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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. He just wanted to be extra cozy with his main squeeze I guess. I mean when he came out then she immediately shot out I'm like how the hell did they both possiblity fit in there.
  2. Thank you... Going to try and get some new larger caves ordered this pay. I know they are right at the edge of being to small....I don't wanna see another pleco in a apistos cave incident like before 😆
  3. Got up this morning. Made a nice cup of mud and got the girls off to skool. They both got out the door very good with no issues. Thank the Lord for small favors. Swung by the 29 gallon and lemony has not moved from his position at the front of his cave. So I'm now thinking we are a little farther along in the process than I thought. I'm pretty sure he already has eggs in there and he is on watch taking care of them. It's hard for me to see into the cave with the way I angled the opening this last time I did water change. Error on my part ooof. I didn't catch any of the process the first time around so I'm still learning all the behaviors of what happens. But that is not his usual behavior so I'm pretty sure the eggs are in the hole 🤗 So I'm thinking it's been about 2 days a long. This weekend I'll throw in a couple of catappa leaves with plant waits to get nice and soft for the new coming ground force of plecos.
  4. Looks like someone is getting his cave ready for a little special time....bow chicka bow wow! He has been getting it ready for a little while now. Have a feeling it won't be long until we have our 2nd batch of babies. As well can you spot the baby assassin snail and the little Cory in this pic?
  5. Tomorrow is the big day....it's auction day! Hope to find some more pygmy corys for the danio/pygmy tank. Mauve a honey gourami or two for the 29 gallon would be great as well. I know I will at least come home with some java moss and some more grindals to fortify my cultures. A fellow fish club friend is taking the last 3 pleco juvies tomorrow after the auction so I moved them over to the 5 gallon today so it will be easier to get them wrangled up when we get back. Until tomorrow here is a cute pic of one of the pygmys chilling on an anubias plant.
  6. So this Sunday is my clubs big fall auction. " Cue the dramatic music" I'm hoping to find another group of pygmys to put with my first set to get them better numbers to see some better activity. The danios are doing well and getting nice and plump and getting even more color now. They still like to mostly troll along the back of the tank and chase each other back and forth. A club friend is bringing me more jaca moss to the auction so I can get some more moss rocks made for them to have lots over spots to scatter there eggs in. I feel like the danios may be the first ones I actually take more of an on hands approach to breeding. The same club friend bringing the moss is who I got the danios from. So if I have time to pick his brain on breeding them at the auction I will Another fishy friend that I attend meetings with wants the last 3 of my lemon pleco juviniles. So they will be going home with her soon. Something I had just noticed a couple of days ago is moonbeam (the only pleco baby) that I kept from lemony and lunas first fry only has one eye. How I didn't see it before but it's true. Crazy part is that where her other eye should be it's very smooth and you can't really see an (eye socket) if you will. So I'm not sure if she was born without it or maybe when I had one of the apisto girls in there maybe she nipped at it when moonbeam was very tiny. But none the less she is doing well and it does not seem to effect her in any way. She is getting nice and thicc😆 Ps @Guppysnail Is patiently waiting for emerald dwarf danio babies. 😆
  7. Was a week ahead of myself on the date for the fall auction. It's actually this Sunday Nov 5th. No really the only thing I have an abundance of is guppy grass and some hornwort. Most folks around hee dont look for it that often. I just love going for the adrenaline rush of the auction itself lol. I know when it comes to shrimp everyone around here jacks the prices up crazy high. The two big auctions we have a year are the fall and spring time. They usually last 4-6 hours. So be ready with plenty to drink.
  8. Didn't even realize it's been a week since I made a post...shh don't tell on me. All water changes completed today. Not much new going on. My clubs fall auction will be this Sunday I hope to pick up some more pygmy corys. Until then here is a new pic of the emerald danios/pygmy tank.
  9. 5 water changes done today and 2 loads of laundry. Mission accomplished. Not much to report on today so here is some pics and a video. Don't mind the sound in the background just watching celebrity ghost stories.. https://youtu.be/jmI8lBuRmXw?si=yH-Hoo5X0Z89eKM5
  10. While I was doing a water change on the shrimp sanctuary I was moving all the floating guppy grass and hornwort around and the java fern on one of the branches has finally started growing along it and getting bigger. I have never been really able to get java ferns to grow. All of that extra cover from floaters must me helping it. Those and anubias barteri I have never been able to do well.
  11. How you feed helps a lot. Not saying to starve your fish. But if you don't feed them as often they will look to the fry as a good source....sometimes lol
  12. Twards the end they started to grow on me a little bit. But I also think they way embellished what was going on at that location. Yes demons are real but its few and far between coming into contact which them on these shows. It made for great TV tho lol. To me the real things are what matters. I have been to places where nothing happened all night long. Then others that were active the whole night. There spirits. There not there to entertain us. If they want to communicate they will. If not they won't.
  13. Just finished the 28 days haunted show. I was pleasantly surprised and I enjoyed there take on what Ed and Lorraine believed to be true. I think as a whole they did a great job. Was well worth the watch.
  14. Worried about getting over run with them and have them chase you out of the house 😆
  15. Incoming!!.....get to the Choppa!!!! Everyone just had worms for dinner. So I made a little video of the cpds and aspidoras. The color on the cpds is looking great today. https://youtu.be/RVpF32yjqp8?feature=shared
  16. So I just made a video and uploaded it. Much easier than trying the extra stuff....😆 https://youtu.be/vDiFB5pk9dg?feature=shared
  17. I don't know if the camera on my phone is that smart.....I'm not a smart man Jenny.....😆
  18. Tried to get some pics of the blue galaxy guppys. But you all know how well they like to have there pictures taken. 😆
  19. Ok so the theory in the sls camera or "structure light sensor". So the Xbox kinect camera is a structure light sensor. It senses us when we stand in front of it. So in theory it can sometimes detect the structures of a spirit human being or entity. My team has one and we use it sometimes. As with anything else it works good in some locations and not so well in others. I love the fun tech equipment It has its uses for the right time. But honestly the equipment I use the most is my own 5 senses and my twist on maglight flashlight. Just finished the first episode. I didn't realize it was loosely based on ed and Lorraine's theory of 28 days. A few of the people in the show I'm pretty familiar with. I'm enjoying it so far. Not really caring for the 2 person team at the general store. Something about those 2 I don't like.
  20. Oh yes don't get me wrong I still watch them all. They have great entertainment value. But my 2 takeaways are always 1. Where are they investigating 2. What equipment are they using
  21. I have never heard of it. I just did a quick search and found out what it is. It a good idea in theory. But it's a television show so I can already tell you they are making extra stuff happen to make it more interesting. Now if you looking for something along those lines. Discovery plus has a documentary called the longest ghost hunt. Taken place at penhurst asylum in Pa that's worth watching.
  22. Found a couple of young paley corys in the 29 gallon today. Not the first time they have spawned and a couple have made it. Thing is I never see any eggs or anything. But obviously they are breeding. That's the kind of breeding I like. Just notice one day oh I have some new fish. But I let that tank well all of my tanks say loaded with alot of floating guppy grass and hornwort. So they always have plenty of places to hide eggs for a few to be able to make it. I'll see if I can get some pics tomorrow. Have to close at work tonight so keep it fishy my friends.
  23. Went to the hardware store this morning and picked up some stainless steel screws to fix the wood and slate this morning. Just drilled a couple of holes in the rock and attached the screws through the bottom into the piece of mopani. Should stand strong for years to come.
  24. They are doing much better now that they are in there permanent home with the emerald danios. Displaying good behavior and swimming around all over.
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