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Ruud's 25.5G (96 liters) setup


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From what you're describing, to me it sounds like the intake may be clogged. Make sure the "basket" part or intake sponge if you're using one is clean. you can remove the whole intake part and just have the pipe, if flow improves you know it's the intake causing causing the loss in power. This comes from debris like leaves getting stuck in it, or too fine of a sponge for an intake. 

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16 minutes ago, Cory said:

From what you're describing, to me it sounds like the intake may be clogged. Make sure the "basket" part or intake sponge if you're using one is clean. you can remove the whole intake part and just have the pipe, if flow improves you know it's the intake causing causing the loss in power. This comes from debris like leaves getting stuck in it, or too fine of a sponge for an intake. 

Cheers @Cory for the response. This one has the classic 'basket' on the intake, no sponge. Took it off and no effect either. Just can't wrap my head around it. The output really is at 30% maybe of normal output.

I put in a mechanical internal fluval filter I had lying around for now, to help and as backup. Its night here allready and getting frustrated after taking it apart 3 times (spilling water everywhere obviously). Will leave it as is for the night, and take a look at it again tomorrow. Not sure what else I can try, but appreciate all the suggestions and help!

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4 minutes ago, Cory said:

The next time you take it apart, I would inspect the impeller, remove it, clean where it sits  and make sure there is no broken fins on it etc.

Already tried that as well, but will pull everything apart again tomorrow and retrace my steps to see if I have missed something. Thanks for the response @Cory @Daniel

Right now I feel like tossing the whole canister out of the window and just plug in the Ziss I have lying around, together with a simple sponge filter or HOB... grrr

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So it looks like I have solved the problem. Out of shear desperation I decided to see if there would be any difference if I changed the tubes, so I changed the inlet tube for a new piece and voila... it runs much better!

Too bad I don't have enough spare tubing lying around to change the outlet as well, just to be sure, but happier with the result so far. I have foam pre-filter on its way to me which will help this from happening again. And I ordered an Aquaclear hang on basket filter that I am going to put on it as a backup just to be sure. 

Meanwhile the fish are eating and looking healthy so far. I am hoping me dicking around with the filter and adding water and stuff hasn't stressed them out too much on their moving day. 

Thanks for all the help and suggestions from everybody that replied or reached out, much appreciated!

Un saludo desde España


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So this morning the Aquaclear HOB filter came in, I got the A610 model and fitted it in the aquarium. 

You might think of me as a funny European but as I told Daniel before, when I grew up you either had an external canister filter or kept the crappy built in mechanical sponge filter that came with your Juwel aquarium. Where I come from, hang on back filters or sponge filters have never been the norm or even available. And I must admit I am quite impressed with the low tech simplicity of this HOB filter, compared to the canister filter. I dislike cleaning canisters as its always a pain getting the switched on again (having to suck the outlet), always spilling water everywhere in the process etc.

And this HOB pumps up to 200G of water, same as my expensive canister. So I am seriously considering of just selling my canister filter and maybe instead of 1 big HOB put two smaller HOB's so I always have a backup? Thoughts anybody on this?

I just put it on there for now so it can start cycling the media (added a bit of media from the run in canister filter) and switched it to low output flow because there is quite some flow now with 2 filters. 


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24 minutes ago, Ken Dyer said:

Great to hear a hose change improved the flow. And I think you may come to prefer the aqua clear for the ease of maintaining it over the canister.

Solving problems seems to be part and parcel with fish keeping 😁

Hi @Ken Dyer, that is indeed my first expression. I love the simplicity and efficiency of the filter, and maintaining it will be so easy. So yes there is a probability I will retire the canister filter and go for HOB's only! To be continued!

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So its been close to a week since I have put in the first fish in this tank and they seem to be doing great. I even suspect the Swords have been fooling around already, seen quite a bit of fanning and the female looks fat and round. 

Obviously I have been keeping a very close eye on parameters, and even after over feeding yesterday I consistently have a NO2 of almost zero and a NO3 of below 20 so pretty happy with that. 

Next thing I will do is probably add another smaller Aquaclear HOB for backup acting duties and remove and sell the Canister filter. Its just much easier and a much cleaner look in the tank. 

Also I have been wanting to put more fish in it, problem is with current restrictions I can't easily go to Barcelona in the weekends so will have to see what I can do. For sure I will be adding more Cardinal Tetra's . Also I have been eying orange Nerite snails (but will have to go to Barcelona), thinking of a small group of either Cory's or Brochis or an L number and one or two more signature fish. Thinking Bolivian Ram's or perhaps a Gourami (never had those) but not sure if my 80cm tank is big enough for a Gourami - I think so. 

Oh and the Baby tears indeed seem to end in tears as Daniel allready commented. They don't really seem to root or grow and I think with the lighting setup I have, there is probably not enough light. 

Stay tuned - more to come!

Greetings from Spain,


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Went fish shopping tonight: got home with an additional 5 Cardinals (bringing my group to 10 now), a pair of Dwarf Gourami's (though looking better now in the tank, I am pretty sure I have 2 males ... fingers crossed) and two very cool dalmatian balloon mollies (one seems to be a bit of a dick towards the other fish though) and a Nerite snail!

I know.. better to add fish in smaller bits so I got a bit carried away maybe, will keep a close eye on my water parameters next week and change water when and where needed. 

Pics tomorrow hopefully!

Happy camper here!!

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1 hour ago, Alesha said:

Just gorgeous, @Ruud! I know you are happy to see the numbers increasing...it's just makes it so much more interesting! Fingers crossed that everybody behaves themselves with each other. 😉 

Yes I am very happy so far. I was eyeing Gouramis and my local store had some. I already checked before and they seem to go on well with Swords and Mollies. Only concern is I seem to have two males instead of a pair but they seem very peaceful to each other and other fish so far. 

I will probably add a few more Tetra's in a week or so and call it a day. I don't want to overstock so will probably skip the Corydoras (or maybe ad Pygmees if I can find them) and only add another snail or 2. 

Now I need to start convincing my girlfriend that we need to re-organize stuff and make place for an identical 2nd tank I have in storage 🤪

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All fish are still alive which is always a good sign after a full day in a new tank. Gourami's are behaving so far, the  red one (sunset) is chasing the (powder?) blue one at times a little bit but nothing that by far worries me. The Cardinals were very bleak in the store, which was a little worry to me, but they colored up great and are schooling with the rest nicely. 

The only curious thing is the balloon mollies.... they spend the day hiding under the spider wood even no fish is bothering them. Curious and don't really understand, hope they adapt and get more active. Even when feeding they don't come out nor chase the food which to me is odd behavior for a Molly.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a bit busy with work and other hobbies and haven't been much around here, but figured it was nice to do an update. The tank seems to run on all cylinders, I have constant and good parameters continuously and haven't lost any fish. Plants are growing, I have next to no algues so all seem to be under control!




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adding to this, I received another HOB filter and going to set it up and get rid of the Eheim canister. HOB's are just so much easier and faster to clean and maintain and much less hassle. 

Also I turned down the air a bit, and the water is much clearer. 


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Well the Gourami's are chasing each other and the mollies a bit. Too much testosteron. 

But yeah, very happy with how stable this tank has been from day one! Still want to add 1 or 2 more snails and most likely an L number if I can get one. 


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  • 1 month later...

Been a while since I have been posting here, too much stuff going on at the moment. The tank still runs like a champ, super stable, bit of green algae (prob feeding a bit too much), plants are thriving and I even have a baby Swordfish! 

Will post a pic one of these days! 



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