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Found 6 results

  1. Hey everyone, I think sometimes it's hard to remember and hard to realize exactly how far we've come in the hobby. I am sure many of us don't even know what the oldest photo we have really is. I am sure plenty of us will end up finding a great memory to explain or be able to see the journey you've taken as a hobbyist and feel a bit of pride. There is a saying, an old quote, "you can never step in the same river twice." For me personally this speaks to a lot of things in life. I look at each tank I've kept and every moment in the hobby as my attempt to start over and make it better. It might take me a year, five years, or ten years to finish the project, but I hope that with everyone sharing their journeys in this way, that we can find some inspiration for new hobbyists who happen to find their way here. If you can, take some time to find your oldest tank photo, let us know whatever you'd like to about it. Following that, please post your most recent tank photo and be sure to let us know whatever you'd like to say about it. Finally, I'll ask everyone who posts to try to give some sort of tip, advice, encouragement to a new hobbyist. Thanks!
  2. A road I drive every so often has a spot where the river, tree line, and foreground are nice to look at. Nothing real spectacular but enough to notice. About a week ago as I was driving through this spot, the sun was setting at just the right time and it made the sky behind a certain color and I was instantly almost overwhelmed. Inspiration hits me sometimes with a rush of emotions and my brain starts clicking, next thing I know I’ve got the baseline idea for a whole project. How does a setting sun color turn into a fish tank? It’s amazing how inspiration works! I’ve always been on the artsy side of everything but never took much of it seriously. It works the same in my work as well, being a finish carpenter I get to use design, flow, vision, problem solving, and more to create custom cabinetry and interior woodwork. I find inspiration to be a very useful tool I use every day. It comes from some of the strangest places too. What are some of the ways you’ve been inspired in aquascaping? Hardscape, plants, water parameters, stocking, types of equipment, whatever it may be as long as it’s fish keeping related.
  3. I woke up early today, put in a couple hours maintaining tanks and feeding again. Started my job as a Manny. (that’s what the wife calls me, male nanny) at nap time, another hour cleaning tanks again. Bedtime major projects time 3-4 hours again. This is not every day but most. I drink a lot of coffee 🥴get 5-6 hours sleep, start over. Would be so much easier to give up the tanks. Atleast cut back to one or two. Would save A LOT of money, less stress, more time for other hobbies, and wouldn’t be called a nerm by all my friends and family. Sometimes I wonder why, then I see this… It’s not really that much money considering how much joy it brings me, it relieves much more stress than it causes, I don’t wanna take time to do other hobbies, and I am very proud to be called a nerm. was feeling a little beat and tired today and taking pics for something else when I caught the one of hillstream loach and bristlenose on the log. Started looking around and snapping pics and these are some of my favorite pics I’ve ever takin. Not that their professional just that they reminded me of what I do this for. Hope you enjoy and please leave a pic that would lift you up when you are wondering why?
  4. Within the next month or so I want to start my first breeding tank! With me being a total NEWB to breeding fish I want to start off with something easy like Platys. Soon I want start doing egg laying fish like Apistogramma, Corycats, Killifish. But with me planning this tank I want to see everyone elses tank to get some inspiration. I will be using a 10 gallon aquarium.
  5. I bought it at the thrift store for cheap, got too excited without checking to see if it'd hold water lol after I bought it I saw the sticker saying it will not. I'm thinking maybe there's a way to add it to the top of a tank and create a paludarium? But open to ideas lol. I think it's 20 gallons, similar size to a 20 long
  6. I found this link earlier today. It has pictures of so MANY planted tank aquascapes that is meant to inspire/ motivate fellow aquarists. the pictures are sorted by the difficulty, size and aquarium type. https://tropica.com/en/inspiration/ Tropica in my opnion is one of the best (probably tied with the co-op) planted tank companies. I am a huge fan of there root tabs and aquarium plant fertilizer. Hope this links helps anyone in need of inspiration for there next tank build, or they just need some motivation!
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