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SC Fish

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Everything posted by SC Fish

  1. i did test once, 1 week after adding the first fish (4 platys and 7 neon tetras) and it was fine. still havent tested now after the guppys being added (i only added them last week)
  2. hey, im 15 too and im going though a similar issue in my 20 gallon. first of all congrats on having such a beautiful betta fish, you clearly are doing something right. the parameters seem to be fine , almost identical to my 10 gallon. just 2 questions, how long have you had it and what is the aquarium heated to? also if there are signifcant tears it could be that it broke by scratching or even biting itself! which they do do. also i would look to ehating the tank around 23 to 26 degrees celcius. if your not already
  3. ill tell you one thing, this hobby is the best thing i have ever decided to do. this is basically a therapy to me, when its going smoothly obviously lol, but even when its not its cool to start understanding and experiencing things that ill have to work out in the future anyways. plus when im older i want to do this on a much larger scale. being a conservationist with not just fish! its proebrably harder for you as you are in college though, good luck in that by the way! i can get a test done if you want me to, but i have none on my right now... the parameters where perfect though when i first added fish. the tank is dirted (literally with soil) and it also has aqua soil , live plants , rocks etc. there are shrimp , fish (platy , guppy , endler guppy and neon tetras). and its a 20 gallon heated to 23 degrees. has a good filter with great flow for the tank. i waterchange once a week and clean the sponge every 2 weeks. the same thing i do on my 10 gallon which ive had up for 1 year and 8 months (which btw has never had any issues, whatsover.)
  4. i would think putting a nano fish with a monster fish would be sorta funny, like a endler guppy with a sturgeon, woudl the sturgeon have a transparent like tail? or would the guppy be oversized with a long snout? i dont know lol
  5. im trying to find out as much as i can about this. but im not entirely sure what to do. I know i need to address this but , being young, i have other things i need to do , like studying etc so im trying to balance these issues. if you know how i can address the issues faster that would be great
  6. so my 2 month old 20 gallon as i mentioned in the last post, is not doing so well. finrot is now becoming more blatant in the tank and more visible in other fish, even after i have begun treating the tank fungus is now also becoming visible on multiple plants and even on the glass . white spots appearing on glass and white fungus growing around the thin plants like a coat. the treatment treats both fin rot and fungus so I'm hoping this goes well.. but i wont know till Saturday once medication is finished. i knew something would go wrong when i added the guppies but i did not expect this. i have also came to realise just how many people underestimate the troubles of keeping fish, especially because fish share a controlled space, in water. which means if one fish has a disease they all do. (hypothetically. obviously some diseases cant be spread and it will take a bit for all the fish to get it ) luckily the tank was treated just a day and a bit after i first noticed a problem , hopefully everything goes fine. so far no deaths, hopefully i can keep it this way
  7. mine is with a few guppys, in a community tank (platys , neon tetras , fancy guppys and endlers.) and im using a treatment by interpret , "anti fungus & finrot+" it seems to have clouded my water up a bit but it says that that will happen and water changes are not recommended , so i need to put up with it for 6 more days and then water change but its fine , as it will help my fish
  8. what i do is float the bag in the tank for 5-10 mins to temperature acclimate, then open the bag and start pouring water from ur tank in (maybe quarter litre to half litre) every 5 mins for 15-20 mins (depending on the fish) then i personally dont want the fish store water so i put them in a bucket, catch them with a net and put them in the tank. that has worked for me for all the fish in my new 20 gallon. no losses!
  9. hey! thanks for the feedback. and yeah i think i got off quite lucky for my start in the hobby. its just now with my new 20 gallon that my first issue has arised. fin rot. but I'm getting it treated which is why i didnt read your comment yesterday. Also based on what you have said , i think ill just carry on water changing every week to 2 weeks and cleaning the sponge twice a month. as like you said, it clearly works . i also know both my tanks have very hard water. both tests show around 140 to 160 hardness. and actually when i first set up my 20 gallon the test showed 180! which was fine for the platys as they live in hard water anyways and in my 10 gallon they have for over 1.8 years
  10. my first ever fish tank , my 10 gallon , home to 7 adult , 5 baby platys, 5 mountain minnows and 3 shrimps has been set up for 1 year and 8 months happily with no issues , no diseases, at all. my tank is also planted with live rock , black sand and drift wood. i see videos of people with tank just 6 months old and they say doing water changes isn't necessary at that level and they simply top up the water when needed. Is this recommended and what if i where to do 1 water change a month and just top up? Also i see people claiming that adding plain tap water to a fish tank that is fully cycled is fine because the bacteria in the filter and what not will cure the tap water of impurities, is this true? and is this recommended?
