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Hey guys I have a fluval flex 32 gallon heavily planted, and healthy I have a pair of apistogramma baeschi, and 12 cardinal tetras, I was looking at my aquarium, and noticed on the glass what looks like little feather dusters there is a tiny stem then a flower like fan on the top, I’m worried if this is epistilis I can’t get a good pic.

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Ok hydra is what I thought it was, they are super tiny and white color, and said above looks like a feather duster they are so tiny, can’t get a pic, is just scraping the glass the solution? Is there a med to put in? And also is there a fish or invertabrete that eats them? 

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Ok gotcha I feed a mixture I made of food it is xtreme community flake, nano xtreme cichlid pellets, northfin fry food, and northfin Berta pellets this concoction of food is what my local breeder uses for all his fish and had great success should I stop if it causes hydra? 

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Over feeding can cause the hydra- if you tried to clean Hydra off the tank walls you break one, it makes more. You can cease the feeding and see if there is a reduction. Basically they feed from the water column. 

Some people use Hydrogen Peroxide to kill them but I would caution you to do your homework before attempting that as you can kill fish. 

In the end, they don't really cause any real problems in the tank but I found that my Hillstream Loach and my Nerites didn't go near the areas where the Hydra was (in a Flex9 so they are already limited on surface space) so I got the male guppies and they are gone, plus I've got some new pretty friends from it.

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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On 5/24/2022 at 5:31 PM, Stephen Zawacki said:

Ok gotcha I feed twice a day should I limit that to one time a day ? 

You can still feed twice a day just reduce the the amount you feed in each feeding till you notice a reduction in the hydra population

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And if you are interested in using some kind of animal to solver your problem, dwarf and honey gouramis do eat them 😋. Just another reason why they're amazing

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