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SC Fish

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Everything posted by SC Fish

  1. there are 9 guppies total in the tank, 3 endlers , 2 small fancys , 4 large fancys (1 of which very bullied) other fish: 7 neon tetras , 4 platy - all fisha re males apart from the tetras (also im adding more fish in the next few weeks) 20 gallon tank plants are growing incredibly fast for the fish to soon hide in , plus other plants im buying soon. thats not a bad idea.. i have spare equipment, filter , heater... what if i put the aggressors in like a bucket for a day? with a lid. they will be fine? i thought they could cross breed because i remember seeing something about it, did more research and your right. but now im thinking my minnows wont be too good if i heated the tank to 22-23 degrees...
  2. I have been watching the "4" guppies... i have came to a conclusion (which may change) that it is just 1 of the guppies that are being bullied. i see that not just the small guppies but also the other larger ones are chasing him too, still no signs of obvious nipping, yet . i originally thought it was just him because he is the only one with a dorsal fin turning white. (not completely, but its fin is around 0.8cm tall when its not flared and 0.2 - 0.4cm is white , which wasn't like that before.) so he is clearly stressed. (thought id mention that the other larger ones have some stress and are chased a bit too but no where near as this specific one,) i know what some people may say, maybe put him into a different tank? , i would! but the other tank i have (i have 2 ) has just female platys and minnows which means he will breed with the platys which i am not up for. i see a lot going wrong if they breed. and i am also scared that the guppy will be killed by the larger females. i may see if i can rehome him , i have someone who may take him but im not sure if she will. if not ill list him on a website somewhere and make sure he goes somewhere good. any thoughts?
  3. yes, my friend has a 30 gallon which is extremely understocked and she is looking for fish to add so this benefits us both, if she wants them
  4. adding more structures possibly wont work as the fish will most likely chase the others into them and out anyways.. i believe the only thing i can do is rehome, its a safer option for them and i know someone who may take them
  5. i have 9 guppies in my 20 gallon 4 large fancy , 2 small fancy and 3 endlers (the endlers and small fancy are the same size) the smaller guppy's and the enders are very peaceful towards each other, but very aggressive towards the bigger guppies, they are constantly getting bullied and chased around. the good news is, there seems to be very little or no fin nipping going on, but the large guppies are definitely stressed. one of the guppys dorsal fin is starting to turn white (i think, im not sure if it was already white when i first introduced him or not. because it seems that all 4 of them have a hint of white) i dont know what to do, and im thinking of rehoming them so they can be more in peace. anyone got any ideas?
  6. yeah i talked to my mum yesterday, she said we will prober ably stay here for sixth form and definitely move for uni. but its good now that i understand already what to do! even though im probably going to change alot in the tanks
  7. understandable, in humid conditions they wiould likely be fine
  8. if i went to a forest or lake and found a piece of drift wood or a nice looking stone (for an example), can i go home , boil it (to remove viruses and whatnot) and just add it to my tank? what are the procedures to do something like this?
  9. Its definitely pickable because ive moved it even half filled already many times, i move it alot, and thats alone! Im sure someone will help me when im actually moving but it can be moved. I have 2 buckets, obviously ill get more , they are 7 pounds for a 5g so not a big investment clearly
  10. i know that im proberably gioing to move after gcse or a level (every 7 months or 3 years time) and i know thats quite a long time. but im wondering , how am i going to move the tanks? i know what to do with the 10 gallon. drain water, fish in buckets , lid on buckets , portable airstones. decorations in another tub etc and more or less ill do the same with the 20 gallon, however, i have 2 issues , 1 being substrate. i have 2 substrates in the 20 , 1 is a dirt substrate and the other is black sand. and ive been told that black sand must stay on top of the dirt or the water clouds up, which ive seen has been happening when i move stuff in the tank. but when im moving houses , the substrates im sure will completley mix around even if i leave them alone in the tank. atleast im pretty sure. now i know i could just take out all the water and the substrate will likely not move much at all, however this leads onto my second issue, carpet plants, how would i prepare these? i was thinking to leave them in the tank with some water covering atleast half of it, but that wont work if the substrate will mix over because it wont be worth risking very dirty water. so what would i do??
