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Replacing fish after my heart attack

Brandon p

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Aquabid is typically the best site, but I just took a look and they've only got a few very limited, fairly high-priced options now. I've seen quarter-sized discus selling for $10 or so there on occasion. The site somethingsphishy typically has the best online prices for 2" discus, but I've never ordered from them, so I can't vouch for their quality. They post a lot of good reviews but that doesn't mean a lot.

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Ture maybe I should be more patient. I think I’m in rush to get things back normal fast and maybe I should slow down a little. I was looking for a second and third pair of leopard frog plecos before but the price when up so much since I buy two a few years  ago and prices where more reason able. I may have to move on to something else.  Over all I’m pleased everything did butter than I thought. I think it helped in most tanks I have the are planted and general well fed. So maybe the had some extra fat stored up. I always try to walk the line of what’s the right amount of food. 

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On 2/27/2022 at 10:47 AM, gardenman said:

Aquabid is typically the best site, but I just took a look and they've only got a few very limited, fairly high-priced options now. I've seen quarter-sized discus selling for $10 or so there on occasion. The site somethingsphishy typically has the best online prices for 2" discus, but I've never ordered from them, so I can't vouch for their quality. They post a lot of good reviews but that doesn't mean a lot.

I have ordered from somethingsphishy. A few times. I would not recommend it unless you are willing to go above and beyond to save fish. I think there is a reason they are that “cheap” I’m about and 1.5 hours from them and they often arrive dead or orders are canceled and refunds for fish that never shipped are hard to get. If I get desperate I may set up a separate quarantine tank just for those if I have to order from him but I might pay a little bit extra just not to. And I can only say to my experience with the seller I’m sure other people of had Ookay luckIf I get desperate I may set up a separate quarantine tank just for those if I have to order from him but I might pay a little bit extra just not to. And I can only say to my experience with the seller I’m sure other people of had Ookay luck

On 2/27/2022 at 12:01 PM, Flumpweesel said:

Take things easy, I wonder if the season is effecting the stock available people may be wary of shipping in winter. Although if I remember rightly winter isn't a cold thing were you are @Brandon p

Yes that could be and I’m in south Florida so tend to forget that some people are still having winter. I think we had 3 or 4 days that the low for the was in the 40’s all winter. Some years we do get a few 20 degree days but not this year

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I'm glad you are doing well and thinking fishy thoughts. Remember, "Slow and steady wins the race."

Take care of yourself and your fish. Cracked ribs from CPR are no fun, but no CPR is less fun. I'm glad you are still with us.

Warning, here comes a mini rant: Everyone should learn CPR and first aid. It gives you something to do while waiting for the EMTs to arrive.

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On 2/27/2022 at 9:56 AM, Brandon p said:

Yes I’m not supposed to lift anything and my chest hursts still from the cpr and being shocked several times, but I’m well enough to look for fish

Oh Brandon, that is scary.

So grateful that you are still here with us. A year ago 2/15 I ended up in the hospital with a stroke. That's how I lost my shrimp colonies. As a fellow survivor who is still discovering new adaptations to fish keeping post stroke, it's okay to take your time replacing your livestock. 

This is supposed to be a relaxing hobby, and I have not found struggling to get water changes done to be very relaxing. Guilt doesn't help our recovery, either. My biggest lesson has been I will find exactly what I need, when I need it, as long as I don't try to force things to happen before their time.

Every time I have been ready to order my replacement carbon rillis, we have had a freak snow storm, random power outtages, or AquaHuna has run out. So I put my order on hold, and take my cue from the universe: it's just not time yet.

I am hoping you have a complete and total recovery, and have the support of an excellent cardiac team.

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Oh no, I'm so sorry you're going through such complicated health issues. You sound very strong and positive about the future, which is so great. Keep enjoying the fishies you have and good luck finding the fishies you want to have. Keep us updated about how you're doing. Sending you positive, healing vibes.

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Thank you. It can be hard to not jump back into things full force. I feel pretty good just the pains for the cpr and shocks remind me to take things a little slower until I get cleared to do more.  A funny thing was I had to put some water in my 125g just so the hob would not be crazy loud. It took me lots of trips adding 16oz at a time. 

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On 2/27/2022 at 2:09 PM, KittenFishMom said:

I'm glad you are doing well and thinking fishy thoughts. Remember, "Slow and steady wins the race."

Take care of yourself and your fish. Cracked ribs from CPR are no fun, but no CPR is less fun. I'm glad you are still with us.

Warning, here comes a mini rant: Everyone should learn CPR and first aid. It gives you something to do while waiting for the EMTs to arrive.

I agree I am cpr certified and lucky have only had to assist. I also believe bussniess should have AED and train their employees with it.  I have seen it save several lives working on golf courses for years. 

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On 2/27/2022 at 12:56 PM, Flumpweesel said:

We had a mild winter this year but I'm very jealous of those temps. I hate the cold I'd love to live somewhere where wooly hats weren't a necessity

we still wear wooly hats and to us they are a necessity. imiss seeing the seasons. 6" of snow i can pass on but a little is nice to go see every few years.

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