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2022 Tank Wrap-Up: Share Your Tank's Progress in 2022

Miranda Marie

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Fun thread idea! And mine changed a TON!!  I did just deleted a ton of pictures today so there is a big gap. 

Nothing in it and she is already planning to mess with it!



Everyone starts with glofish and guppies!



My baby enjoying my babies





This is where there's a big gap. Basically that tank got a lot of live plants and more fish and snails. Then I had a cycle crash due to paracleanse. I rescaped the entire thing. Here it is today!




Edited by Cinnebuns
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I started this year with plastic plants because I was intimidated by live plants. I tried to stick to plants that looked as natural as possible and I think I did ok!


then after seeing so many of the beautifully planted tanks here and being reassured by many of you that live plants weren’t really difficult, I gave it a go… and here we are




Edited by FLFishChik
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On 1/2/2023 at 11:06 AM, TuckerAtStonedAquatics said:

I have had many different transitions this year! 

Don't have the same tank running, but it is the 3rd on the right -first shelf. 

1-40+ was a crazy journey but I'm loving it! Shout out to @Cinnebunsfor sending me this link and sharing your idea!



I love that Miko needs to involve herself in your life this much haha

When my cat wants out of my room he lumps on everything, this may or may not have caused him to get socks thrown at him when he jumps on my tank

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On 1/2/2023 at 1:22 PM, Aiden Carter said:

When my cat wants out of my room he lumps on everything, this may or may not have caused him to get socks thrown at him when he jumps on my tank

A few times when my cats' waterer ran out, they heard the water from my hang-on back filter and leaped up there to try to find it. The biggest one (a maine coon mix) caused the plexiglass lid to bow in several times and ended up soaked, scaring my fish half to death in the process. She eventually learned that was a bad idea and we have made sure to check their water more often LOL.

Edited by Miranda Marie
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Nice thread idea. My only aquarium, 10-gallon first filled with water in April: 



About halfway through: 



New plants planted, new light, yeast/sugar DIY co2: 




Last shot of 2022 (12/31), citric acid/baking soda DIY co2: 


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Great thread idea! I wish I could do a before-and-after of this tank but the micro SD memory card with all the build photos just went and died on me, and I never got around to backing it up. (It's why I've been dragging my feet on updating my journal. Does anyone have any insight on dead micro SD cards?) But I took this photo of my 55 gallon community tank earlier tonight. It's been running since the beginning of November so it's really just settling in. Now I just need the patience to wait for the plants to grow in and fill out a little!


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On 1/3/2023 at 9:35 PM, Rube_Goldfish said:

Great thread idea! I wish I could do a before-and-after of this tank but the micro SD memory card with all the build photos just went and died on me, and I never got around to backing it up. (It's why I've been dragging my feet on updating my journal. Does anyone have any insight on dead micro SD cards?) But I took this photo of my 55 gallon community tank earlier tonight. It's been running since the beginning of November so it's really just settling in. Now I just need the patience to wait for the plants to grow in and fill out a little!


It's gorgeous already! I bet it will look amazing once the plants fill in.

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Let's see what I can find!


black corydoras on top in a 29G, panda tank on bottom in a 10G with mopani just to give them cover. Some anubias was moved into the 10 as well, but mostly it was just to give them a place of their own until I could setup a proper tank for them. The dresser caved in, expedited things.






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