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Everything posted by KatFish

  1. Real quick question for the people who know more about goldfish than I do- One of my Comet's is chasing the other- like... sticking their face up it's butt. Quick googling says it's a mating or a dominance thing. but is there a way to tell what sex the fish is? Or do I have to wait until these guys like- accidently breed or something? Thanks!
  2. Well friends, I'm back with another update! Today is September 12th, 2022; and yesterday kicked my butt. sighs So, once again I need to do a little recap- because I forget to do like "daily updates" or what have you. but anyway; The comet goldfish (whom I have named Crabbe and Goyle) got moved into a 10g tank, and onto a stand in my living room. The 10g isn't what I wanted , but budgets are tight, and with the 6.5 crawling it's way off the mortal coil- the family and I had to compromise. (but don't worry, we'll get that DIY pond that I want soon enough 😏) But the good news pretty much ends there, my firends. Because you see, I bought the 10g starter kit (it was about the same cost as the regular 10g tank at the store) and disaster slowly leaked into my home. Yup. You heard it right, the 10g had sprung a leak. Now, I do admit my own fault in this- I knew that I should have tested for leaks before testing the tank. But I was so eager to get the comets into a bigger tank... well, let's just say my mildewy and fish poopy carpets have humbled my hubris. Now- I can't say for certain it was the tank itself- I'm going to do a test for it once I get my carpets dry and set up the new 10g tank. (and no- I just bought the tank, not a second starter kit. though it was tempting) My hypothesis is, is that it was actually the filter that came with the starter kit getting overflowed with water, and just slowly spilling outside. But again, the experiment's come later. But as of last night, Crabbe and Goyle are (un) happily sitting in my 5g bucket on my kitchen stove. My dog is very sad that he can't watch his new friends anymore- he keeps sitting in the wet spots on the floor where the tank and it's stand used to be, and whining at me. So, at least the wet dog smell covers up the mildew smell. Oh wait- no, there is actually some good news that I forgot about, so we can end this update on a positive note! While we were at the store, getting the new 10g tank- I was looking at the prices for a new air pump. and whew; Lt. Dan(ielle) was not getting an air pump. Instead the Lt. got a whole new tank (because again, I really do love my starter kits) So they are in a 2.5g- which, even though I already have a 2.5g, in a cylinder (my QT nano tank) somehow this 2.5g is bigger? I think it's because of the shape- it's like a 💎 diamond, or that baseball homeplate- but I won't lie to you friends, I failed Geometry- so I don't have any clue as to how it's bigger. Anyhow! I set up the tank with a 75/25 of the old Lt.'s water, and some new water. got the temperature ready to go while the Lt waited, and then dropped them in. And for a single juvenile guppy, I think this is much better. It's already on the extremely long list to get the Lt. a new guppy army, and if things go well with this 10g tank experiment- I will put the Lt. in there with new buddies once I can afford them. but gosh shipping online is expensive. And trust me- I get why! I think it's worth every penny if the fish make it alive and healthy! But in my case? My post office likes to toss around packages like it's a rugby game or something! Not to mention the fact that if they even deliver my packages. It's a huge hindrance, when you try to not go back to the big box store for fish... 😑 Anyhow, Here's the Lt. in the new tank. I appreciate you all joining me in my ramblings and moderately interesting life as I tackle my fish... er- fish experiences. See you next time!
  3. Oh yeah, I already explained to the family that these two are in it for the long haul! 😂 The comet's are my favorite derps in the tank, and it's brought my family to the dark side. They love having them out in the living room, watching them just chill out or root around the rocks (and I made sure to go to home depot to get like big-ish smooth rocks) looking for food. Even my dog likes watching them- he lays down below the tank and just watches them. For my old dog, it's probably the most stimulating thing since the monthly bark box 😂
  4. We did! 🥰 They made smoked pork and smoked chicken with baked beans. We brought green beans and some homemade mac n cheese (because you never go to a house empty handed, you know.) I'm glad that I found a gift card left over from my birthday, so I was able to use my family's prime membership to get a three pack of sponge filters on Tuesday. So I'm really happy for that. It's not a perfect set up by any means haha. but I'm slowly but surely going to make this work out awesome.
