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Bottom tank ideas


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I have a rack with three tanks (and a 55 not shown). Top tank is Ziggy the Betta and middle is a shrimp & snail tank. The bottom tank (20 long) is currently being used for temporary plant storage. I'd like to scape and populate it, but I'm trying to decide what combination of planting substrate and fish would make for the best viewing. Silly, maybe, but since it's empty now, I might as well dream. Most good planting substrate is dark, which would lend itself to lighter fish, but I also like the look of the shell dweller and other cichlid tanks with lighter substrates. Suggestions? Should I do a planted tank or not? What would you put in a bottom tank? 




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I find bottom tanks are great for confident fish. For me any shy fish struggle on the bottom row, but a lot of live bearers, bristlenose plecos,  schools of tetras or white clouds thrive down low.

I am always a fan of planted tanks, but also a huge fan of shellies so mine just have java moss that they move around all the time .🙂 If you don't have shellies in your fishroom, you could definitely do a lot worse than a 20G full of Multies! I originally started with 5 and have given hundreds away over the years and would never go without my colony of little rascals

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@ChefConfit, I agree, now that I have one down there, I would keep it as a place for a temporary issues tank. or just keep supplies, I essentially have to lie down to see into the tank for any period of time. Right now I am using it to grow out some fry but it's still a hassle being that low.

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2 hours ago, Marc said:


 I essentially have to lie down to see into the tank for any period of time. 

Hehe, I forget how different we all are. I actually spend quite a lot of time laying on the fishroom floor watching a bottom row tank while listening to a coop live stream. Yes if you don't like to hunker down to watch a bottom tank then a utility style tank may be a better plan 🙂 Though I would say I really do want to be able to observe a quarantine tank to make sure the fish are healthy so maybe not a quarantine tank.

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