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SC Fish

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Everything posted by SC Fish

  1. yeah , ill be putting it in tmr cos lights off rn but i will work on trying to rehome him 🙂
  2. So i have a variatus platy in my 20 gallon which i moved from the 10 as i didn't want anymore babies and now he's been picking on my sparkling gourami's. im thinking of putting him into the 25 litre but i have a little endler in there (which is also a bully) but he's been there for a whole so im thinking i may switch em around and see what happens? but if i do switch em and its fine the platy cant live in a 25 litre forever.. my mum doesnt want me to rehome it cos i raised it ,-,
  3. sorry for you two who commented , i completely forgot i made the post. if you are wondering the white spot is starting to get smaller 🙂
  4. not sure what this is, can anyone identifiy it? sorry the picture is bad, taking photos of fish is hard. its just a grey spot on the fish, its the only fish that has it.
  5. after a lot of research i decided to let them be, (i started resaerch literally 5 hours ago and this isnt the first time ive resaerched them) i find that most of these things are fish and shrimp safe so they are ok for my tank, but they are abundant and what illl do is just make sure i keep ontop of my syphons and start to do changes at night when they are out so i can target them and suck some of em up. they are apparently also signs of good water quality so yay? what ill do is also not feed my fish for a couple days and see if they are interested in eating those things and see if they will destroy their population a bit thanks for your help! @knee @Lennie @anewbie
  6. they may very well be daphnia, maybe younger ones , just because they are so small and the pictures online make em look quit e a bit larger.. i also just searched up seed shrimps and they look very much like those because of the antenas i have observed are similar.
  7. possibly ill look into these after i reply to totrees comment both pics contain the exact same life form. so they arent one thing and another , just to say. chill out man, after my 10 gallon got snails ive been so carefull putting in plants like i cleaned em for 30 mins before adding each one lol, also i genuinly have not seen a single in the 3 months i have had this tank. and i was just about to search these up
  8. they are not quite what i have going on upon the first view of the video. however i do recognise some of those lill guys who are in my tank also. good to know that atleast some of them can be identified aha also do you do anything to maintain or lower their population?
  9. this tank has been up for around 3 months, give or take a few weeks, or even a month honestly. i first saw a few of these about 1.5 months ago and then again around 3 weeks ago when i lost a guppy and they where eating it. but they didnt cause the death , the guppy had finrot or something related that caused it
  10. perfectly understandable , i mean it makes sense because i never see them at day, just at night . however they dont just drop themselves, i see some of them move FAST like they are sprinting or something in one direction ,only a few millimetres most the time, but i dont know if baby MTS can do that , im pretty sure they cant
  11. i dont think they are snails... AT ALL. ive seen some of these swimming and jumping , they are definatley not snails. atleast not all of them. this tank is "snail free" from what im aware @anewbie @Lennie they also appear to have antenas of a sort? or possibly a tail. they are so small i cant even tell
  12. I have seen these before in my tank but NEVER this many. When i tell you they are all over the glass.... THEY ARE. These are the same insects i found on the dead guppy a few weeks back. However i dont think they caused the death. They where just feeding of it. Anyways what are they and how do i get rid of them, are they fish and shrimp safe?? It also may be worth mentioning that these where not all here 3 hours ago. They may have been hiding.
  13. Same as my last post but in the wrong section
  14. Oh ok gotcha. Honestly just hearing you say that makes me feel 100 times better. I will continue to monitor and ill proberably test the water tommorow
  15. the last test i did , about 5 days ago? was absalutley perfect. the same as the tank they used to be in. they are eating , they arent rapidly breathing at all. but yes they are hanging at the surface quite a bit but not all the time. for example rn they are in the mid column
  16. Ive had fish having this before but it never affrcted their behaviour. These guys arent very active at all which is weird for these guys and they look quite down.. Any thoughts? Yesterday i also treated the tank for finrot cos there is qn orange guppy in there with some fin issues. The finrot medicine also treats fungus problems
  17. so i set up my 5 gallon again, new gravel and new rocks, but i set the tank up using 3 gallons of water from my 20 gall and 1.5 gallons of new water plus i also used the sponge from the 20 and put it into the filter of the 5 gallon. so all the beneficial bacteria is there. the thing is, i need to put these 4 little murdering nightmare guppies into the 5 gallon as fast as possible before they kill my other fish, im testing tmr at lunch (roughly 15 hours from now) and if its more or less there im putting them in. however if its not im putting in bio-boost and waiting till saturday lunch. if its not read by then, can i just put them in? i know its risky but im gonna have to before i loose all my other fish. i guess im wondering how risky it is, however i guess this cant be answered till i get tmrs results if you know any fast ways to speed cycling let me know please! also i cant find quick start anywhere
  18. my platies are gentle giants so itll be all good i think ive never had little guppies, the small guppies. are small guppies not babys. and no they are all male all are males, i dont want breeding i had originally 10 guppies all males but 2 where almost dead so i gave them to a friend of mine and 2 died because of these 4 so i have 5 left, soon just 1 in the 20. there are in total 14 fish in a 20 gallon as we speak there are many plants in the back and foreground these 4 beat the hell out of the larger guppies, hints why there ius only 1 large one left i believe i hit every point 🙂
  19. no can do. the big guppies have been the victims of the smaller guppies. putting them in with them will be very bad. these 4 small guppies are absalute nightmares, ive lost 2 fish to them and have had to give 2 away that where on the verge of death (dramatic ik) appreciate the comment tho
  20. hey guys, so in hopefully a week or just over i will have the 4 small guppies in a 5 gallon separated from the fish in the 20 (btw they killed another of the big guppies) . but once they are out ill only have 1 big guppy , 2 platys and 7 neon tetras. will the guppy be ok without other guppys? because i dont want to risk adding more that will eb aggressive again. im sort of done with guppies honestly
  21. yes, sorry for late reply been very busy. but yes i would notice. and there are absalute 0 . anyways if your wondering i havnt seen any of these little things anymore. and im assuming it was dry scales or something. but nothing to worry about to the looks of thibgs!
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