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Maracyn Treatment Recommendations


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I recognized that my platys were dealing with a bacterial infection. I know that the Aquarium Co-Op website talks about ignoring the box instructions and following the post instead. However, I'm confused if those instructions would differ because I'm treating with just Maracyn.


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I embarrassingly discovered I had only one dose of Maracyn after putting it in the tank. I ordered more from the Co-Op but that will take a bit to get here. Any recommendations as of what to do? One platy has a bulged eye and they are staying at the top of the water so I would love to treat it as soon as possible. I’ve looked for the med at all the local stores and they don’t carry it in stock at the brick and mortar locations.

I do also have shrimp and snails in the tanks as well.

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The platy that is sickest has a bulging right eye, has been rubbing against some wood, and is hiding at the top of the water in the corner of the tank. From what I have read the bulging eye is most likely because of a bacterial infection. As per scratching, I have read most likely parasites. There are no signature Ick dots to be seen on any of them. All the platys have had some white very thin stringy "poop". It is different than real poop because both types can be seen coming out on the same day. I did get a sample of the stringy poop and placed it in a shot glass to see movement. None was seen.

Before I proceed I'm wondering if I should treat them with the trio instead of just the Maracyn. As a fairly new person to the hobby, I'm new enough not to be able to identify specific illnesses.

Finally, I have taken great care with this tank. I keep it clean, test water parameters (including oxygen levels), do weekly water changes, feed different types of high-quality food, etc. Is this a symptom I'm doing something wrong or does this happen even with the greatest care possible?

On 12/16/2023 at 5:28 AM, quikv6 said:

API brand, E.M. Erythromycin





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Popeye can be caused by a number of things. such as an injury to the eye. a bacterial infections. a growth behind the eye poor. water quality. what I would do is add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons. For a week. that will help reduce fluid buildup in the eye. and do a course of maracyn just in case there's a bacterial component. I would check your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH temperature just case something off @schmofam

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On 12/16/2023 at 3:22 PM, Colu said:

do is add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons. For a week. that will help reduce fluid buildup in the eye

I have two snails and cherry shrimp so that isn’t possible. I’m wondering if the best course of action is to do the treatment of Maracyn and follow it up with Parascleanse if no improvement.

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On 12/17/2023 at 11:38 PM, schmofam said:

I have two snails and cherry shrimp so that isn’t possible. I’m wondering if the best course of action is to do the treatment of Maracyn and follow it up with Parascleanse if no improvement.

If you can't add aquarium salt what I would do is  a course of maracyn and then monitor for another week to see if the eye starts to improve it can take to full courses of maracyn back to back 

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On 12/17/2023 at 5:02 PM, Colu said:

If you can't add aquarium salt what I would do is  a course of maracyn and then monitor for another week to see if the eye starts to improve it can take to full courses of maracyn back to back 

Do you have any thoughts on doing a course on Icx-X first after the Maracyn? I haven't seen any improvement after this first course and the fish is also doing a lot of flashing.

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On 12/21/2023 at 4:05 PM, Colu said:

second course of maracyn and add a low dose of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons that won't harm your shrimp or snails

I did a second course with no luck. I'm going to now use the Ich-X and ParaCleanse as prescribed in the trio instructions (1 packet of ParaCleanse, and 1 U.S. teaspoon of Ich-X for every 10 gallons of aquarium water.)  as I don't know what kind of parasite they might have. Any other thoughts/ideas?

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On 12/28/2023 at 10:31 PM, schmofam said:

I did a second course with no luck. I'm going to now use the Ich-X and ParaCleanse as prescribed in the trio instructions (1 packet of ParaCleanse, and 1 U.S. teaspoon of Ich-X for every 10 gallons of aquarium water.)  as I don't know what kind of parasite they might have. Any other thoughts/ideas?

