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Hydra 2020? Did I miss a 2020 thing?


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What is this?  From a face book post, permission was granted to reach out for answers:  As posted;  It's growing off a nirate snail.   Nothing kills it.  And it's hard!  It is a snail.   Size of a quarter.   We have treated the tank with parasite and fungal stuff as well as algae.   He moves around well, eats and has grown.  We have cut them off but they grow back.  


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It is certainly creepy. I’m not positive it’s hydra but it kinds looks like it and kind of not hydra I am familiar with are definitely not hard. Nerites can be salt/fresh/brackish so maybe it is something that came from those conditions and survives freshwater (totally guessing on that) An easy way to kill hydra cut it off use a qtip dipped in hydrogen peroxide and hold it onto the spot. Hold for 30 seconds. For that monster I may do it twice. Do not allow any peroxide to touch the snails body (foot..soft parts) it will harm the snail. If even 1 cell remains it will regenerate that’s why it is call “immortal”. I hope that helps. Hydrogen peroxide kills quite a range of things so even if it’s not hydra it may help. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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That just looks like black worms to me 🤷‍♂️ and their "substrate" does not appear to be a snail, definitely not a nerite. Looks like a large hydrated food pellet.


Hydra look like upside down jellyfish stuck in a tube. The largest freshwater species only being about 3 cm long.

Edited by Biotope Biologist
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