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'Scapes from Scraps

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Just a reminder to all that St Nermy’s Day weekend starts Friday 4/1/22 and the inaugural Scapes from Scraps competition!!!

There will be 9 categories. 

1. Home alone - you had everything at home and didn’t spend a dime

2. The micro/pick tank- less than 5 g

3. The nano 5-10

4. Normalcy - 10-20

5. Biggie - 20+

6. Pass the Dutchie - Dutch style 

7. it’s a jungle out there

8. hey mister fantasy

9. Tous’ - tanks of unusual size, dimensions or make for all the oddball containers And setups

You post up to 5 pics of your tank in the category you’ve chosen. 

Rules that are hopefully not broken:

1. At all costs try to reuse what you’ve got at home, this includes upcycling tanks, filters, lights, hardscape, substrate etc

2. Try to spend as little as you can

3. plants should be clippings if at all possible

4. Document your build - pics pics pics as best you can

5. have fun, keep it light and tongue in cheek!

We’ll count the hearts. 1,2,3 will be announced on Sunday. Voting will end at noon Pacific Standard Time. 

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Well we’ve thought out things and because not everyone is as insane as some of us with our daily visits to the forum we’ve decided to have the contest go 7 calendar days - starts 4/1 and ends on 4/8 with awards handed out on 4/9/22. 

All the other rules and categories apply, we only vote affirmative with a heart or not at all - we have to keep it positive and fun. No hate on these threads. 

if there are questions, concerns, musings etc place them here or DM me @Atitagain or @Odd Duck. Have a good 24 hours on St Nermy’s Eve and we’ll see all you crazy Nerms here 4/1/22!

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