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My past self forgot to put the Repashy back in the fridge 🙄 and forced my present self against her will to make Repashy snello roses 🌹 for the aquatic kids to celebrate Earth Day 🌏 coming up. Can you believe what I’m dealing with here?!


P.S. My freezer is embarrassingly filling up with fish and snail food and things are falling out when I open the door… 

#thestruggleisreal #theyarespoiled

On 4/12/2023 at 9:28 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

the best thing


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Brine shrimp hatchery, 2nd edition (first edition: mason jar - was harder to harvest from). I may add a spigot to this setup later with some spare (never used) drip irrigation system parts I have on hand. For now I will harvest off the bottom with an irrigation syringe+airline.

This setup is also quieter than the jar.

This setup required drinking a lot of Coke Zero. My husband helped. 🥤

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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My dumb self just stuck a hand in the tank 20 minutes after using hand sanitizer. I forgot I had used some at the gas station. I did a water change and hope my critters will be ok. They are acting normally, other than their usual I-don’t-like-water-changes disposition.


@nabokovfan87 reminded me about carbon. Oh yeah! I forget about carbon! So I did that.


These ACO media bags are cool. I never had media bags before. I’ve been using pantyhose for like 20 years. But these are reusable! 

Also this guy is cool with whatever just happened. All-at-once water change, sanitizer, whatever. He just continues to clean his leaf.



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I usually leave mine in the Ziss Hatcher. I harvest for 2 sometimes 3 days. I just keep replacing water. From what I hear once the absorb the yolk save they are not near as nutritious.  You can set up a small container and there are online videos of growing them and keeping adult colonies. 

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So yesterday.. I got ATTACKED by a rooster! I am serious! Went to a friend’s house. She has a colony of chickens, including maybe 3 roosters. We went out to feed them. They saw the food bags and all came running. We sprinkled dried mealworms on the ground, and I had bought some millet for them that we put down. And all of a sudden I got slammed hard in the calves. Very unexpected!  Here the rooster had gone behind me and charged me! 

Of course, my friend asked if I was ok, and yeah, it wasn’t too bad really, but my inner voice is saying “Wow, that was powerful!” and also “That’s definitely going to turn black and blue later.” (It did)

She said that only one rooster does this (mainly her charges at her fiancé). And if the other rooster had been closeby, he would have protected me. Interesting!  The guy on the top left is the culprit. (After I got home I required 3 bandaids. LOL)


A mama who kept trying to hatch invisible eggs, for several weeks, so my friend bought her some chicks 🥰 and now they are a happy family. Mama’s feathers look bad because 1) molting and 2) not eating because taking care of chicks. My friend tries to give mama extra protein etc to help her out. Fortunately in some spots, mama has new feathers coming in. 


And this is my favorite rooster. Blackbeard. Zoom in; he really does have a black beard!  The roosters were calling quite a bit while we were there. Even standing right next to us!


Also on Earth Day I had planted some seeds. Some have sprouted.







A potato with eyes I threw on the raised bed two weeks ago. It made a vine.




THESE SEEDS WERE ALL ABOUT 8 YEARS OLD!  Supposedly seeds aren’t supposed to grow if they are older than a year or something. But I did keep the seeds in their packets, inside mason jars, closed up and refrigerated. So perhaps that has contributed to my success.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 4/29/2023 at 6:09 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Yikes! Not fun…I remember being charged by a little goat once, but it isn’t quite the same thing.😂 Are you going to change your username to @Rooster_Target? 

🤣 I mean, it wasn’t too scary because I never saw him coming. 

A goat would be worse! Did the goat attack once, or repeatedly?

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