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20 Questions


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Let play a game of 20 questions!

1.  What is your favorite species of fish or invert and why?

2.  What is your favorite species of plant and why?

3.  How many gallons total do you have in tanks?

4.  What is your favorite color in a fish?

5.  What is the hardest fish you have to net and what tips can you give others to catch them?

6.  What was your first ever species of fish and what age were you?

7.  What fish or invert you have accidentally bred the most?

8.  What fish or invert that gets in the way the most during water maintenance time?

9.  If you have a gigantic tank would you add a few large fish or tons of small fish?

10.  What is your favorite fish or invert that's not in the hobby?

11.  What's your newest project?

12.  What's going well in your hobby right now?

13.  What's not going so well in your hobby right now?

14.  Do you feed your homosapiens tacos?

15.  What food do you use the most of?

16.  What is something you wish you had done differently in your hobby?

17.  What is your favorite hack?

18.  Other than declorinator, if you could limit yourself to one product what would it be? (Ex. Bottled bacteria, meds, etc)

19.  What is more fun, breeding or show tanks and why?

20.  What is your favorite part about your LFS?

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1platy, they have great personalaties

2.Anubias: Grows slowly, large, but hard to kill

3.27, a 20, a 5 and a 2


5.Platies, drain the water level

6.betta, 12



9.tons of small fish


11.breeding corydora

12.Breeding Corydoras

13.Choosing a filter


15.Hikari ALgae Wafers

16.20L not 20H

17.cut test strips in half

18.Aquarium Salt

19.breeding, you can set up a display tank and just look at it, but breeding tanks are interactive and always have something fun happening

20. Getting trades for platies

in case you haven't realized, i keep platies 😄


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1.  What is your favorite species of fish or invert and why?

Guppies. Although I do wish they would calm down on the babies sometimes I also love how easy they are to breed. I also am very much in love with their colors and behaviors. 


2.  What is your favorite species of plant and why?

I've never been able to keep it in my low tech setup but I'm very much in love with most of the rotala plants. I've found ludwigia is a nice substitute though for my setup. 


3.  How many gallons total do you have in tanks?

90 total across 9 tanks. 


4.  What is your favorite color in a fish?

Blue. I have to keep telling myself no more blue fish!  I need other colors!


5.  What is the hardest fish you have to net and what tips can you give others to catch them?

I do have khuli loaches which seem hard to net but I haven't had to try yet. The hillstream loaches frustrate me every time!  I've found I have to cover them with the net and slide them up. Even then it's tricky and their slender bodies can slip through. 


6.  What was your first ever species of fish and what age were you?

Glo tetras just 1 year ago at age 36


7.  What fish or invert you have accidentally bred the most?

I also intentionally breed them but panda cories. I pull eggs multiple times a week but they also get some by me and fry will pop up in the main tank. 


8.  What fish or invert that gets in the way the most during water maintenance time?

Those damn hillstream loaches!!  They cling onto decor and will not let go!  I legit will have one attached to the side of a decor piece while I hold it over the tank shaking and poking it and it won't budge. I also commonly will realize one is at the bottom of the water change bucket which scares me someday I might not notice and it ends up somewhere it shouldn't. 


9.  If you have a gigantic tank would you add a few large fish or tons of small fish?

Tons of small fish and likely rummy nose tetra. 


10.  What is your favorite fish or invert that's not in the hobby?

Angler fish are cool!


11.  What's your newest project?

Pseudomugil furcata breeding! It took me about 2 months to get my first fry to pop out but now I'm up to 6 fry in the past week!  So pumped!


12.  What's going well in your hobby right now?

The shrimp tank in general is popping! Not only do I have those 6 bow fry but my first baby shrimp and tons of panda cory fry in there right now!


13.  What's not going so well in your hobby right now?

My female guppy and adult rainbow fish tank is dealing with internal parasites. I might lose my oldest female guppy and my first ever female guppy. 


