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On 12/27/2023 at 4:47 PM, GoofyGarra said:

went to LFS #2 today, they are bigger with more selection but also more expensive and harder to get to so i dont go to that store as often as i go to my other LFS, but i was in the area and figured id check it out.

small update, went back yesterday as well. The store had been open for 5 hours since i was last there so nothing new to take pictures of (the store has a saltwater section i just didnt hang out there or take any pictures). I was talking to the employees there and they were pretty knowledgeable which was nice, i asked one about getting a panda garra group and he said to keep it at one, so i think ill follow that advice.

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Fed out BBS after a water change this morning, the fish are very excited.


The guppy fry got BBS too, they are growing fast and are much easier to take pictures of now. I  have their tank on a "feed heavy, change heavy" mentality which is basically EI plant dosing for fish. I feed real heavy throughout the week then do a 50-%70 water change on sundays. It seems to be working so far, the guppy fry are growing fast and as are the shrimplets. The guppy fry have started developings bits of coloration but nothing major yet. The school is on break right now so i cant see the tank, but once i can check in the tank again ill decide what will happen with the guppy fry. If the 1 female in the tank got harrassed too much and died, then i will keep any of the fry that are female and move any males into the tank. If the female is still alive then i will keep any fry that are male and move any female fry into the tank. I have the date when the female last gave birth so when it starts to get close to day 25 i will move her into a breeder box so we can raise up the fry at school, i think the students would like watching that process.



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On 12/31/2023 at 9:14 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Very nice the students can observe/help raise the fry. Maybe the teacher can offer extra credit to students who participate in feeding and water changes for the fry.

I can suggest it, but really i feel like that could just lead to trouble if someone overfeeds or forgets dechlorinator or things like that. I'd probably have  to give anyone interested an  "aquarium basics" talk.

Right now the fry are sitting in my tanks, im talking about further batches.

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fed out some grindal worms this morning. The platies and mosquitofish were very excited. The guppy fry are barely big enough to eat grindal worms but try really hard and sometimes succeed and it is adorable to watch. I got a grindal worm culture from @Guppysnailwhen i got shrimp and isopods from her, i just havent mentioned them that much.



I also got some plant weights from my LFS and put together a bunch of hornwort which i put right next to my sponge filter, hopefully it will grow in and fill up that area of the tank so i have more texture there then my background.



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I really need to buy like a 1000 ct bag of plant weights... I always find uses for them, even if it's just weighing down food that wants to float or something. Definitely a tool that I'm constantly finding myself needing! Like pipettes, lol.

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On 1/1/2024 at 9:30 AM, GoofyGarra said:

I got a grindal worm culture from @Guppysnailwhen i got shrimp and isopods from her, i just havent mentioned them that much

Me too! My little ember tetras love them, sometimes a worm wiggles out of the fish gills. The betta loves them too. I started feeding flake food to all my worms. It is easy and they love it. I use the pipette to moisten the flakes a little bit.

On 1/1/2024 at 9:52 AM, Chris said:

I really need to buy like a 1000 ct bag of plant weights... I always find uses for them, even if it's just weighing down food that wants to float or something. Definitely a tool that I'm constantly finding myself needing! Like pipettes, lol.


Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 1/1/2024 at 9:52 AM, Chris said:

I really need to buy like a 1000 ct bag of plant weights... I always find uses for them, even if it's just weighing down food that wants to float or something. Definitely a tool that I'm constantly finding myself needing! Like pipettes, lol.

yeah, same. I fortunately got some free from my LFS to use for plants but might need to get some more to weigh down some zucchini for my pleco and mystery snail.

On 1/1/2024 at 11:10 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Me too! My little ember tetras love them, sometimes a worm wiggles out of the fish gills. The betta loves them too. I started feeding flake food to all my worms. It is easy and they love it. I use the pipette to moisten the flakes a little bit.

I get better harvest rates when i use krill flake but i prefer just to use xtreme bottom wafers because one wafer can last me a week and i dont have to constantly replenish the food supply

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On 1/1/2024 at 2:29 PM, GoofyGarra said:

yeah, same. I fortunately got some free from my LFS to use for plants but might need to get some more to weigh down some zucchini for my pleco and mystery snail.

I get better harvest rates when i use krill flake but i prefer just to use xtreme bottom wafers because one wafer can last me a week and i dont have to constantly replenish the food supply

That’s cool. My friend ordered MEGA SIZE tetra flakes, on BOGO!! She has so much food, so she shared some and that’s what I’ve been using. 

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Im trying to feed my tank less prepared foods and more live and fresh foods, mostly from a cost perspective but also because i believe it is beneficial.

 Last night I thawed some spinach and made a clump with a plant weight then put that in my tank, this morning i noticed Garra Guy and Vulcan  hanging around the spinach munching on it



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On 1/2/2024 at 10:07 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Especially noticing the ACO stickers on the rack 😂

i have quite the collection... On the laptop im typing on right now i have the Betta, Odessa Barb, Goldfish, Killifish, Nermy, Cardinal Tetra, and Cherry shrimp.

