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What Cory's should I use in my 10 gallon


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So I used to do alot of fishkeeping when I decided to stop after there was a cotton eye outbreak in my favorite and first tank where in the end all my fish died. Now I have decided to try again with the ten gallon I forgot I had put up in the attic I have cleaned it out gotten it prepared now I need to stock. I have watched alot of videos and I have decided on a simple stocking of a betta with a school of neons some snails and a type of Cory but I am torn between Panda, Albino or Pygmy. What do you think I should stock it with you can say something completely different then what I said or what Cory I should stock it with. I am all ears.

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Corydoras are a shoaling species and many fish keepers recommend a minimum of 5-6. It sounds like your tank may be on the small side for the amount of fish you're looking to stock. How many neons are you planning to stock? I'd personally upgrade to a 20 long.

Edited by colo3000
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You could probably get away with your stocking list, just keep in mind you'll need to be more attentive to water changes and monitoring water quality, and you will want to observe the behavior of your fish for stressed behaviors. Betta personalities can vary and some may get more stressed than others if they're not happy with the amount of personal space they have. If you go for Corydoras I would recommend choosing pygmies, as they're quite small. So that'd be 5-6 Pygmies, 5-6 Neons, a Betta, and your snails.

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I would get the Betta and pygmies they are little but very active mine like sitting in plants and are active in most areas of tank not just the substrate. Once you have those two in place have a think about weather or not you need the neons.

Remember smaller tanks often need you build slowly on the stocking or risk a cycle crash.

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I'll pipe in and say this tank might be more satisfying with just the pygmies and the neons. Bettas aren't easy, just search this forum for sick and dying bettas- I'd bet money they are the #1 "I need help" fish on this forum. They definitely seem to need 80-82 degree water and I'd highly recommend Indian Almond Leaves in the tank at all times. 

Normally I'd say bottom feeders would always have to be added last in any tank as they seem to do better in a decently established tank- but with a betta THEY should be added last so they don't get territorial and things happen. So if they are the only 2 species, I would say you should wait longer into the cycle before adding the cories.

Consider this too: If you get a betta and he or she attacks the other fish or even the other fish attack them (which is not likely with neons and cories)- what do you do? You've said you don't have the room for another tank or at least a bigger one. 

I understand why people really like bettas. I still do, but won't keep them again. They are too hard and a set up often for a disappointment. 

I think a tank with some active neons and the cories would be fun, interesting and easy to maintain. IMO the best way for you to ease back into things after you are coming back from losing your favorite tank. 

Whatever you do, just do your research and good luck!!

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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@xXInkedPhoenixX brings up some good points on bettas. I’m lucky got mine from a big box the day he arrived and he wasn’t too beat up. Only took a month to fix his popeye and fin rot. I recommend bettas on their own usually. DJ Turbo mine is homicidal, he’s killed snails, shrimps (neos and amanos) and we’ll see what happens when I breed him hopefully this spring. I’m going to only do it when I’m home for fear he’ll go all Hannibal Lecter. 

Pygmy corys, should be able to do 10-12 other option are Habrosus both are great with Habrosus harder to get though. Those 10 or so, snails (I’d go nerite as they can fully close up shop in defense against a betta), maybe a smaller fish then neons in a small school or shoal and the betta probably max you out in a 10. 

Neons are not a great choice for a tank that size. Interestingly they may get nippy with the betta if you choose a long finned variety. Then the betta will either get sick from fin rot or get homicidal. Plakats are not a super choice as they may be faster and able to get your other inhabitants. It all depends on the betta. Some are sweet, some are sickly, other are homicidal. 

A smaller rasbora could work, kubotai, Axelrodi, exclamation points or if you want a tetra maybe embers. You might be able to do green neons I just think regular neons and cardinals need a 20 high or long and up. 

Hope it works out which ever way you go I would love to see a pic. What are your plans for plants and scape? 

Edited by Beardedbillygoat1975
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I kept a betta, neons and a few albino Cory( not much different than panda)  in a 20 high 80 degrees. When the Cory reached sexual maturity they “crowded” the betta with their level of activity. And I had to move them. My albinos also felt to large for the 10 I moved them to but were noticeably much happier at the lower 75 degree temp. My Pygmy colony did just fine in a 10 I had at 77 degrees in case I needed to drop guppy fry in. I moved the Pygmy and recently lowered the temp to 75. They seem happiest at that and more active. My pandas were also at 77 with guppies but are now at 75 and it made a huge happiness and activity difference. Pandas are crazy active way beyond what my albinos were. 
So yes they can all be kept together but based on my experience they are happier not being together. The betta and neons with snails made a happy tank for me. Or I also say go with Pygmy and neons and of course it’s not a party 🎉 without some snails. 

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So watched this video, for some reason I can't paste it but it is by Irene and it's called How To Set Up A Easy 10-gallon Aquascape. She ment it for breeding though, but I just wasn't going to use the huts, and for plants I was thinking Narrow Java fern, Monte Carlo for carpet, Anubis Nana petite, and I haven't quite decided on a floater.

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Aww thanks. Yeah my betta neon tank was so relaxing. Just an added thought when you get comfortable again I eventually added neocaridina shrimp. My betta was super chill not an aggressive bone in him. Shrimp would park on his back and go around the tank with him. The shrimps lifespan was noticeably shorter at the betta temps vs lower temps though. 

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So I don't feel like starting another forum, so I just gonna ask in here, I don't have any pet stores or fish stores near me other than PetCo and PetSmart and I don't know if it's the right choice to shop there because I sadly enough used to get all my fish there and PetCo is where I got the fish that caused the cotton eye outbreak. Does anyone know any solutions to how I can buy fish that are actually good quality and not going to start the fish version of Covid 19

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Hey there! Just adding my 2 cents cause this is oddly familiar. I temporarily kept a betta and 4 albino corys in a 10 gallon (emergency-type situation). The betta originally lived peacefully in a 55 with the corys; after being transferred to the 10, she wanted to kill them. She's a veiltail female and continues to live peacefully platys. The white, flowy fins seem to make my other fish hungry. 


edit: Your mileage will vary with Petsmart and Petco. Some of them are great and have employees who truly care for the fish. Some of them are awful. I would check them out before completely discrediting them. Most aquarists I know support Petco by buying Aqueon tanks either way. 

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No, I just am a control freak and I want to know where I should get them and calculate pros and cons then making a plan based on my research.

No, I just am a control freak and I want to know where I should get them and calculate pros and cons then making a plan based on my research.

Weird I know

Oops just sent that twice


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I got some guppies from ebay and had an amazing experience. The same seller also sells bettas. I know I've heard we can't suggest competitive companies but coop doesn't sell bettas online so I hope its ok. The seller was htownguppy. The fish came a week early, healthy, and beautiful. I suggest checking that out. 

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@Guppysnailbrings up an excellent point about tank temps and who is happiest at what temp. I've been obsessed with the idea of getting cories in the future and know they do better at temps in the lower 70s. From what I understand, bettas need it to be quite a bit warmer. I'm not sure about neons, but it's something to think about when making your eventual decision. 

As for where to source your little babies, I've had fabulous luck with Aqua Huna so I highly recommend checking them out. They sell all of the fish you're interested in. They'll even chat with you ahead of time and answer any questions you have about the fish you'll keep and what their specific needs are. 

Edited by Jennifer V
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