14.  Do you feed your homosapiens tacos?

As much as possible 


15.  What food do you use the most of?

Shrimp pellets for the bottom dwellers. I have a bottom dweller issue lol


16.  What is something you wish you had done differently in your hobby?

I kinda wish I had gone with threadfin rainbows instead of the forktail rainbows but I'm also happy with them too. I just need to find a reason to also get threadfins now lol


17.  What is your favorite hack?

Using a stainer (caulonder? Spelling?) for pouring water in smaller tanks and skewers to hold it in place. 


18.  Other than declorinator, if you could limit yourself to one product what would it be? (Ex. Bottled bacteria, meds, etc)

Uh...oof. I made this question and don't don't know how to answer it myself. I think probably aquarium salt since it's a cure all med. 


19.  What is more fun, breeding or show tanks and why?

I like to sit and watch my show tanks as well as the project aspect of setting them up but I get most pumped about seeing now all the babies change in the breeding tanks. Someone once told me that breeding is super exciting at first but it gets dull quickly. Well I haven't found that at all. I've collected over 500 eggs in the past 6 months and I still get excited about each one!


20.  What is your favorite part about your LFS?

I'm amazed at how they fit in so much in a small space as well as the knowledge the employees have. I especially am happy they are willing to admit when they don't know something. 

On 11/18/2022 at 12:57 PM, Theplatymaster said:

16.20L not 20H

Same! Same!  Although at the time the long wasn't an option for me and the H was super on sale. I do now have a 15L tho so it kinda worked out. 

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1.  What is your favorite species of fish or invert and why? Don't have one yet....maybe when I start adding fish to the tank I'll know

2.  What is your favorite species of plant and why? Right now...Crinums-love the motion of the stems.

3.  How many gallons total do you have in tanks? 165

4.  What is your favorite color in a fish? Blue

5.  What is the hardest fish you have to net and what tips can you give others to catch them? None at this point

6.  What was your first ever species of fish and what age were you? African Cichlids-early 20s

7.  What fish or invert you have accidentally bred the most? Ghost Shrimp...they are prolific in the big tank

8.  What fish or invert that gets in the way the most during water maintenance time? Shrimp always finding them in the 125 gal filters

9.  If you have a gigantic tank would you add a few large fish or tons of small fish? Tons of small fish

10.  What is your favorite fish or invert that's not in the hobby? Don't know

11.  What's your newest project? Trying to increase the GH in the tank

12.  What's going well in your hobby right now? Plants are starting to grow

13.  What's not going so well in your hobby right now? Low pH, kH, gH

14.  Do you feed your homosapiens tacos? yes

15.  What food do you use the most of? none yet!

16.  What is something you wish you had done differently in your hobby? Started earlier

17.  What is your favorite hack? I'm assuming this is fish related?...none

18.  Other than declorinator, if you could limit yourself to one product what would it be? (Ex. Bottled bacteria, meds, etc) Fertilizer

19.  What is more fun, breeding or show tanks and why? Show tanks....for the inspiration. 

20.  What is your favorite part about your LFS? Wednesdays...when the new stuff is put out...there's always some little treasure I buy. 

Edited by JJenna
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Oh fun! Let's do this . . .

1.  What is your favorite species of fish or invert and why?

-- German Blue Rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. So beautiful. Some of the first my oldest son successfully spawned (oddly enough). Really got us hooked in the hobby! Here's a look at one of my males from last year...


2.  What is your favorite species of plant and why?

I'm not a great plant guy. So I adore hardy plants that take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. I guess I like Water Wisteria (Hygrophyllia difformis). Here is a bunch of it that survived the ravages of a goldfish tank. Amazing, bright green plant...


3.  How many gallons total do you have in tanks?

Um . . . I'm bad at math . . . let me count . . . 392 gallons!

4.  What is your favorite color in a fish?

I guess I love a mixed coloration. I think that my Fundulopanchax scheeli were about a gorgeous at it gets...


