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  1. I plan on buying medaka eggs directly from Japan to hatch out; as they're expensive (at least relative to my income) I'm a little nervous about hatching and raising them since this would be my first time hatching fish eggs. I've been able to gather the basics off of youtube videos; ex. keep the water clean (50% water changes every day until they're a certain size), feed fry a variety of foods more often than you would an adult fish (3-5x a day) bc they have small bellies and quick metabolisms, use one (1) drop of methylene blue per (variable) no. of gallons of water to keep the eggs from fuzzing up (and, failing that, use tannins from botanicals), etc. etc. Is there anything I'm missing or have I mostly got everything down? Is taking my first try at hatching eggs with ones that are so expensive a bad idea? I plan to order them late March/early April to make sure shipping temps don't dip below freezing in my area, is this a sound idea? A little worried about temps in my house but I've heard medaka eggs just need to reach a certain number of degrees across multiple hours to hatch. Apologies if this is in the wrong section, figured egg hatching was bundled into breeding.
  2. I was given some eggs from a local breeder a few months ago. Now they're finally ready to hatch. I set up a Tupperware container that holds roughly 1 gallon of water and put in a small sponge filter. The water is mostly from my shrimp tank which is full of microorganisms. Initially I was using a jar with the coconut coir that held the eggs but it was about an inch deep on the bottom and I was worried the fry would be buried. After about an hour I moved it over to another large flat container like the one in this picture. About an hour later the reflections of their eyes were visible in the coir. Using a turkey baster, I moved the fry to the clean container with the sponge filter. This way the left over coir can be dried and saved to try again in a few weeks just in case she eggs weren't ready. Also, some eggs have a built in protection against "false spring" and need to be wet twice before actually hatching. I'm not sure how often that happens with n guentheri but it couldn't hurt to try. All the online instructions mention how small the fry are but I still feel like I want prepared for just how small they really are. Here is a picture of a fry with a seed shrimp for scale: The water has some salt to reduce the risk of fungal infections. A huge thanks to the guy who gave me the eggs: @Zach T
  3. Hey all, I am experiencing an issue with hatching out BBS. I have a home-made setup (pictured) consisting of four 1 liter bottles. Each one is completely identical, has a siphon tube and air line/stone connected at the base. The heat is created by a single 25w halogen lamp placed directly in the center of all four bottles, which keeps the bottles between 79-83F at all times. I hatch two bottles per day: one pair today, the other tomorrow, etc. I use Aquarium Co-Op eggs and either Co-Op or Fritz salt at 1tbsp/liter of water, premixed in another container for consistency. I have been successfully hatching up to 1/2tbsp of eggs per bottle for the last 3 months without incident. Suddenly, one of the four bottles (front right in picture) has given me two consecutive hatch rotations with basically no eggs hatching. All things are exactly the same, down to the amount of air being driven in each bottle. All bottles share the same temperature, brine water source container, egg container, parts, etc. Now one bottle is failing, and only one bottle. Nothing has changed in months. The only recent thing that happened is that I wiped down the inside of the bottles with my (clean) hand and clean tap water a week ago to remove build-up and slime as part of regular maintenance to the hatchery. All bottles received the same treatment. Why would one our of four suddenly be failing? I figured that the NERM hivemind would be able to help. Any ideas are appreciated!
  4. Here’s a link to my new little hatching system. Any input is appreciated
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