  11. ill see if i can tank some without having all the other fish get in the camera, they do that for some reason make of this as you will , he is the orange tailed one
  12. i was observing my 20 gallon and 1 of the new guppys i put in was acting a bit odd so i looked for any obvious damage on him, the dorsal fin looks like its split in half, im pretty sure its fin rot. how do i treat this?? im going to my local fish store tommorow to get some products and also get advise there. anything can help
  13. the sunburst used to be in a 10 gallon with lots of females, he was the only male, and they where having lots of fry. so i move him out so the tank didnt get overcrowded , so it would defeat the purpose lol
  14. i have , 1 sunburst , 1 mickey , 1 spotted and 1 panda. all male platys
  15. super weird. i really wouldnt expect rice fish to eat their eggs or their fry, i thought they where pretty peaceful community fish. But because your aim is to breed them i would consider separating the baby's from the adults, but remove the eggs not the adults.
  16. just realised i never actually updated you all on how the endler guppy moving went and if i even did it. i did, i did countless hours of research , asked the professionals at my local maidenhead aquatics (uk fish store) and i decided to buy 6 new guppy's (ended up with 7 because they didn't count the bag and i got it for free) for the 20 gallon (2 types) plus the 3 endlers i had. They went in on Friday last week (21st) and they seem to be ok! even with the 2 types of guppy's mixed together. The shrimp where fine as well, i concluded they preferably died during shedding (got stuck in their shell or something) or ran out of food. not because they where killed. and i think i was right! they are not interested in the shrimp at all. now the community tank is really feeling like a community tank. 4 types of platys , 7 neon tetras , 10 guppies , 3 amano and 1 cherry shrimp. loving this 20 gallon. any suggestions on further stocking? - already looking at getting more shrimp.
  17. yeah there are already shrimp in the 20.. the males i have have killed a couple of the shrimp im pretty sure, but i was away for around 3 weeks. so i cant be sure..
  18. i have a 5 gallon heated with 3 endler guppys and 2 shrimp (i think male) . but now i have my new 20 gallon which as of right now has just 4 male platys and 7 neon tetras. Im wondering if i can put everything in the 5 gallon into the 20? What could be an issue? is fin rot going to be an issue - biggest thing stopping me moving them fighting between the species?? im not sure
  19. i didnt mention it but it was in the plan 🙂
  20. as of right now my 20 gallon (home to 4 platys and 7 neon tetras) is not exactly finished. i want more fish, more plants and more structure.. im thinking, 1 large rock in the center going to the top and out of the water. turn up the water current slightly in light time hours. will they swim around the rock? its not a circular tank its rectangle, but i recon it would work? (if not ill break the rock down and put pieces of the rock in the bottom)
  21. if anyone is planning to add dither fish to their aquarium i recommended you do so! my platys (males) where being aggressive to each other in my new tank, i bought 7 neon tetras and they immediately got calmer and more peaceful. its insane how fast their behaviour changed! types of ditherfish: neon tetra danios rasbora and these are great for most sized tanks over 10 gallons! but some require more like a 20 gallon.
  22. Hey i have 3 fish tanks; 5 gallon (3 guppys, 2 shrimp) , 10 gallon (7? platys , 5 minnows, 3 shrimp) and a (new) 20 gallon (4 platys , 7 neon tetras , 2 fish) i want to make my aquariums surreal. like dr plants aquariums or serpra designs.. how can i achieve something like this and what ideas can you suggest? Things to consider: my budget doesn't matter because ill build up to it. i am 15 and almost at some important exams (7 months) so i am studying. - which is priority but i always find time for fish tank maintenance
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