But I love my Discus too...


Well . . . goodness . . . now these Rainbow Shiners are kind of my favorite NANF . . .


5.  What is the hardest fish you have to net and what tips can you give others to catch them?

Bristlenose Plecos. I put a net in at night with boiled zucchini discs, bent from the handle at a 90-degree angle, and let them congregate there in the dark . . . then I fast pull it up...


6.  What was your first ever species of fish and what age were you?

As a kid, my Dad kept guppies, swordtails, misc. livebearers. He let me keep Bettas. I adored them! Got a pair to breed once, and even raised up a couple of fry.


7.  What fish or invert you have accidentally bred the most?

Hmm . . . accidentally?? Probably Bristlenose Plecos. Once you get a pair, they really like to multiply.


8.  What fish or invert that gets in the way the most during water maintenance time?

I can't think of one that's notoriously bad. Maybe jumpers . . . Emerald Killifish . . .


9.  If you have a gigantic tank would you add a few large fish or tons of small fish?

Probably loads of Discus and Tetras. Kind of large and small


10.  What is your favorite fish or invert that's not in the hobby?

I'm still hoping to see these Eurasian Minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus) from Europe over here in US sometime



11.  What's your newest project?

I'm setting up a 55 gal NANF aquarium at a local High School Biology Classroom. Doing a few lectures on building a healthy biome, etc.


12.  What's going well in your hobby right now?

Got a bunch of fry doing well: Rainbow Shiners, Southern Redbelly Dace, Mountain Redbelly Dace, Guppies, Long-finned Golden Blue Eye Bristlenose Plecos, Redtail Nothos


13.  What's not going so well in your hobby right now?

Confounded Bettas! I can't get them to breed. Female beat up male worse than he did her. They spawned once awhile back, but I can't get them to get the job done.


14.  Do you feed your homosapiens tacos?

Of course. Yes. I like Salsa Verde on my tacos. Don't hate on the SV ye NERMS! 


15.  What food do you use the most of?

Bug Bites (for dry food)

Live Baby Brine Shrimp


16.  What is something you wish you had done differently in your hobby?

Hard to say. I picked it up after my son did it for a few years. I guess I wish that I'd gone earlier with the central air pump


17.  What is your favorite hack?

Simple airline on the end of a Walmart liquid syringe for feeding artemia, extracting water, etc.


18.  Other than declorinator, if you could limit yourself to one product what would it be? (Ex. Bottled bacteria, meds, etc)

Maybe Easy Green?


19.  What is more fun, breeding or show tanks and why?

BREEDING! (And then showing them as if they were show tanks 😂)


20.  What is your favorite part about your LFS?

Knowing the staff . . . jabbering away with them about the hobby . . . love those people! I do make sure that I'm a buyer though, not just a jabberer! 


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On 11/18/2022 at 1:43 PM, Fish Folk said:

Well . . . goodness . . . now these Rainbow Shiners are kind of my favorite NANF . . .

Now I need to get rainbow shiners!   I always wondered if they were as pretty as websites show them as. Some fish aren't because they doctor the pics. But daaaaang!!


On 11/18/2022 at 1:43 PM, Fish Folk said:

I'm not a great plant guy. So I adore hardy plants that take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. I guess I like Water Wisteria (Hygrophyllia difformis

It's funny you day that because I can't get where wisteria to live. I think it's my hard water. 


On 11/18/2022 at 1:43 PM, Fish Folk said:

jabbering away with them about the hobby . . . love those people! I do make sure that I'm a buyer though, not just a jabberer! 

Oh good answer!  I have started to chat with the owner each time I go in there. I enjoy the chat plus networking helps. 

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Fun 🙂 Nice idea @Cinnebuns!

1.  What is your favorite species of fish or invert and why?
Hard to say, I really enjoy Amano shrimp and Corydoras.  If you make me choose, Corydoras. They are a smaller fish (usually) and work well with the water and tanks I keep.  When you scale the size of the tank (and horde of corydoras) they are just so much fun to keep!