  5. Well hello again- You all may not remember me- but many many moons ago (aka, 9 months ago) I had a betta fish named Ponyo. Sadly, Ponyo didn't make it. And well, life got in the way after that. I won't bore you with how I went through the ghost feeding process of redoing my tank, or the months afterward where life really did just kick me in the teeth. We'll just get into the exciting (and aggravating) last twelve hours of my life. And I just want to put a disclaimer on here, that I don't blame the big box store for this. Sometimes, fish just die. But yesterday- after a long and hard winter, and a summer from h-e-c-c, I finally got to drive about an hour away to the Big box store for my big decision on new fishy friends. and I was very nervous. I won't lie to you all- it was crowded in the store, and I have major anxiety. Sadly, those two mix together about as well as oil and water. So... I had to ask my friend to talk to the worker. But! I got my fish. and with my fish in hand, and the guppy food acquired, we made it back home. thankfully, I already knew I wanted guppies. I had been waiting nine months. (and yes, I could have shipped them- but honestly, the winter was far to cold, and summer was WAY too hot- I wasn't going to risk it.) So acclimating the guppies to my fish tank took no time at all. I waited the time- watching them swim happily in the plastic baggy. then, after I ate dinner- I dropped them into the water. No big deal! They swam around with the lights off, so it was less stressful. things were great. or so I thought. You see, I sat down to watch a movie after dinner, and about halfway through the movie, what do my poor little eyes see??? The Death Roll. That's right friends! One of the guppies was doing a death roll like it was a miniature Gator clamping down on it's meal! and I watched in horror as it rolled and rolled- before stopping- hanging in the water. I leapt to my feet- already preparing the hospital tank- (having learned my lesson from Ponyo, I keep lots of water under my bed and in my closet.) I threw in the salt, the Maracyn, the stress coat, the almond leaves- and then scooped up the guppy and tossed her into the tank! (also yes, the heater was on and the water was at tropical temp- I keep my room warm) It was alive!! I felt like Doctor Frankenstein- watching this fish wiggle to life and swim in the hospital tank. and with a sigh of relief, I hesitantly went back to my movie. This was my first mistake. I go to sleep after watching the movie- the fish still swimming around. and the other five perfectly healthy looking in the main tank. I wake up the next morning... and tragedy hath stricken my home. Not only did the sick guppy die during the night, but four of it's companions did too, and one more died a few hours after that. So the Guppy Platoon is now a One Man Army. Again- I can't blame the Big Box Store. Am I upset at the dead fish, and losing the $20 worth of pets? Sure, of course I am. but things happen. So, now we get into Todays Adventure. And wow- if all of that wasn't enough of a rollercoaster for you, then strap in friends, because this is about to be a wild ride. So, I have cleaned the tank. The One Man Army has been moved into the QT tank with some stuff to make their final moments a bit less stressful (should it die). and now I am perusing the internet because my family has now sworn off the big Box Store. but... well- let's just say the belt needs to be a little tight right now. As I said- Life got in the way for the past nine months- and this past week was no exception. So the expensive shipping for live animals... well- it was putting a damper on everything. Until I went onto a handy dandy social media site, and spoke to a nice old man who calls himself "Catfish" and well- it also has his government name- and for the sake of privacy, I won't be putting it in here. And against every alarm bell that rang in my head from being born and raised in Florida- I drove to a strangers house on the hopes and dreams of buying fish. This is how I bought two goldfish for a dollar from a catfish, and then got invited to his family's barbeque. I just have to say- The midwest is really weird sometimes. I love it- but it's so weird. My life is now on a bit of a rush order, buying filters and bigger tanks- and a heavy enough thing to hold said tank- But hey, Crabbe and Goyle are pretty much thriving right now. and it could've been worse- They coulda been the bait they were labeled as.
