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  1. I have an ugly 3.5-gallon from the Topfin brand. I had a Betta named Cloud and an Otocinclus named Otto in it for a while but I now want to throw it out now that both fish have passed due to ageing recently. I want to sell it to make way for a new breeder project I have planned to place on my desk. Any suggestions on what to keep in it. Or should I sell it.
  2. July 19 - I bought - new fish tank (10g) sand (AquaNatural Sugar White) some fake plants heater (50W) sponge filter for 10g Aqueon QuietFlow 10 driftwood (Imagitarium) API Stress Coat+ SeaChem Prime + Stability FritzZyme 7 Beneficial Bacteria I knew about the nitrogen cycle and in previous years had always done a fish in cycle but wanted to do it a bit different after finding out Fritz had BB in a bottle. I conditioned my water and waited about 24 just to be safe before doing anything else. I added in the recommended 1/2 cup of FritzZyme 7 BB and a pinch of fish food (flake). After waiting for about 3 days and adding a small pinch of food every day, what I thought I was going to need to feed my fish. July 24 - I used a master freshwater testing kit to check my water. The tests read as follows: pH - 7.7 Ammonia - .50ppm Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - ~6ppm GH - 12°/214.8ppm KH - 6°/107.4ppm. I headed over to my local pet store (Petsmart) and picked out a male and two female fancy guppies just to start. They seemed to behave normally and I waited until the next morning to feed them. July 27 - I felt the need to test my water again. pH - 7.8 Ammonia - <.25ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Nitrate - <10ppm. (10% WC) July 30 - I brought home 2 Nerite snails from petco. Aug. 4 - Guppy had 3 fry that are currently in a breeder basket inside the aquarium. Aug. 5 - I got some frogbit from a friend and added it to the aquarium. pH spiked to 8, I removed the frogbit because I got worried and did a 25% WC. One of the female guppies died. Aug. 7 - Tested the water. pH - 7.8 Ammonia - 0ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Nitrate - 0ppm I started wondering if my cycle had crashed or if my tank was completely cycled and something was eating the nitrate (possibly the frogbit or water change?) The remaining female died. (One male left). Added more FritzZyme 7 about 1/2 cup. Aug. 11 - Someone was rehoming baby Platy (about and inch) so I took them in. I put eleven of them in the tank with the two nerite snails, three guppy fry, and one adult male guppy. I know this is a lot for the 10g tank and am in the process of setting up and building the base for their permanent home (37g). This change happened before the platy were added. I know things can go wrong but I'm on top of care, water testing, and have backups if absolutely necessary. Aug. 13 - pH - 7.8 Ammonia - 0ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Nitrate - 0ppm I'm not sure whats happening. All of the fish are acting fine, eating, and playing with each other, fry included.
  3. Ok so for the first week or two I was reading this forum I was confused by a few animal names. Mystery snails: I thought this meant snails who's origin (and or species) was unknown to the fish keeper. Like they just appeared in the tank one day and no one knows how; it's a mystery. convict chiclid: I thought this was colorful language for a chiclid that was aggressive and had to go into another tank for the safety of the rest of the community. Can we just get all the confusing names out of the way and list them here 🙂
  4. Different Size leaves on each stem, each vine is about 8 inches. Found a little hole in the wall fish store, and they had this plant in one of their setups. The owner didn't know what it was took it in on trade, I have 20x 6 to 12 inch lengths of this. It doesn't look like Anubias so I have no clue. It was deep dark green, but must not like my water just yet.
  5. Joey the betta has tail problems. I'm gonna start with all my tank details and then get into his situation Tank 10 gallon tank Tank was set up early April, fish added May 1 2020 Filtered with a sponge filter Heated to 78-79 F Joey the betta lives in it with some shrimp and snails. Quite densely planted with bacopa, hygrophila, amazon sword, chain sword, various anubias, java fern, and java moss. Maintenance Water changed every 2-3 weeks 30-40% water changed Treated with prime I do not vacuum the substrate, on purpose letting mulm build up for the plants. *Parameters - Very Important Tank was cycled before adding fish. Had a small nitrite spike in the first few days but resolved quickly Water tested weekly with api liquid tests Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 5-10... can barely keep enough nitrogen in the water for the plants. pH: 8.2 Hardness: Very hard. I believe around 18 GH, 12 KH Feeding Fed usually every other day He eats bug bites, omega betta flakes, and live fruit flies mainly (cultured for dart frogs) and occasionally gets frozen blood worms and mysis shrimp. So here's a photo from the day Joey came home, on May 1: And pretty soon after, his tail started to get darker around the tips. Here's a photo from mid July: And now here's a few photos from today: He's actually just as blue and sparkly, I just didn't have the light capturing him right today. But that tail...! I just don't know. I really don't think it's fin rot- it doesn't look rotten, and his water parameters aren't indicative of that. There's only a few rays right on his tail fin that are actually any shorter too, the rest are just curly. The few rays that are coily really confuse me. He's a super happy guy- he loves eating (especially live flies), is super interactive and always comes to say hello, loves exploring in his plants, he loves chasing shrimp around (never seen him eat one! I think he likes the game) and has no symptoms of illness. He's really living his best life. There's a good piece of mopani wood and some IAL so there's some decent tannins in the water for him, too. I do know that the pH and hardness aren't ideal... could that cause this fin issue? I am moving across the country next week and the new house will be getting an RO unit, so I will be able to get him softer, more acidic water. Does anybody have any ideas, has anyone seen this before?
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