2.  What is your favorite species of plant and why?
Anubias!  It's ridiculously easy, looks great, comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, and someone like me who isn't great with plants can easily walk in and have a tank full of them and feel great about it.

3.  How many gallons total do you have in tanks?
Technically 135, but only 60 has water inside.

4.  What is your favorite color in a fish?
Green, especially the darker greens (ironically, the neon blue rasbora).  I also enjoy black or grey if it covers the body of the fish.

5.  What is the hardest fish you have to net and what tips can you give others to catch them?
Pretty much the most difficult fish is the one that knows you're going to catch it and would rather hide in something than be caught.  Especially on a big tank.  In terms of netting a fish, borneo loaches were the most difficult because they don't really like to use a net.  Just use a specimen container and it's a lot easier to get them inside and moved.  Less stress, and they usually don't put up to much of a fuss.  I highly recommend Cory's hand method for using a net with any fish.

6.  What was your first ever species of fish and what age were you?
No idea, and I really don't remember. I was probably 14 or so when I had my first tank on my own (5G hexagon tank with bala sharks, yep, really bad choice there), but we did have a family tank before that which was probably when I was 8-10 years old.  I just remember having a catfish in there and it loved this ornament with a cave and dragon on it.  The tank had a gourami as the "centerpiece" but I enjoyed the other fish in the tank.

7.  What fish or invert you have accidentally bred the most?
Swordtails!  When I got back into the hobby, I had no idea what a livebearer was and how easy it was to have fry with them.  I had done all the research and stocked the tank for what was in the tank, but then completely missed the fact that they might breed.  Whoops.

8.  What fish or invert that gets in the way the most during water maintenance time?
The majority of them don't really care.  I keep a lot of bottom feeders.  I would say the clown pleco that I have is often "in the way" but that's just because the piece of wood she likes is right by the pre-filter sponge and she's a stubborn.  She eventually moves, but I understand it's her spot and thinks she is camouflaged.  Bumps happen 😞 .

9.  If you have a gigantic tank would you add a few large fish or tons of small fish?
It really depends. If we are talking a tank the size of a house.  I'd have a reef and keep a saltwater shark.  If we are talking a "normal" size large tank, it's going to be a hoarde of 200+ corydoras.

10.  What is your favorite fish or invert that's not in the hobby?
I know some of them do exist, but the biggest missing item for me is access to fish.  There's a lot of fish I can't get because of something like price, distance, location....  BUT, if I could have a fish in my tank, I would want to have an actual shark species that stays under 6 inches. 

11.  What's your newest project?
Hanging lights above the tank.  I have a suspension kit for the fluval planted 3.0, but I also have string lights I want to hang that are to light the room and make it a LOT easier to work and be able to see.  Right now the lighting I have is behind me when facing the tank and all I see is shadows.

12.  What's going well in your hobby right now?
One of my breeding for profit species is actually breeding and I might actually have more than I put into the investment to start up the tank.  It's been about 2 years and I haven't successfully raised fry reliably or triggers spawns.  I had a spawn this week and the equipment to care for the eggs on hand.  There's fry. It's a massive accomplishment for me right now in my hobby.

13.  What's not going so well in your hobby right now?
Space, budget, and plants.  I have a tank infested with algae and I am craving a planted tank.  While the tank does have "some" plants, I really want to have a tank that has plants that are doing well.  I wouldn't mind a dedicated plant tank either.  Of all the plants I have purchased I am down to 3 that survived.  The algae is just taking over and it's been a fight to keep things alive. I wish I could have a rack, have more tanks, and then I just want to be able to fill those tanks with clippings from a successful mother tank. 

14.  Do you feed your homosapiens tacos?
Yes, I am the one that cooks in the house.  I recommend Chicken Shawarma tacos!  Very good stuff.  Don't just do boring tacos, invent new ones!

