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On 5/24/2023 at 3:23 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I joined the forum about a year ago, and this is what my tank looked like. (The sand was literally just added before the photo was taken. So clean! Heh.) It’s a cap to the old gravel.


This is what it looks like now.

My fish behave so much differently with live plants and driftwood. They are mating frequently, and weaving in and out of the plants. They love it.

The change is incredible! Did you even have your ubiquitous snails back then?

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On 5/24/2023 at 3:18 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

The change is incredible! Did you even have your ubiquitous snails back then?

I had York (future mama snail)!  She laid the clutches without a mate in the tank. Apparently she was purchased pregnant and started laying several months after I got her.

Also you may not know that she is a qualified sand inspector. So helpful inspecting the sand application during the process to ensure proper distribution.

It probably felt nice on her foot.





One of these is my profile pic. 🥰

The photo from last year shows the battleship she used to sleep in. She had her army helmet on and was ready for anything!

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On 5/24/2023 at 11:54 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

had York (future mama snail)!  She laid the clutches without a mate in the tank. Apparently she was purchased pregnant and started laying several months after I got her.

I remember that when I first joined the forum was flooded with cute baby York pics. 🥰

How is Gepetto doing? 

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On 5/24/2023 at 2:10 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

How is Gepetto doing?

He's got some combo fin-rot/tail-biting thing going on.  He's got a thread here. 

He is in the hospital tank now but he seems to be actually having a good time in there.  He got a shelf to rest on now, and I see him using that a lot.  Hopefully if he thinks his fins are heavy he will just chill on the shelf instead of biting them.  I am going to turn that hospital tank into his permanent home because it is bigger, and maybe that will make him happier. I am also going to get it onto a proper stand and then he will be able to watch shrimps next door and be entertained by them. I put together the stand yesterday.  Just waiting for him to have some more regrowth first.


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On 5/24/2023 at 3:55 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Hopefully if he thinks his fins are heavy he will just chill on the shelf instead of biting them.

I would have never thought of that but it makes sense. 

So I did a thing today. I have so many baby fish, shrimp, snails and worms right now it’s crazy. 
First week in July my club has a cookout/ swap event. I decided to be brave and rented a table inside. I’m going to be a vendor 🤣

I am nervous so I think I will post a question thread to see if folks have any tips. 


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On 5/24/2023 at 4:11 PM, Guppysnail said:

I would have never thought of that but it makes sense

He’s using it a lot actually. I made it out of that slotted shelf that goes in a breeder box and a suction cup. 

That, and his pvc tube I have at the surface.

On 5/24/2023 at 4:11 PM, Guppysnail said:

rented a table inside. I’m going to be a vendor

That is so awesome!!! Maybe you can make care sheets or helpful tips sheets for the critters. And for the plants kind of like how you’d buy a garden plant, a little tag that says high light, or medium light, or low light. And plant it or leave it out in water column. Etc 

oooooh and you could make cute little guppysnail business cards

You’d be offishial.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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Geppetto’s new tank is up! He’s chillin in the qt tote right now. Everything was from other tanks so it’s ready to go! I just stopped at big box store to get 2 leaf hammocks. The cashier said casually, hey, next time you’re in, you should try out some real plants! Aw ❤️ I love that. Really I’m wanting something close to the surface for him. That’s where he wants to be.



I will add more plants soon.

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So after I painstakingly put the background on…. 10 min of that was just getting the clear backing off the background to apply it… well somebody decided it was too reflective and WOULD NOT stop flaring at it!  🙄 😭 So I removed it and then the exploration of the tank began.


                What’s this?


               What’s that?





There are 2 leaf hammocks and one pipe and 2 swim thru rocks. He recognized the rocks and went through one.

I think he’s going to use the left leaf hammock because I fed him above it, and he’s been returning to it repeatedly. I haven’t seen him rest in it yet, but he hasn’t been in there very long.

Also added Fritz Zyme 7 even though the filter is seeded. I just want to be thorough. I should add some tannin water also. I forgot to prepare some. Next week maintenance I will do that.

On 5/27/2023 at 2:56 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

That's awesome and good to hear.  You found the fish person (or one of) in the shop. 🙂

I showed her photos of my tanks and she has MTS herself. 🙂 

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He looks so happy and peaceful in there!

I considered a dirted tank but didn’t want a future mess, so the sword and the crypt (yes, there’s a crypt- it down to 2 leaves now) each got a Tbsp of sifted organic soil under their roots (same soil as my Walstad jar). The magnificent sword is from @Guppysnail. It was a one inch leaf with a root when I got it. Geppetto rests on its leaves and he weaves in and out of them. 

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On 5/28/2023 at 7:22 AM, Guppysnail said:

Did you move his shelf he likes so much into this tank?

I can’t believe how big that sword got. 🤩

I did not. It was pretty big. It’s a breeder box shelf. And admittedly, poorly put together by yours truly. But I gave him 2 leaf hammocks and he’s also been resting on all the plants and the tall thing as well.

On leaf hammock




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