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Aquarium Co-Op Airline Tubing Issues


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Does anyone else have issues with the co-op airline tubing getting "hard" once in the water for a while. Once it does get harder it makes it difficult to re-attach the tubing to the sponge filter. Is this something that just needs to be replaced after awhile or is there a way to prevent this? 

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@Cory What would cause airlines to go stiff? Like mentioned above, it has happened with any airline I’ve tried. I always just chalked it up to “I guess that’s just what happens over time/I guess that’s what my water does to airlines” and I end up replacing it at some point. If it helps, I’m in CO. I wonder if @Irene has the same thing happen? 🤔

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I have the same issue! And I also have hard water! I rarely detach my airline tubing but where I find it becoming slightly annoying is the little bit that holds my air stone to the sponge filter. Also I think because it's such a small pice it gets hard faster... so every couple months I'll get one that won't stay connected and keeps falling off when I put the sponge filter back together after cleaning. It's a quick fix so I'm not very perturbed about it but I found it interesting that others don't have this problem... 🤔

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The plasticisers that are put into the plastic tubing will eventually migrate out leaving behind a harder generally more brittle plastic. This is the same reason why you may have seen vinyl chair coverings cracking over time?

Although this paper talks about the mechanisms of plasticiser migration in air the mechanisms are essentially the same.


If anything exudation of the plasticers is significantly quicker in water as they do not need to evaporate they can just desorb into water which is then carried away in our water changes. Hence why only the bit in the water is going hard in many of your experiences.

It is interesting that some of you haven’t experienced it yet, there may be something to the hard vs soft water debate but it should as many of you have said eventually happen to everyone.

However in science there are always exceptions….


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