15.  What food do you use the most of?
Frozen Spirulina brine is what I like to feed most often.  I probably feed vibra bites the most currently. 

16.  What is something you wish you had done differently in your hobby?
I wish I hadn't jumped from tank to tank to tank and realized I should've just gotten a 20L, then a 75.  (went from a 38G bowfront and couldn't see into it with the curve, then to a 29G, then a few tanks added elsewhere, then all of that went into a 55G and then I realized I wanted the dimensions of a 75G).  It was a waste of money and glass and I wish I had just known what I needed/wanted from the start for the plants I had.

17.  What is your favorite hack?
At this point, using dish sponges and toothbrushes to clean equipment.  It's an uneccessary evil, but having the tools to the big scrub downs really helps.

18.  Other than declorinator, if you could limit yourself to one product what would it be? (Ex. Bottled bacteria, meds, etc)
I think the "best choice" here is salt right?  It's a hard question to answer.  Let's say one chemical.... then I think it would have to be a medicine that treats most bacterial+fungal diseases.

19.  What is more fun, breeding or show tanks and why?
I think you get more enjoyment out of a tank that you can sit in front of an enjoy.  For me personally, that's a "show" style tank.  But let's be clear.  I cannot aquascape well and I am just going by what looks good to me.  I wish I had the fancy tank and amazing setups, but right now it's just about plants in a box to grow and fish to thrive. 

20.  What is your favorite part about your LFS?
Unfortunately, I don't have one.  Not freshwater anyways.  I have big box stores and I have a few saltwater shops.  The answer though is always going to be the opportunity to talk and share tips with the people working at the store.  Having a place to show, discuss, and ask for advice.... that's invaluable and the reason why buying from a local shop matter moreso than buying from an online retailer.  Which, is why I really try to support Cory for all the knowledge he's let us to.

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On 11/18/2022 at 11:43 AM, Fish Folk said:

1.  What is your favorite species of fish or invert and why?

-- German Blue Rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. So beautiful. Some of the first my oldest son successfully spawned (oddly enough). Really got us hooked in the hobby! Here's a look at one of my males from last year...

That's awesome, insanely colorful fish!  Nicely done to you both!

On 11/18/2022 at 11:07 AM, JJenna said:

11.  What's your newest project? Trying to increase the GH in the tank

Seiryu stone or Equilibrium!  Best of luck with the project 🙂

On 11/18/2022 at 11:02 AM, Cinnebuns said:

10.  What is your favorite fish or invert that's not in the hobby?

Angler fish are cool!

That's awesome. Could you imagine sleeping next to that thing staring at ya. 😂

On 11/18/2022 at 10:57 AM, Theplatymaster said:

11.breeding corydora

12.Breeding Corydoras

13.Choosing a filter

Interesting.  what's going on with filters?  I would love to see your corydoras situation, if you haven't be sure to share fun in the Panda Corydoras appreciation thread!

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On 11/18/2022 at 4:57 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

In terms of netting a fish, borneo loaches were the most difficult because they don't really like to use a net.  Just use a specimen container and it's a lot

I remember you told me this once when I was complaining about catching my hillstream loaches. I tried to use mine but I'm not sure I'm fully understanding. You literally put the container in and scoop them?  It wasn't working for me. 

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On 11/18/2022 at 7:57 PM, Cinnebuns said:

I remember you told me this once when I was complaining about catching my hillstream loaches. I tried to use mine but I'm not sure I'm fully understanding. You literally put the container in and scoop them?  It wasn't working for me. 

I cup them with my hand. The specimen container flat against the glass as if it was the net, then I gently coax them into the container.  Takes some patience but like everything, they are afraid of the hand more than the clear box.

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1- Guppies! Colorful, easy to breed, low maintenance.

2-cryptocoryne wendtii. Low light and easy to keep!

