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Guppy tank going strong! How are yours doing?


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This aquarium has been set up for a while. I have had multiple problems with illness in the aquarium but I was able to get it under control. The original plan was to make it a mutt guppy tank but they are all yellow with some red. I will soon be removing most of the guppies and putting in some different colored fish. What does your guppy tank set up look like?


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Guppy tanks are the best, nothing like seeing new babies all the time. I just had to add a 20H to my bathroom counter as a dedicated guppy tank. I had made the unfortunate decision of putting my guppies in a lovely divided tank where they occupied half and 3 of my male bettas occupied the other half (split into individual sections). The unfortunate part was that I didn't even think about how the dividers are drilled with holes perfect for guppy fry to slip through and they slowly migrated from one betta chamber to the next. It is slow going trying to net them all out and into the 20 but hopefully I'll finish before next year! Lesson learned! 

Divided Tank .jpeg

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