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I have had my tanks for 5 months now


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In January i bought my first tank which was a ten gallon i got a nice hang on the back sand fake plants and the other basics. I even used some many i had saved up to by guppy grass which ended up dying in less than a week. I have sense been donated  a 29 gallon for a friend and have lots of fake sand and rocks but no substrate. I use the tank as a grow out for the 4 batches of fry my two female guppy have had. I now have a good deal with the local fish store for 1 dollar for each guppy over 3/4 of a inch. Now i have some spare money i want to really get some live plants live java fern and some flouting plants for the 29 gallon along with substrate. Am concerned that i will have to fertilize and use root tabs. If anybody has experience with the plants feel free to reply. I don't have a lot of money and on a very tight budget i was wondering if anybody had any ideas for the tank.   

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I rarely fertilise my tanks I have no problem with Java fern, anubias or swords. Given the high bio load of breeding guppies if you start steady you should be fine.

Never messed with floating plants though.

As you are on a budget start with only one Java fern it will take awhile but once it establishes it will start firing off new plants for you and you'll have more than enough. Anubias is the same but takes a little longer.

Cheap stem plants can be great and propagate easily and lucky bambo can be picked up pretty cheap as well . 

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I don’t use fertilizer either. I have good luck with many plants but my tap water is awful and has a lot of agricultural run off. Try things like anacharis and hornwort as well as anubias. Hornwort loves hard water and anacharis does good in just about any water. 

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Oh I just thought about this.  I went to my first ever local fish club auction as I thought it was only a cichlid club I never went before. I got some awesome plants that I know do well in my water being auctioned by club folks using the same same water as me. I have wanted these two types for awhile but the price of them online made it to intimidating to try and possibly kill.   I got them for anywhere from $1 -$4 and for huge portions. Being half way through the year membership was prorated so half price of $10. I cannot get 1 plant shipped to me for the cost of the membership and what the actual plant cost at auction plus the portions were 5-10x bigger than online bought. It’s also nice because if I were to have questions I can directly ask the person who has so much success with it they sell off the extra. Even if the club isn’t local enough to go to often it’s a benefit. Many will allow a first attendance and auction free ask first. 


Edited by Guppysnail
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On 6/6/2022 at 12:32 AM, GuppyMan said:

In January i bought my first tank which was a ten gallon i got a nice hang on the back sand fake plants and the other basics. I even used some many i had saved up to by guppy grass which ended up dying in less than a week. I have sense been donated  a 29 gallon for a friend and have lots of fake sand and rocks but no substrate. I use the tank as a grow out for the 4 batches of fry my two female guppy have had. I now have a good deal with the local fish store for 1 dollar for each guppy over 3/4 of a inch. Now i have some spare money i want to really get some live plants live java fern and some flouting plants for the 29 gallon along with substrate. Am concerned that i will have to fertilize and use root tabs. If anybody has experience with the plants feel free to reply. I don't have a lot of money and on a very tight budget i was wondering if anybody had any ideas for the tank.   

Congratulations on the 29 gallon.  I'll start with a disclaimer.  Not every plant will grow for everyone in every tank, so don't get discouraged.

Gravel or sand are cheap substrates, and plants will grow in them.  Your guppies will likely provide enough fertilizer initially, as will the inevitable pest snails if you get them.  I'll second the suggestions of Hornwort and Anacharis. They are great starter plants, especially for fry.  Both can be rooted or left floating.  In my experience, Hornwort is best left to float.  Anubia was another good suggestion, but is much slower growing, and my need additional ferts.  I do have a tank that grows Wisteria in sand quite well with only pest snails, and water change water from another tank.

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@GuppyMan  congratulations on the tanks wishing all the best with the guppies and plants .. I agree with everyone and @Tanked is right please do not get discourage ..  keep trying   if a plant dies  try another plant eventually you will find a plant that works for you and your tank .. I am no expert I was taught through my mistakes   but I have learn allot and still learning .. 

Try one plant give it time if it dies try another plant  keep trying till you find what works   For me And my experience any thing easy I killed Java Moss, Java Fern, a few crypts , anubias .. but I can grow root plants some crypts and stem plants 

Java Fern  or Guppy Grass is a good start .. and  i am having allot of luck with Water wisteria love the leaves   and maybe Water Sprite would be another good  choice  best wishes 

Edited by Bev C
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@Guppysnail what excellent suggestions! 

@GuppyMan I often find that local aquarists will give away plant surpluses so you may want to join local Facebook groups and see if anyone has anything you may want to try. As stated above, it's likely the plants will do well in your water because they've been grown in similar water, although every tank is different. When I bought Java fern for my first tank it went through a very ugly stage but I just ignored my disappointment and it eventually came back around. It never did that in my second tank. It grows at a very quick pace in there. 

If you have sand, I would try epiphyte plants like anubias and Java fern. You just attach them to your hardscape. And mosses too. All can be found relatively cheap. As the others said, floating plants are a great option. I actually added the "dreaded"  duckweed to my tanks, which you can likely find for free. It's very easy to grow, looks pretty in my opinion and will multiply at a quick pace. You'll just have to eventually start removing some from the tank or confine it to a certain area so it doesn't get out of control and cover the entire surface. I've never had luck with other floating plants for some reason, which is why I eventually went to duckweed because it's guaranteed success and that feels good. 

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On 6/6/2022 at 11:26 AM, Jennifer V said:

eventually went to duckweed because it's guaranteed success and that feels good. 

 😭 I’ve tried duckweed on several occasions and can’t get it to grow. My snails and 🐷 guppies eat it faster than it grows. I found 6 tiny dots of it in the moss. I’m nursing it like a rare treasured expensive plant 🤣 on my windowsill so I might have a going supply to feed my critters. 

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On 6/6/2022 at 9:57 AM, Guppysnail said:

 😭 I’ve tried duckweed on several occasions and can’t get it to grow. My snails and 🐷 guppies eat it faster than it grows. I found 6 tiny dots of it in the moss. I’m nursing it like a rare treasured expensive plant 🤣 on my windowsill so I might have a going supply to feed my critters. 

Here's hoping that the windowsill will be a magical place where it decides to grow for you! Mine actually look a minute to really start to multiply. It hasn't taken off yet after quite awhile in my puffer tank but it's still multiplying. It's a bit outrageous in my snail/shrimp tank but I don't have anything else in there like your beautiful guppies that would eat it. 

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On 6/5/2022 at 11:32 PM, GuppyMan said:

In January i bought my first tank which was a ten gallon i got a nice hang on the back sand fake plants and the other basics. I even used some many i had saved up to by guppy grass which ended up dying in less than a week. I have sense been donated  a 29 gallon for a friend and have lots of fake sand and rocks but no substrate. I use the tank as a grow out for the 4 batches of fry my two female guppy have had. I now have a good deal with the local fish store for 1 dollar for each guppy over 3/4 of a inch. Now i have some spare money i want to really get some live plants live java fern and some flouting plants for the 29 gallon along with substrate. Am concerned that i will have to fertilize and use root tabs. If anybody has experience with the plants feel free to reply. I don't have a lot of money and on a very tight budget i was wondering if anybody had any ideas for the tank.   

I started with one crypt in a 55 gallon. I put a couple root tabs down by the roots and in a matter of 9 months one crypt turned into 25 crypts. Each over a foot long. My lfs gave me $5 in trade for each plant. I took one baby to start the process over again. Now my 55 gallon is a grow out tank for my plants. They’re cheaper to feed, take longer to grow out but worth 5 times as much as guppies.

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