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On 1/2/2024 at 4:22 PM, GoofyGarra said:

i have quite the collection... On the laptop im typing on right now i have the Betta, Odessa Barb, Goldfish, Killifish, Nermy, Cardinal Tetra, and Cherry shrimp.

Not bad! I’ve only got the Murphy one which I’ve put on my ski helmet. 😅

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Ok a few little things.

This morning Vulcan was at his favorite spot in the tank. Ive noticed that he is very peaceful, until someone comes near his spot, then he comes out and gets in the other fishes' way and flares his odontodes until they leave his territory, that being said is territory is maybe a 4in cube around his favorite resting spot, so i dont think it will be a problem.

Also spotted some face bumps starting to grow on Vulcan, so probably male.

Vulcan in his favorite spot, bonus points if you can find him.


The hornwort i put in the back of the tank has started filling in, i think in another week or two that area will be full of plants.That will look good and also be good cover for platy fry


Ive started removing snails from the 5gallon. While the hydra didnt bother the shrimplets when they were small, now that they are much bigger ive noticed hydra trying to attack shrimplets which i dont want. Im removing snails so i can dose with No-Planaria which in my experiences is effective against hydra. When it comes to pest snails i like mini-ramshorns but not bladders, as these are mostly bladders im not really trying to save them, i just dont want to cause an ammonia spike from a die-off


Ive also concluded that my 2gallon is too small for fish. So i want to try live blackworms. The biorings will go to a friend in a few days, and im unsure the matten filter will work, but thats the plan for this tank.


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Fed some blanched zuchini today, Vulcan and the shrimp are big fans. I used a plant weight to hold down Vulcan's pieces, and we used a wooden chopstick for the shrimptank (it didnt really work though). Vulcan while warming up to me, unfortunately can be skittish when i try and photograph, so pictures of him eating are difficult.



Note to self: Feed shrimp zucchini more often, they love it:


Though some of them were more interested in the chopstick then the zucchini...




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Posted (edited)

ok, there has been a small change in plans.

I was going to use the 2gallon for blackworms, but i noticed a pineconing platy today and that was much more urgent.

I have dosed a small amount of salt just as a small medication but am not sure what to do. I have the med trio on hand. Unfortunately i forgot the heater was off in the tank when i put the fish in so i think i temperature shocked the poor thing too. Here is a picture, what do i do?




In the middle of a WC right now, family member decided the best time to shower was while my tank is half full, cutting off my water source, im waiting for them to finish so i can refill my tank.

I also have some fish goals for 2024, mostly about stocking:

  1. Reduce platy numbers to less then ten
  2. Reduce cory numbers to less then ten
  3. Reduce mini ramshorn snails to less then ten

Also got a picture of Vulcan showing off his odontodes:


Edited by GoofyGarra
Added pleco picture
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When you start to see  pineconing that can be caused by a number of things organ failure parasitic infections internal bacterial infections. the most effective treatment I have found is aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help reduce fluid buildup a broad spectrum antibiotic in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days you can use as you have it to hand maracyn and metronidazole to treat the tank you could dose the tank with paracleanse one of the active ingredients is metronidazole as you have it to hand @GoofyGarra


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Went to my LFS and got some plants, did not get any pictures because they were very busy and i did not want to hold up the aisles.

I bought some moss and the guy put a small plant in the bag as well (for free), any idea what it is? Im thinking its a tiny crypt in which case if i can get it growing i saved tons of money as its a big bunch of plants and i got it for free with the purchase of the moss



Mystery plant:


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Im moving the guppy fry i had living in my 5gallon back to the school tank, they are big enough to live with their parents and i want to focus more on the shrimp. However, in the process of catching out the guppies, i ended up with 2 shrimplets in the bag, so they are going into the school tank too.

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ok, in a stressful moment in life right now and trying to destress with aquariums but they are causing me even more stress.

Sick fish,  Blue green cynobacteria (or algae), hydra, overstocked aquarium, its a lot to deal with. I want to do more planting, but i need to rehome many fish before because otherwise i will undo all my hard work.

On a side note, Maracyn+Easy Flow kit: Lots and Lots of bubbles


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Ok, some stuff happening.

Pineconing platy has been treated with maracyn and salt, she does not appear to be improving (i could not find paracleanse...) That being said i only dosed maracyn yesterday so there is still room for improvement.


I want to move out most of the fish to the LFS today. Ill be keeping Garra Guy, Vulcan, 10 Albino Cories, 1m platy and 5-10 females. That being said i have to wait for my LFS to open to call and ask if i can bring in fish, which is inconvenient as i like to do my water changes in the mornings, and its easier to catch out fish with the water level low.


 Side note: I only intend to end up with 6 albino cories, i am keeping 10 today as im selling 4 to somebody tommorow

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