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Filter recommendation.

Native Keeper

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You have lots of options. I might be more inclined to go with a couple of bigger hang on back filters. The Aquaclears or other non-cartridge types. Canister filters are great (I'm using two now.) But they can be a pain to clean and maintain. Two HOBs one on each end of the 110-gallon tank would give you good water flow and be pretty easy to maintain.

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Yeah, I agree with @gardenman  Canisters can be a huge pain to maintain. 

I recommend going with AquaClear HOBs. A lot easier. And if you want more filtration, add plants with the Co-app Easy Planters. Goldfish can't dig them up. 


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On 1/2/2022 at 11:14 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Eheim classic 2217 or a 2262, it’s a nice big canister and you can put whatever you want in it but they come with some great media to start and you can configure it how you like it. I use media bags to separate things. Very quiet 🤫 making for happy partners.

I just installed the eheim classic on my 20 long.  I kinda feel for me at least that its easier to clean than my fluval 407.  

I disconnect it, and flip it upside down into a stainless steel bowl squeeze out the sponge, empty the water in the bowl, swish it around in some tap water (well water) put the media back in and put some filter floss on the top.  Fill it with water and slap the top back on. 

I was really impressed with how easy it was to clean  


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@HotTunaCartelI agree, I never understood the issues people have with maintaining it or priming it - if you just unplug it, close the valves on the quick disconnect to the tank and from the tank, and then do your maintenance, when you hook it back in it essentially self primes when you open the valves back up. Sure you have to shake it a bit to get the bubbles out but I have had to do that with Fluvals as well. The other thing is it is so easy to get Eheim parts, although I have heard Fluval is good as well. 

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I think the things I have learned about these filters over the last 20 years - 1 get media bags to separate out your bio media, 2 get good sponges I really like the 10, 20 and 30 dpi from Swiss Tropicals you get what you pay for, 3 I have watched some pond guru videos about the order of placement of the media and this has really helped me keep things clean and flowing through the system. He uses the bottom of a planter to keep the foams from being squished but I am too inpatient for that. 

Currently I have a mix of substrate pro and mech that it came with on the very bottom below the grate, then I have 10, 20 then 30 dpi foams, then I have a giant media bag of biohome ultimate (I would just do lava and pumice stone next time after some of the recent trials people have done), then I put either fine filter floss or when I use meds a carbon pad. I have also gone without the filter floss and this has worked just fine as well and saves you a need to change out the floss every month or so. However, the filter floss really is magic for pristine water clarity. I really don't care about particulate. You can also put a prefilter sponge on the intake and then I just ring this out with each water change giving me greater time between filter services.  

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Like @Beardedbillygoat1975 and @HotTunaCartel, I like Eheim, primarily because it has one big chamber which allows me to use whatever media I like. I cut 30 ppi foam to fit and fill the cannister with it - and nothing else. Works great. Aquariumscience.org has some great articles on filter media which describe the benefits of 30 ppi foam and the shortcomings of most commercial filter media.

I have occasionally had difficulty getting the cannisters re-started, but it is usually something simple I have overlooked. This has become less of a problem now that I only open the cannisters to clean them if flow has noticeably decreased, which is every 2-3 months or so.

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On 1/3/2022 at 1:53 PM, HydraSlayer said:

See, here's the thing, @Jeff @gardenman, I have an Aqua clear 75 on my 75-gallon tank, and I despise cleaning that thing out.

I still want to try canisters. I want to experiment and experiment I will. Thank you for your recommendations!

Fair enough. Good luck to you! Let us know how your canister works out. 

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