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Lung Fish and other oddballs


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My 90g has been torn down for about a month and all my fish are in a tote in my shed. I’ve decided to change it up when I set it back up and rehome all my cichlids and do something new. I’ve been debating a community tank or an oddball tank, the latter is currently in the lead hence my post.

my LFS just got in a west African filled lungfish that I’m strongly considering picking up. I’ve heard some lung fish will kill anything that loves and some are fairly docile, does anyone have an experience with this particular kind and could it like with a Senegal bichir and a striped Raphael? Also are they picky eaters or will they take prepared food.

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I think you meant "Gilled" Lungfish (guessing that your device did an auto-correct when you were typing). These fish get to be around 18", so tank size is probably fine. I would think that it would be fine with a bichir, so long as all of you inhabitants had their own little resting/hiding areas. Also, nothing small enough to fit in its mouth.

Foods should be protein-rich. Frozen and live (like earth worms) are probably most preferred, but I have seen them eat pellets before. 

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On 12/18/2022 at 5:45 PM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

now to sell my wife…

One of my local LFS has an albino West African lungfish (Protopterus annectens) and if you wanted that one, you might have to not only sell your wife on it, you might have to sell her for it! 

Joking aside, lungfish are awesome, and if you go that route, please, please update us here!  Tag me in it.  I don't want to miss it!

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Most lungfish are kind of boring. My LFS also had one and despite living its life in a 500 gallon never left it’s spot except for feeding time.


The internet says Protopterus amphibius is a much more active specimen with puppy dog like reverence for the hand that feeds. Seems like that might convince the wife. I would think a bichir could hold its own raphael might not make it. Lungfish have powerful jaws for crushing mollusks and crustaceans.

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I did in fact pick him up today, a little guy (or gal) just barely 2” long. They said he won’t eat any live stuff for them yet, only frozen blood worms, so I threw in some small cherry shrimp and guppy culls to see what happens and a bunch of pin head sized ramshorns made it in there too. I convinced my wife that a Gilled LF for $60 was to good of a steal to pass up so she let me increase the monthly fish budget can’t buy anymore for 3 months though) 

He is set up in a 20L for now until he is big enough for the 90g. Any suggestions on feeding? I have been wanting to get a colony of live food of some type going for a while, what would this guy like best, maybe scuds?



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On 12/19/2022 at 3:47 PM, Dean’s Fishroom said:

Only thing I would say is they get big, be prepared for that. Also IMO the South American ones are a far nicer looking and more personable fish. I have one from Peru, you can buy it if you’d like and have a way of transporting it.

Don’t tell me you’re selling Lumpy! And no I don’t have a way to transport a fish coast to coast.

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On 12/19/2022 at 2:19 PM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

did in fact pick him up today, a little guy (or gal) just barely 2” long.

Congrats!  That's exciting news, and the start of a long relationship with a wet pet!  I'm excited to follow your, and his (her) progress!  Plus, that species looks a bit like an axolotl, and I am a sucker for amphibians.

On 12/19/2022 at 2:19 PM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

Any suggestions on feeding? I have been wanting to get a colony of live food of some type going for a while, what would this guy like best, maybe scuds?

I have never kept anything quite like a LF, but were it me, and it is taking frozen bloodworms (which seems convenient to me, but...), as a first pass I would give live blackworms a try.  Perhaps the similar shape + movement would start him down the path to accepting live foods?  Just a thought. 

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On 12/20/2022 at 8:11 AM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

Congrats!  That's exciting news, and the start of a long relationship with a wet pet!  I'm excited to follow your, and his (her) progress!  Plus, that species looks a bit like an axolotl, and I am a sucker for amphibians.

I have never kept anything quite like a LF, but were it me, and it is taking frozen bloodworms (which seems convenient to me, but...), as a first pass I would give live blackworms a try.  Perhaps the similar shape + movement would start him down the path to accepting live foods?  Just a thought. 

I definitely want to keep him doing blood worms and hopefully one day pellets, I just want to make sure I give him a good variety in diet, it seems like they’ll eat almost anything though once they get bigger. I’m having a hard time finding much info on Protopterus amphibius, I believe they are the least common in the hobby. 

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Thanks, I didn’t get a great pic, but I’ll probably take some more soon. I made an account on the monster fish keep forums to see if I could find anyone who kept this species before and someone showed me monthly pictures of there’s, which went from 5” to 18” in about 6 months, which is a lot faster than I expected. I might make a new post with a growth journal for him (or her, still no idea how to sex them)

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