It could be permanent damage to the eye. that's why your not seeing any improvement. Ick X won't have much if any effect of the eye issue paracleanse one of its active ingredient metronidazole effective against aeromonas that's a gram negative bacteria what I would do as long if it's eating ok and active I would just maintain stable water parameters and give it  some time for the inflammation to go down it can take weeks for an injury to the eye to start to heal depending on the cause 

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On 12/28/2023 at 8:33 PM, Colu said:

I would do as long if it's eating ok and active

No, it’s been hiding and barely moving, clearly acting sick. Another platy acted the same as him minus the eye and died about three weeks ago. The third platy I have is acting a little healthier but still show signs of being off somehow. I had hoped the Maracyn would take care of that behavior as well but it didn’t.




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On 12/29/2023 at 5:40 AM, schmofam said:

No, it’s been hiding and barely moving, clearly acting sick. Another platy acted the same as him minus the eye and died about three weeks ago. The third platy I have is acting a little healthier but still show signs of being off somehow. I had hoped the Maracyn would take care of that behavior as well but it didn’t.




You might need an antibiotic treatment with a different active ingredient such as kanaplex  maracyn2 or API fin and body cure which every one is more readily available 

Edited by Colu
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/29/2023 at 4:22 AM, Colu said:

API fin and body cure

It's strange, the eye got better, he started swimming around more and then these past few days began gasping. Now he's laying on the bottom of the tank. I think he will be dead within the next day or so. I did do a course on Parascleanse since I saw suspicious stool too with both platys. I just started the API fin and body cure, though I think that's a lost cause for this fish at this time. I'm now trying to make sure the other platy and guppies are free from illness.

In any case, thanks for your help and advice. I've done my best at taking care of this tank and that's all I can do. On the positive side my other guppies, snails, and especially Cherry Shrimp and healthy and breeding. I count around 20 babies right now.

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On 1/7/2024 at 7:54 PM, schmofam said:

It's strange, the eye got better, he started swimming around more and then these past few days began gasping. Now he's laying on the bottom of the tank. I think he will be dead within the next day or so. I did do a course on Parascleanse since I saw suspicious stool too with both platys. I just started the API fin and body cure, though I think that's a lost cause for this fish at this time. I'm now trying to make sure the other platy and guppies are free from illness.

In any case, thanks for your help and advice. I've done my best at taking care of this tank and that's all I can do. On the positive side my other guppies, snails, and especially Cherry Shrimp and healthy and breeding. I count around 20 babies right now.

Sorry for your loss there Could have been some underlying disease weakening him and the Popeye was a symptom of that you did everything you could i would just monitor your other fish closely for next couple of weeks 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/7/2024 at 3:55 PM, Colu said:

Sorry for your loss there Could have been some underlying disease weakening him and the Popeye was a symptom of that you did everything you could i would just monitor your other fish closely for next couple of weeks 

The last platy seemed to get better, but now it is dying. Super strange. My other three guppies and 10 tetras are and have been acting healthy. I have had a few shrimp die and I think it probably was that I did have a small rise in Nitrites during my last med treatment ( probably around. 1ppm). It's now back down to 0.

I'm still doing weekly water changes and my params are:
PH 7.2
Nitrates ~25
Nitrites 0
temp 77
copper 0
iron 0
ammonia 0

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On 1/30/2024 at 7:48 PM, schmofam said:

The last platy seemed to get better, but now it is dying. Super strange. My other three guppies and 10 tetras are and have been acting healthy. I have had a few shrimp die and I think it probably was that I did have a small rise in Nitrites during my last med treatment ( probably around. 1ppm). It's now back down to 0.

I'm still doing weekly water changes and my params are:
PH 7.2
Nitrates ~25
Nitrites 0
temp 77
copper 0
iron 0
ammonia 0

What's your KH and GH 

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On 1/30/2024 at 10:17 PM, schmofam said:

KH is very low ~10ppm. I have a bag of crushed coral hidden to boost it but that didn't do much
GH is ~130ppm

Your KH is to low for guppies and platys that's more than likely causing issues you have been seeing you would want to get your to KH 140ppm you want to add 1pound of crushed coral per 10 gallons to your substrate or in a media bag in your filter to raise your KH or you can use aragonite sand to raise your KH 

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