ammonia/nitrite spike. Before I poked holes and squeezed air out of em they would occasionally pop up and leave the white gel looking stuff on the substrate. But I never had them affect water quality, maybe a tad nitrate but never anything else 🙂 I wouldn’t dig them up because it’ll make a huge mess that I promise you don’t want😂

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On 2/29/2024 at 5:50 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

Yeah root tabs shouldn’t contribute to ammonia/nitrite spike. Before I poked holes and squeezed air out of em they would occasionally pop up and leave the white gel looking stuff on the substrate. But I never had them affect water quality, maybe a tad nitrate but never anything else 🙂 I wouldn’t dig them up because it’ll make a huge mess that I promise you don’t want😂

Yeah that’s fine nitrates are low anyway. Thanks for the info!


On 2/29/2024 at 1:38 PM, Jeff said:

I would recommend to not gravel vac your substrate in a planted tank. Fish poop and mulm is great food for your plants. 

Ok will NOT  do, thx @Jeff!

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