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Posted (edited)

Well, I really hate to post more sad news but my Bolivian Ram, Punk has passed. Unfortunately there is no body for evidence. He's not been seen (any part) for the last week. I was gone for a weekend and assume his tankmates took care of the "last rights" so to speak. He was looking very ragged in the end, I think he was just old as I did get him from another fish keeper, no telling how old he really was. I will likely get more Rams when I finally get the 196 gallon tank up and running but for now I'm just letting the Rasboras, Neons and solo SAE chill in the tank. Swim in Peace little buddy! 





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On 5/18/2024 at 10:00 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Well, I really hate to post more sad news but my Bolivian Ram, Punk has passed. Unfortunately there is no body for evidence. He's not been seen (any part) for the last week. I was gone for a weekend and assume his tankmates took care of the "last rights" so to speak. He was looking very ragged in the end, I think he was just old as I did get him from another fish keeper, no telling how old he really was. I will likely get more Rams when I finally get the 196 gallon tank up and running but for now I'm just letting the Rasboras, Neons and solo SAE chill in the tank. Swim in Peace little buddy! 





@xXInkedPhoenixX I am so sorry for your loss. I had fun following along on all of Punk’s adventures.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

OK! Mixed news here. 


Nearly a week with absolutely NO sign of him I spotted him in the tank just swimming in a circle aimlessly.

Now while this is very nice news, what isn't nice is his condition is TERRIBLE. His right eye is nearly bursting from his head, left is a bit swollen and he seems understandably listless. Now I'm with our leader here @Cory in that I can't euthanize a fish.I did it once and felt terrible afterwards. Instead I'm going to try. So Punk is now in Quarantine with Maracyn, IAL, salt and water conditioner. If he's still trying, I'm still trying. Cross your fingers for him folks, it might get ugly!  image000006(1).jpg.fac3d4221b8460b70a2e83fc68de718e.jpgimage000007(1).jpg.2b7c03538e133e50f7e1f2b2a8bdbb17.jpg

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Posted (edited)

@nabokovfan87, thanks very much. I assume it's a continuation of his already inflamed eye that's been going on for months- and I don't even know how that started. No matter what I did nothing changed, then he disappeared and reappeared with it worse. I'm assuming that originally he got the injury somewhere in the tank. I only run sponges in there but there is wood and plants, not to mention the "Angry Man". Now that he's isolated I'm hoping I can help his situation. We'll see. 

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I can attest, given my current situation, sometimes meds just aren't going to "fix it" and sometimes it's a really weird issue.

Hoping for the best results and some sort of relief to the fish issues for you (and the fish).

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Posted (edited)

Punk is still swimming in circles in his QT no change. Day 4 of Maracyn. After this I'm just going to let him soak in IAL and salt and let time take its course. 

On to more positive things. I continue to occasionally see a single baby from my False Julii Corycats. It's funny it's always just one. I think maybe I had 2 of similar age at one point as well but one was significantly larger. Once they get anywhere near adult sized however I have no idea who is who since they all look the same just some are LORG and some are considerably SMOL. To use internet terms. My girls are GARGANTUAN AMAZONS. I mean super tubby things. The sad part is, pics just don't do them justice. 

Here is a tubby sitting on the medium ACO filter. If you have a sponge this size you kind of have an idea of what a tank this fish is: 


Then there's a juvenile. Not tiny but small enough I know it's a recent addition to the group, like Cory tend to do, sit in the food bowl staring at you expectantly: image000007(2).jpg.4acd330765afeedbed351408ab62a9a0.jpg

Here is one of what I think is a male: 


They seem happy. I have no idea how many I have now. They'll be even happier when the 196 gallon finally gets up and running. 

I occasionally get to see one of my Horned Nerites in the Angry Man tank. I used to have a trio, Lock, Shock and Barrel - however I know at least one has moved on from this world. Not sure if I have 2 or just one at this point since I never see 2 at the same time (like Batman). I wish I could have a whole army of these. I love them. Instead I have an army of Ramshorns! 