  6. I will absolutely keep anchoring it in mind. Based off the the handy dandy cheat sheet I am using to try and figure out my tank- I'm a bit worried a 20g Long would go over my dresser- since it is 30inches exactly, and the website says that most 20g Longs are 30.25inches. Going with a Tall is more possible due to the 24.25in width, and the depth of 12.5inches which would easily fall into the depth I have on my dresser of 16.8 inches. I honestly don't mind using a stepstool- I have to use it to change my lightbulb, and reach the top shelves. Working on a fish tank won't bother me. I also planned on adding on some heavier plywood to the top of the dresser, to help hold the weight. DIYing the dresser isn't really an issue either, since I got it for $10 at a thrift store almost three years ago (plus I rarely use it for anything other than junk storage) Oh that's good to know! I was really wondering what to do with these things! I'm on my fourth one sprouting from the bulb! How far down have you been cutting? I know with "regular" (non-aquatic plants) if you trim off to much they die... is that the same for aquatic plants?? At this point I'm out of my depth 🤣 I've surprised myself with a green thumb!
  7. 2/27/2022 Just some small updates again! I got some water spangles! I actually first bought them in December when we were still in the 50's, but then we had a freak snow storm blow in that froze them to death. 😔 But the person I bought them from was super kind and was willing to reship me some once the weather was clear! And here they are today! Look at their long roots!! Also a view from the top also shows how well the bulb is sprouting with our Betta Bulb plant! My other update for you guys, is that I've gone ahead and changed my mind about what fish I'm going to keep. I still want the Endlers Livebearers- don't get me wrong. But, I had a burst of inspiration from some shower thoughts! I've been scouring the internet, LFSs, and big box stores for my fish- to know avail- but there's one place I never thought to check! The local Fishing and Tackle shops. I know, I know- I'm not going to find Endlers there. But what did I find? I found.... The Rosy Red Minnow. Otherwise known as the Fathead Minnow. Plus- they're sold as feeding fish to Big box stores! On YouTube? No one talks about keeping them as a pet! They just throw them in a pond with all their Koi or Goldfish and forget about them! So I'm gonna do it. I'm going to keep some Rosy Red Minnows instead.
  8. 2/23/2022 Good morning everyone! Or well- good morning as of the time of typing this anyway! I just wanted to give you guys a plant update! The Betta Bulb that I told you had started sprouting? Here's how it looks this morning! It has shot up like a weed! It's little bulb is now even going out of the water 😳 I guess it was a good thing I was planning at looking at larger tanks, because this one is clearly in need of it! (I'm not even sure a 10g will work at this point... I might need to switch to a 10g Tall, if not larger.) The other plants are doing alright, but some are having that yellowing/browning issue from I'm assuming lack of nutrients/light. But the lack of nutrients are clear from this one plant just eating it all up! If they get too bad, I can always put them in my 2g tank to grow out.
  9. I think you summed up what I was trying to say in my own thread back in January really well. Granted, I was more interested in the biology and breeding aspects from a hobbist level, based on learning about Greg Sage and what he's doing to help boost endangered species populations. but let me go ahead and answer your questions from my Point of View: Would I still keep fish if we stopped introducing new species? Yes. Because I personally don't think of this as thing where completionism is required. I don't need every single fish ever. I just want the fish that will keep me happy. I think that if they're already available in the US via breeders or LFSs, then I'm gonna be happy. But I know not everyone is going to think that way. Do I keep wild-caught fish as pets? No. But even though I am not going outside and catching my fish from my lake- it doesn't change the nature of these animals that are hard-wired into their minds. Is it concerning to see a shiny new pleco every other year? Possibly. The fact of the matter is, is that from a Hobbyist POV- we don't get to track the family tree's of these animals like we can with dogs or cats when they breed. Well- that's not true. we can. and we do. We see it in the length of life, the colorations changes, etc. But with a new one coming around? It's hard to see how the "new" one compares to the "old". The Pro's? We see something "New". Con's? Possibility to lose the "original" pleco's, with them becoming endangered. The "new" plecos become an invasive species here in the US. And probably more that I can't think of right now. But all in all- we can't see those details until way far off in the future. And by that point? We've already bigger fish to fry (no pun intended) to worry about pleco breeding.