3-225 full of H2O

4-Solid color? Probably red

5-So I have bristlenose plecos and kuli loaches, so they are kinda tied for first. My tip for both is to put a cave in the aquarium and wait until they go in it. All you have to do then is pick it up with the fish inside!

6-I have no clue. And I was probably 7 or 8

7-Ramshorn snails--easy

8-Cherry shrimp or guppy fry

9-Tons of small fish for sure! I love seeing huge schools of fish!

10-Hmmm, I haven't really thought of this one. 

11-Angelfish. I would love to breed them at some point!

12-I just bought 9 angelfish, 11 platies, 3 guppies, and a bristlenise pleco for a few different aquariums and they are all doing amazing so far!

13-I'm having some trouble with algae in one of my aquariums.

14-I don't make tacos, but I love to eat them!!

15-Probably just a simple flake food

16-I wish I would have slowed down a bit and not tried to get so many aquariums so quickly and enjoyed each one more.

17-Cutting test strips in half! 2 for the price of one

18-Probably salt for meds at least

19-Breeding in my opinion. It's so cool to me to see new life in my aquarium.

20-They buy fish from local breeders like @Fish Folk

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1. Endlers. All the benefits of guppies, plus some!

2. Bacopa(moneywort). It is great floating, and in the substrate!

3. 49.5 

4. neon or powder blue. add green or yellow for bonus points!

5.Haven’t encountered any difficult (yet)

6. white skirt tetras, first had them when I was like 13-14

7. probably pest snails 😅

8. guppies/endlers. No, the siphon is not food, and you should move out of the way before it sucks you up.

9. Tons of small, preferably just 1 or 2 massive schools of fish

10. Probably has to be the Least chub. One of the few native fish from my home state, and unarguably the cutest!

11. Gertrudae rainbowfish breeding. Just waiting on that water lettuce…

12. My 10 gal. guppy breeding tank is probably the one with the least issues.

13. It’s not entirely bad, by my patio pond has gone on hiatus due to the cold weather 

14. On occasion. Gotta make sure they have a varied diet 😉

15. xtreme nano. my fish love it!

16. learned about reverse respiration, or just de-pesting in general, before I started adding so many plants.

17. Buckets, the item of a million uses. You can use them to transfer water, transfer plants, transfer fish, emergency quarantine, snail breeding setup, and more!

18. easy green. gotta keep those plants alive somehow!

19. Breeding, you don’t need to worry about it looking good, and you get (relatively) free fish!

20. Probably their willingness to order in fish. Wouldn’t have half the fish I have without them!

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1.  What is your favorite species of fish or invert and why?
All of them. But I will probably always have a tank with honey gouramis

2.  What is your favorite species of plant and why?
Aquarium water lettuce. Love the long green roots and they are nitrate suckers. Keeps the algae off my second favourite anubias. 

3.  How many gallons total do you have in tanks?
100 across 4 tanks

4.  What is your favorite color in a fish?
Yellow (honey gourami remember) or red for most other fish 

5.  What is the hardest fish you have to net and what tips can you give others to catch them?
For me it was rehoming cherry barbs from a fully planted display tank.  My advice is to make sure you love them before adding them to a big display aquarium. They were great but too busy for the tank they were in. 

6.  What was your first ever species of fish and what age were you?
A kid. We had 2 of a bunch of fish so they had buddies. So much learned since then. Although that tank ran problem free for years. 

7.  What fish or invert you have accidentally bred the most?
Added multiple colours of neocardina shrimp to a betta tank. I knew they’d not breed true but I thought the betta and hasbrosus cories would snack on the shrimplets. Not only did they not but that 15G has so many I’ve started giving the babies away for free (since they have pretty much no color). 

8.  What fish or invert that gets in the way the most during water maintenance time?
My betta is the most aggressive and will try to bite me. But the cories are the ones who mostly go for a spin in the siphon. 

9.  If you have a gigantic tank would you add a few large fish or tons of small fish?
Small fish 100%. Lots of them in big schools. 

