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Everything posted by Chris2022

  1. This is the first cryp I bought when I first got the tank. I hella panicked when I saw it melting back... Should I just trim the leaves and wait for it to come back? Any idea why one crypt would melt, and the other would not? Thanks mate.
  2. Hi All, My Crypt looks like it is dying.... the water parameters are good and well within range. I use root tabs every 30 days, easy green twice a week, and easy iron once a week. There are two crypts in the tank.... one is doing well, the other is not. The tank (20gal) is 97 days old, has little cherry and blue shrimps (10), otos (2) and endlers livebearers (3). What can I do to save my crypt? Tank 30 days ago ( no floating plants) Tank 2 days ago, crypt dying? Other crypt looks good. Close up of dying crypt close up of other crypt
  3. Thanks to everyone who gave us advice on this issue, without it, we may have pulled out the dead looking java fern and started over. We trimmed the dead leaves back and we are starting to see new growth.
  4. Yeah the pH has always been very consistent. The sponge filter is rated for tanks up to 40 gal. That why I hid it behind the wood bc it was pretty big. No spots or any tell-tale signs... I did several water changes after the ick incident. I've been watching the parameters closely. I am guilty of pouring the aquarium water into our tank... crap! I didnt even think of that. I'll definitely stop doing that. Thank you for pointing that out.
  5. Gotcha! I purchased an API GH/KH kit online, should be here by friday. How much different is the acclimation process if the GH/KH vary? Thank your encouragement ! Its appreciated! 😃 Thank you! Def. not letting her name any just yet.
  6. I haven't measured my KH or GH. We are on municipal water that comes from mountain runoff. I do use dechlorinator when I do water changes.
  7. Ha, Yeah I have a sponge filter with an airstone. I hid it behind the wood. There's plenty of bubbles but you cant see them bc of the tank frame.
  8. Hi. The tank is 10 weeks old, temp at 80F. we bought the endlers from a LFS. We acclimated the endlers in the water for 15 min dip at tank temp, followed by adding tank water to the bag x2 for 7 min, then adding them to the tank. I will def try taking a water sample to the shop.
  9. Hi Folks, My daughter and I have started this tank and have been watching it carefully. We began by adding otos to help with the brown diatoms but that was a mistake. They all got ich and most of them died. We were pretty heartbroken about it. We waited a while and decided to add more fish. Endlers livebearers were recommended. we bought 6 this past Friday, 2 died Saturday night, and another one died this morning. We've been watching them closely... making sure they are eating and swimming ok, however fish are still dying. The common denominator is us. What are we doing wrong? I don't want this to continue. I doesn't look like the fish are sick. I purchased a quarantine tank and I am going to start using the co-op's recommended quarantine methods and chemicals for all new fish but I can't help but think, there is something I am doing incorrectly. Tank 20 gal ( ~10 weeks old) Stock ( 2 oto's, 3 endlers, 5-? blue shrimps) pH (7.6 - 7.8) NH3/NH4+ (0 ppm) NO2- (0 ppm) NO3 (10-20 ppm)
  10. Removing the algae by hand turned out to be very challenging. I can't add fish. The otos have ich, so it will probably be 4-6 weeks before I can add more fish. How many endlers would you keep in a 20 gal tank? 4-5?
  11. The java Fern is in the log to the right. I got some oto's to help with the algae and dialed the easy iron back.
  12. The plant has been in there for 8 weeks. It starting melting back about a week and half ago.
  13. Hi Folks, My java ferns' outlook is looking bleak (I hope it makes a comeback). I spoke to the staff at my local aquarium shop about the java fern and they suggested my lights might be burning the fern... This is our first tank and we bought a starter set from petsmart that came with stock led lights... could these be causing the issue? I currently have the timer set to 4 hours of light and 4 hours of darkness, cycled twice a day. This is a 20 gal tank and gets feed 2 pumps of easy green everweek, with 2 pumps of iron every other week. Should I look at a co2 bubbler... are there any other options I can do to help the fern out? Also, what can I do to help my plants grow? Thanks
  14. I am def going to give them another try. I am a little surprised that they came with ich, since we bought our fish from a local specialty reptile and aquarium shop (no petco/petsmart) and paid a little more than normal.
