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Semi-budget 40g Breeder Aquascape Journal


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Today I made a mess...

I removed the Amazon sword that had been struggling and traded it along with some crypt runners.

Then I pulled one of the large crypts from the front and put it in the back corner. I figure there is a good chance it melts but maybe, hopefully, it comes back again.

Then I did some major trimming on all the plants and pulled stumps that had lots of cut branches.

Then I did a 50% water change to clean up the water.


I suspect it's going to look a bit wonky for a little while but hopefully this opens things up a little and it looks better in the long run.

Bonus: the corys came out and schooled to confirm that they were in fact still alive:


Some of them have an orange sheen when viewed from above. I'm not sure what that means. It doesn't look like a sickness thing. Maybe just they're swim bladder?PXL_20230929_035642635.jpg.4110711912eefe8638cb1909feba10dc.jpg

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Went to Portland this weekend to attend the neighboring club, GPAS's annual Fishtoberfest.



It wasn't as big as some of the Aquashella and stuff like that but it was decent size. I met Dean and actually gave him some killifish eggs that I brought for another member who ended up not being able to come. He said he would pass then along.

The Amazonas Magazine guy was there and I managed to get three copies for free. I also picked up some Anubias, a club T-shirt (and one for my son), a white worm starter culture, and a another pair of Japan blue gold guppies (not pictured).


We also went to the zoo where there were some familiar plants in the salamander tank:



And there was an interesting diagram of their intense filtration system for the penguins:


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  • 1 month later...

It's been over a month since the last water change and things seem to be doing fine still.


The pygmy corys are coming out a lot more. I wonder if the swarms of Guppy fry make them feel safe. It could also be that they are happier because I've started feeding them Sera bottom feeder wafers


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  • 3 weeks later...

Great tank set-up. I'm new to the forum so I started at the post beginning to try to see growth progress pictures over time. Got a chuckle when I reached the 1 year anniversary and you did a composite progress sequence. I guess I should have started at the punchline and worked backwards!

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The tank has had some new arrivals and departures recently.


First, the small belly slider killifish passed away. I'm not sure exactly why, I had noticed that he was getting skinnier so I was making an effort to target feed him directly but I suspect it was just his time due to birth defects.

Second, I gave away a bag of guppies. Still a ton left to figure out but better than nothing.


A pair of American flagfish. They just got done quarantining. They were surrendered to the LFS near me because they were "too aggressive". From the looks of them they weren't in great shape. They were extremely shy when I first put them in quarantine but their appetite came back and they aren't as shy now. So far I haven't seen anything that looks like aggression. Hopefully there's enough cover for them to feel comfortable. I am a bit nervous that they may get territorial if they start breeding but then seem very young 

Not the greatest picture of him but honestly he's not much to look at just yet:



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On 1/5/2024 at 7:52 AM, Schuyler said:

The tank has had some new arrivals and departures recently.


First, the small belly slider killifish passed away. I'm not sure exactly why, I had noticed that he was getting skinnier so I was making an effort to target feed him directly but I suspect it was just his time due to birth defects.

Second, I gave away a bag of guppies. Still a ton left to figure out but better than nothing.


A pair of American flagfish. They just got done quarantining. They were surrendered to the LFS near me because they were "too aggressive". From the looks of them they weren't in great shape. They were extremely shy when I first put them in quarantine but their appetite came back and they aren't as shy now. So far I haven't seen anything that looks like aggression. Hopefully there's enough cover for them to feel comfortable. I am a bit nervous that they may get territorial if they start breeding but then seem very young 

Not the greatest picture of him but honestly he's not much to look at just yet:



Need to be able to spot him to start with 😂

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  • 1 month later...

Quick update:


The crypt that was moved to the back corner is exploding:


All of the spots were the roots weren't fully buried have sprouted leaves so it's a thick bunch of leaves


The flagfish are serious nippers. They'll need to move soon. The female is doing really well but she's the worst nipper. She'll just go on a rampage and go after everything in her path. The male isn't doing as well, not quite sure why. They did clear out pretty much all the hair algae in the tank.

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  • 2 months later...

Some new inhabitants: otos!

We were at the pet store and my son was being to get another fish. I figured there was plenty of stuff growing on the glass for otos to feed on. 


I also got a new plant from a club meeting: limnophila aromatica


Plus a random shrimp that has some cool coloration. It was clear except for a red nose: 


A bit hard to see but it's in the roots of the buce

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/26/2024 at 2:33 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

You really do have such a stunning tank! Where on earth do you acquire so many different plant types?!😂

Thanks! All of the plants except for the crypts are from trading and the local fish club. 

On 4/26/2024 at 2:33 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

And what light are you using? I think you mentioned it’s one of the hyggers? Seems to be doing you pretty well lol

The light is just a Hygger something that was on sale on Amazon. I wouldn't credit too much if the success on the light. The harder plants I've tried have mostly failed. I suspect it's more about the substrate and the plant choices. Most of these plants are considered easy-moderate. I pulled some of the really easy plants out because they just grow so fast.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Things are filling out again and getting pretty overgrown.

This was my haul from the GSAS big auction a few weeks ago. That 20g acrylic with everything inside it was only $5. The castle was free because sometime say that my kid liked it.


The shell dwellers are getting more settled in: 


Once I figure it a background for that 20 long they will likely be moved into there.

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On 10/10/2022 at 12:54 PM, Patrick_G said:

I used HTC sand from Ace Hardware. I think there might be two different grit sizes, but I’m not sure. I’ve bought three bags and one seems a little more fine. 
The only problem I’ve found with using aquasoil and light colored sand is that the aquasoil invariably migrates to the top. It’s not a big deal but it bothers me a little bit. Several times I’ve  put a thin layer of new sand down to cover it up. 

A trick you can do is bag the aqua soil and bury that under the sand mesh bags like everyone uses for filter media 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/4/2024 at 8:22 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

Any chance you know what kind of crypt your massive bronze one is? I'm looking for a tall crypt like that to put in the back of my 29.

I’m not sure what theirs is but in my 29 crypt balansae is awesome and grows quickly to a few inches below the surface. 

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On 7/4/2024 at 5:22 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

Any chance you know what kind of crypt your massive bronze one is? I'm looking for a tall crypt like that to put in the back of my 29.

I think it's just wendetii. It was just from a big box store and they were much smaller when I initially got them. I think it took at least six months to get to this size if not longer

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