10.  What is your favorite fish or invert that's not in the hobby?
Someone on here posted about a candy darter. I’d love to have some. 

11.  What's your newest project?
A 10-20G shrimp tank (with only ONE colour). I’m squeezing it into a very specific space so my husband is building me a custom stand. 

12.  What's going well in your hobby right now?
My plants. Growing well and looking good. 

13.  What's not going so well in your hobby right now?
Mystery snails. I’ll get one that is bullet proof and lives for 1-2 years but I’d say 8/10 just die for no damn reason!  In the same tanks. 

14.  Do you feed your homosapiens tacos?
Of course.  Teenagers who play sports. Tacos are a staple. 

15.  What food do you use the most of?
Frozen daphnia or baby brine shrimp. Keeps my food hogs from hogging 

16.  What is something you wish you had done differently in your hobby?
I wish I had gotten the 75G instead of being scared of a big tank and going with a 40G. It’s my main display tank and it’s going so well I don’t want to tear it down but I want to add more to my schools and maybe another school. 

17.  What is your favorite hack?
Dollar store bamboo sticks. I use them for everything. Pulling stuff from the bottom. Spot feeding. Spot cleaning (with a rag hot glue to it)  Moving some of my plants or fish. Keeps my hand out of the water as much as possible. 

18.  Other than declorinator, if you could limit yourself to one product what would it be? (Ex. Bottled bacteria, meds, etc)
Fertilizers for plants. Root tabs and liquid. 

19.  What is more fun, breeding or show tanks and why?
Display. I don’t breed (shrimp tank will be my first attempt but it will still be set up like a show tank. My water limits what fish will breed and I only keep fish I really like. 

20.  What is your favorite part about your LFS?
Their knowledge. They know what works well in different tanks and in our local water.  Their fish are quarantined and really watched for problems before they sell them and they aren’t afraid to treat them after the quarantine period and they tell you something is wrong with them or they aren’t doing amazing instead of making a quick buck

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On 11/19/2022 at 7:47 AM, NofishB4 said:

Dollar store bamboo sticks. I use them for everything. Pulling stuff from the bottom. Spot feeding. Spot cleaning (with a rag hot glue to it)  Moving some of my plants or fish. Keeps my hand out of the water as much as possible. 


This intrigues me...ain't gonna lie, the first image that popped into my mind was you holding a fishing pole size of bamboo in your tank =). Don't think I've ever seen these at the Dollar store...how long are they and diameter? How do you do spot feeding with them? 

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They’re about 13” long. If food is frozen (usually baby brine or daphnia) and I’ve just plopped it in the tank I just kind of tap it so it come apart. For bigger food like spirulina brine, blood worms and freeze dried black worms I pre soak them and they stick to the wood pretty decently so I can maneuver it between it between my floaters. I use them to pick out dead leafs on my floaters or move algae pellets from being shoved in the corners.


I have 2 I glue together to make them stronger and then glue a hunk of sponge to gently clean corners and small spots on glass 


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1.  My favorite species of fish is probaly bettas or blood parrots. They have such fun personalitys.

2.  Vallisneria, I like how big and easy it is to grow.

3. 62 gallons

4. yellow or orange

5. The hardest fish I have to net are my peppered corydorays. When I net them I typically remove as much as I can from the tank.

6. My first ever species of fish was a betta fish and I was probaly 6 or 7.

7. pest snails

8. Angelfish.

9. It would be in between with a group of medium sized fish.

10. I'm not sure

11. Replanting my 55 gallon tank.

12. My newest betta fish tank.

13. Algae. My tanks have recently had a major algae bloom.

14. No

15. flake food

16. Gotten a 75 gallon instead of a 55 gallon.

17. Having an intake sponge on my filters. 

18. Aquarium salt.

19. For me it's show tanks because I just love walking by and seeing a nice beautiful display tank.

20. I love how much of a variety my LFS has. In both fresh and slatwater tanks. That and the prices can be much more affordable. 


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