  15. So we had been thinking neon tetras and a betta.... Should we do the betta first or the tetras? Is there an advantage/disadvantage to one over the other?
  16. Hi Folks, My daughters and I recently started a new planted tank. The tank was cycled and ready for life, and we decided to add some oto's (3) to help with the brown diatoms. Shortly after, one of the oto's looked like someone sprinkled salt on it (ich). We turned up the temp to 81 and treated the tank, however we still lost 2 of the 3 oto's. We both want to avoid this from reoccurring and are looking into getting a quarantine tank for new fish. What is a good quarantine tank size? Should I set up a second planted tank with shrimp as a quarantine tank? What is an appropriate quarantine time before adding fish to the main tank? Thanks in advance.
  17. The Java Fern is 7 weeks old... Is it normal for the leaves to die back this late ?
  18. I was out for the weekend and came back to my Java Fern in distress.... I regularly dose with easy green and iron twice a week, lights on for 8 hours a day on a timer. The only recent change I made was add a few ottos and few more plants but that was over 1.5 weeks ago. There is still brown diatoms presents, but I did see green hair algae appear. I plan to reduce the easy iron to once a week to reduce the green algae. No CO2. Can I save my java fern? This Java Fern is 7 weeks old... I had been doing great up until i got home today. Also, there is a little clipping from the main plant that is doing well.... I am very puzzled.
  19. Thanks for the tips. Hopefully the betta we choose will be chill! We may add some snails or shrimp before we add the betta.
  20. I ordered one as soon as you mentioned it. Should be here in a few days. I also bought some easy carbon. I hope it helps. Thanks I did adjust the light settings. I have them on a timer. I also bought some easy carbon. I hope it helps. Thanks We have been discussing having a betta with some neon tetras and loaches or pleco + snail/shrimp. We haven't worked it all out... but this is what we are looking at. We are considering nerites... but we have been hesitant to add snails. We want to make sure the tank is suitable and we still haven't fully worked out what we are going to stock it with. We definitely want a betta and some tetras. We seen a few videos for ideal betta mates, that recommend shrimps and other snails but we haven't figured it out yet . Additionally, I bought some easy carbon to help the tank out and some of the reviews indicated that it killed their snails. How do the snails indicate if the tank is close to completing the cycle? Thanks mate. I appreciate the help.
  21. Hi Folks, My daughter and I started are new to aquariums and recently started a planted tank. Currently the brown diatoms inhabiting our tank and started sticking to the glass. The pictures are a week apart.... I did make a few changes based on the advice of the forum, such as moving the little java fern from the soil to another log and I trimmed and replanted some of the plants in the back. We are hoping to be able to introduce fish soon.
  22. Thanks to everyone for their help and advice. I did trip some of the dead plant bits off and planted the trimmings and I adjusted my light schedule to 2 photoperiods, and 2 siestas to start in the hopes to accelerate new growth. Week 3 Water test: 0 ppm ammonia, 0 ppm nitrite and 5 ppm nitrates... I was surprised the nitrites disappeared. The brown diatoms are increasing in number... I really want to scrub and clean the glass. Should I leave the diatoms in.... is it ok to remove?
  23. ORD? I set up the tank down stairs in family room where we do puzzles, arts and crafts. I choose the plants so I wouldn't have to worry about CO2 dosing. I tried to keep it as simple as possible since this is my/our first tank. I did set up a timer and it normally runs for 6 hours a day. Noob question... won't the additional light cause algae blooms? I would definitely welcome additional plant growth. I am currently only dosing twice a week with easy green and easy iron. How often do you add root tabs with this light cycle? Thanks in advance.
  24. The log cavity is hollow, and it was a bit of a struggle to get the java fern in there. I didn't glue it in but its not sitting on anything. Their is definitely water flowing through the roots. I did lift the plant out to check the roots, stringy and black. I glued the little java fern to the back of the little log and moved it a bit forward to capture some light. Thanks for helping me out.
  25. I could of sworn it was a piece of the crypt that I replanted but looking at it more closely it does look like a small piece of the java fern that broke off... I don't remember what the root structure looked like. I can pull it up and super glue it to a rock. The large Java fern is planted in the log cavity, the roots are not in the substrate. Thanks in advance for help me out.
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