  11. I domt seem to really have algae, just some brown but since i removed it from plants its only grown a bit on glass and stones. Also the fuzz i remembered also grew on some of the plant leaves, very thin layer tho Trust me, this is very fun. Even the idea of havng a potentiall issue with it almost excites me, dont worry it scares me to but i think you understand. I have cut back the grass a bit ane also one of the tall plants, it makes sense why they are starting to melt
  12. Ok this sort of makes sense, especially for the first 2 photos. But the thing u said about microscopic hairs makes sense and doesnt, its perfect sense that plants have fine root hairs and is very possible this is such . But on my (aquatic) grass plant in the same tank,this fuzz was growing on it too on the actual plant (pictures in my last post) and it looked very similar just it was on the plant not the roots. is there some sort of test i can do to comform this? Perhaps feeling it or something?
  13. is it safe for me to scrape or rub these structures off of the plants? or will it continue to spread? will ti worsen it?
  14. so i still havnt done the water change because i decided on doing a large one tommorow when i actually have the time to do it properly. 1st image: on the plant,well next to it anyways, at the bottom of it near the black sand there are some weird spikey looking structures? not sure what it is.. but i dont see anything very similar elsewhere. 2nd image: now on the root, above the tetra, attached to what i think is amazon sword, may be wrong, i see small little stings coming out of it?? no clue what it is.. but i dont know if it should worry me. 3rd image: attached to the underneath of the growing plants on the same plant as the one on image 2 there is a root that is covered in biofilm or fungus, which is the worse case ive seen in the tank so far. not sure what ill do with all these issues... i have 4 shrimp, (3 amano 1 cherry) i know everyone wants me to add more to cope with these issues but i dont need anything dying in the tank, its just not safe in my opinion. does anyone know what i can do??
  15. not sure about the rot... it looks like browned leaves fallen down for me , and yeah no one seems to really understand whats happening,
  16. a few pictures from the 20 gallon. 1st picture: i cut the grass which is why it looks shorter, the fungus or biofilm (please let me know what it is) seems more obvious now.. im not sure what exactly to do, i havnt done a water change since i treated the water (9 days ago) so i will do a quick one today. im not sure if that would help tho. 2nd picture: i also seen this vine or root covered in biofilm or fungus (the white stuff around it) (not sure , please let me know what it is or atleast thoughts on what it could be) other stems and roots are covered in this, just not so bad and only really popped up in the last couple days, 3rd picture: the brown stuff within the anubius stems im pretty sure is some form of algae, its also grown in some other areas, not sure what it is but its been here for over a week now. if anyone has any ideas on what i can do to solve these issues please let me know, it would help in more ways than you can think of!
  17. you could just use live rock , itll just be harder to clean out i suppose
  18. well i have no wood in the tank or live rock for that matter so its not any wood variety.. however ihave staghorn on the large anubias. - its not dying though.. however im noticing that there is a white fuz similar to on the grass plant growing on other plants , but not their leaves, just the stems
  19. honestly bigger than it looks lol, good job, i had myself thinking it was like 3 gallons , also great job taking it in!
  20. this is the thing im concerned about , however its not bladder snail eggs because i have not seen a single one in the tank since i set it up.
  21. personally i think that tank is a bit small for a betta, but it may be the camera not doing it any justice. how big is it exactly? none the less it looks pretty healthy
  22. may i recommend floating plants?? my 10 gall had quite a hard hit of algae , i added some floaters and now its more or less completely gone! it soaks up all left over nutrients and leaves nothing for algea to consume and use to grow, plus it limits light and the algae wont survive. but this is green hair i had ... not sure if it will work in your case
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