Let me also sing the song of love for my Harlequins. All 10 of them have been with me since I set up my first 20 gallon tank in 2020. Not one has been an issue for me. They are beautiful fish and I look forward to having more of them when we move to the bigger tank. They always look a little conspiratorial: 




Last but never least. I think I have the PRETTIEST Otocinclus fish in the world: image000008(1).jpg.377f1e3d6cd2efb135c178d31694bd45.jpg

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On 5/29/2024 at 5:30 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

but if you were running a tidal filter I would go there first....

Why would you suspect the Tidal filter ( curious since I have the Tidal 35).

Poor little Punk!  He's pitiful, bless his heart.

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On 5/31/2024 at 9:21 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Let me also sing the song of love for my Harlequins.

I love your Angry Man tank and the Harlequin Rasboras.  I only have 4 but they have happily lived and shoaled alongside 3 Rummy-Nose Tetras for 2 years now, without any illness or distress (1 tetra died in quarantine).  I didn't really know what I was doing but I had a single female Betta in my 20 high, so I got the other fish to keep my Betta company, plus 1 dwarf Clown Pleco (still fat and sassy).  This fact seems weird to me but when I lost the Betta to fin rot, the other fish all seemed much happier.  Maybe their was some bullying that I wasn't aware of.  🤔

After losing 3 Bettas in 5 years, I decided I really enjoy these healthier fish more.  I need a bigger tank some day!

You always inspire me, @xXInkedPhoenixX ❣️


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On 6/7/2024 at 2:10 PM, Flipper said:

After losing 3 Bettas in 5 years, I decided I really enjoy these healthier fish more.  I need a bigger tank some day!

Gosh I so know the feeling. I'm done with Betta AGAIN. I'm always tempted but they are so fragile. I DO love my healthy schoolers. They are never a problem just do their thing and sometimes I forget how amazing they are, so sometimes I just have to watch them and remember that they (Harlequins and Otos) are what I started with. My bigger tank will have more of the same kinds of fish (groups of the same, I'm starting to lean away from "centerpiece" fish). The Angry Man is only a 20, if you were near me I'd gift it to you when I moved my fish out to the big one! It's my favorite tank that I've ever had and has been a joy to have. 

Thanks so much for the kind words, they are very much appreciated. 


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On 5/31/2024 at 9:21 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

They'll be even happier when the 196 gallon finally gets up and running. 

Good luck with your new huge tank.  I can't wait to see pictures of it.  🤗

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@Flipper thanks much! It will be some time before I get it up and running. Probably next 6 months or so. I do plan on consolidating everyone in my tanks into 1 40 gallon breeder until I can set up the big tank. 

On that note, what do you think fish family, I'm pondering breaking down my "Accidental Tank". It has 5 Endler males and 2 Hillstreams with 1 Nerite. I was thinking about plunking my Endlers in with either the Otos/Corycats in the Parent Tank with the Hillstreams which is stable but already fairly overstocked OR would they be ok in the Angry Man with the Tetras/Harlequins?

My only worry, will the SAE or the Tetras/Harlequins bother the annoying little brothers (Endlers)? Anyone keep all of these in one tank? 

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Posted (edited)

I know how we all run through the forum (I miss updates from threads I follow so I have to go to where I've posted before section) but if anyone has any input on the above entry that would be nice! Haven't done anything yet!

The bad news first. Punk isn't going to make it but he's not done yet. He has gotten markedly worse, I won't even go into how. It's sad. I still can't bring myself to euthanize him. 


On to brighter things. I was home from work and walked past the Accidental Tank and behold! I see Dyson the Hillstream loach on the glass! This may not seem at all exciting to you my friends but it is to me because they (unknown if Dyson is male or female) are usually on the side of a sculpture in the tank in a crack where I can barely see them. I was so happy! 


It's funny how I can immediately tell the difference between the two, Dyson and Kirby. It's easy if I see them from their "tops" as Kirby is golden and Dyson is nearly black. I find their "bottoms" equally distinctive. Here they are side by side (not literally because I have not seen that happen in a LONG time. 


I have some really cool mixed male Endlers I got from a local breeder (5) each one unique and impossible of course to take pics of...the bottom 2 pics are of the same Endler who I should call "the blur". Couldn't get the other 2 on camera! 😆


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