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What's Your Favorite Fish to Keep in a 5 Gallon?

Miranda Marie

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On 10/22/2022 at 8:25 PM, FlyingFishKeeper said:

Hi, for me it definitely has to be my school of chilis. As someone with rather limited tank space being able to have a pretty good sized school of fish in a nano tank is a dream, doesn't hurt they're easy and look good too!

That's awesome! Being able to have a school in a small tank sounds awesome. How many do you keep? 🙂

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On 10/22/2022 at 8:31 PM, FlyingFishKeeper said:

Currently have 14 in a school that has been rather shy, they don't seem to be cramped either with everyone getting a pretty good amount of room to move about. Pretty peaceful too, haven't seen them do anything to my cherries or when I had a gourami in with them

That's great. 🙂 They look like adorable fish! And so incredibly tiny.

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On 10/22/2022 at 9:29 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

CPDs (Celestial Pearl Danios). I have just under 10 in a 4.12 gallon cube. They are lovely little fish. 

Cool! I've heard they're quite fun to keep. 🙂

On 10/22/2022 at 9:39 PM, billango said:

I'm currently obssesed with killifish, and a lot of those could work in a 5 gallon, but right now one I'm keeping is the diapteron cyanostictum. These guys also are smaller killis. No photo description available.

Those are so bright!

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On 10/23/2022 at 4:02 AM, Miranda Marie said:

Just the title! I'm curious what everyone's favorite thing to keep in a 5 gallon is. What have you kept in nano aquariums and loved?

I’d do:

1) Clown Killis and Kuhli loaches

2) Endlers and shrimp

3) My absolute favorite: Planted neon tetras tank with blue dream shrimp.

4) Amazon Leaf fish.


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On 10/23/2022 at 12:31 AM, k0olmini said:

Its either a betta or a honey gourami!

I wish I could find gold honey gouramis. 😭 I want one as a centerpiece fish for my 20 gallon but I can't find them anywhere. Even the online varieties seem to all be the red and yellow kind, rather than the pale golden yellow. Only aquahuna seems to have them, but they only sell them in 6 packs and I can only house one or two at present. 

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I may be proving myself stereotypical... but I absolutely love bettas! I feel as though the big finned guys do best in 5 gal. I have one in a 5 gal, and one each in a 6 gal cube. No other inhabitants other than a nerite snail in each tank. I reserve tank mates for 10 gal or larger. 



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I took Dean's advice from this video from the early days of the pandemic and put 6 Celestial Pearl Danios and 6 Pygmy Corydoras in my 5 gallon tank and it's worked out beautifully. At first I was concerned that it would be overstocked (I put an Amano shrimp and two Nerite snails in as well) but the fish don't really occupy the same areas of the tank and don't really interact, so feels like more than enough space. I'm even considering adding a Scarlet Badis if I ever come across one at an LGS.

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On 10/25/2022 at 3:52 PM, Celestial Pearl Daddyo said:

I took Dean's advice from this video from the early days of the pandemic and put 6 Celestial Pearl Danios and 6 Pygmy Corydoras in my 5 gallon tank and it's worked out beautifully. At first I was concerned that it would be overstocked (I put an Amano shrimp and two Nerite snails in as well) but the fish don't really occupy the same areas of the tank and don't really interact, so feels like more than enough space. I'm even considering adding a Scarlet Badis if I ever come across one at an LGS.

Watching that video (again LOL) was the inspiration for this post! I always feel like the more knowledgeable fish keepers have interesting ideas for nano tanks that are more out of the box. I'm glad it worked out for you!

Edited by Miranda Marie
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