  10. do you have a picture? Because based on what your saying it could be anything from calcium build-up, to mold.
  11. Welcome to the forum! You have a beautiful tank!
  12. Ah! Temperature for the parameters was 72* Today is.... oh boy 80* - Gotta love these freak ice storms. 😔 The other one is still thriving though! I don't think my mom will mind some missing tupperware filled with some moss balls 😅 Also, I'm starting to think I have had a Houdini situation and my dog had a snack... his breath smells extra fishy 😕 I love my dog, but he would be dumb enough to eat a snail- and the snail was small enough he probably swallowed it whole. Time to pull out the hair dryer and see if I can unwarp the plastic lid.
  13. As an person who lives with immuno-compromised people we (everyone in out house) all agree with this. I can tell you that personally, my mental health boosted considerably when I got a fish tank again, and the same for my family. We all were ecstatic. If our local hospital had a tank, and then tore it down because of this? I think there would be a lot of complaints. Especially since my town does a lot of Hospice work.
  14. I was just thinking about this! what about not reducing it- but freezing it instead? kind of like when you freeze dirt to revitalize the fertilizer (I can't find the exact video) like how Irene from Girl Talks Tish suggested?
  15. I'm not sure how great of an idea it'll be (since I haven't done it yet) But for my 10g tank, I'm planning on getting a terrarium lid (Basically a wire mesh lid) that matches the size of the 10g. I'm doing that because I'm having to use my ring light for plant growth on my 6.5g, because the LED that is installed into the lid isn't giving off enough light and the lid for that tank is bending. But- cheap plastic, what can you do? It was a kit aquarium. I know evaporation will be an issue with the terrarium lid, but I already have evaporation issues with the plastic one- and my main concern is fish jumping out.
  16. 2/17/22 Just a small update for now! Did a check on my parameters, since we have signs of life! (Though as of this moment Waldo the snail is currently a Schrödinger 😉 - but really, I'm going to have to cap off my lava rock with some white sand, because this little guy blends in just way to well!) Current parameters as of 2/16/2022: pH: 7.6 Ammonia: ~0.25ppm Nitrite: 5.0ppm Nitrate: ~10ppm gH: 75ppm kH: 4ppm (gH and kH are from the Tetra 5-in-1 test strips) Now I know the Nitrites are high, but I have a LOT of plants growing sprouts, and making new growth from acclimating from the store to my water. I've got one moss ball thriving, and the other isn't- so I've already pulled up the moss ball care guide and I'm looking into what I can do to revive it. Thankfully the moss is still green, but it's just not as green and healthy as it's other ball buddy. So far we only have the one Betta Bulb growing sprouts, and the last picture I showed you it had like, two or three- now we have four! Jerry from our UTP ( "Unidentified Tall Plant" ) has a total of four sprouts as well, and his root system has even started to grow through a lava rock! He hasn't gotten any taller yet though, but the root system is huge! No name for the Betta Bulb yet- obviously- but once we learn what plant it is, then we can name it. I've also decided that when I get some other snails I'll be naming them Schrödinger, Carmen, and Houdini. Because, they all fit within that "Where's Waldo" vibe, ya know?
  17. I paused at the perfect time on the live stream- I have no regrets. Here's the blank version in case anyone wants it. Thanks for a great livestream Cory!
  18. oh how adorable! 😍 I have been taking as many pictures as I can, whenever I find the little dude. It's so far been the best game of "Where's Waldo" ever. I think this shows him off much better. I found him underneath the bottom of the heat cap, and I had to flip my phone upside down to get the picture. So the picture is rotated for him to look "right side up" I made it my profile picture on discord 🥰
  19. We have some better pictures of the snails, friends! I think the funniest thing is, is that he's so small! and he blends in with the black lava rock so well, that it wouldn't surprise me if he ended up from my plants from the fish store or something, and I never noticed it until now!
  20. 2/15/2022 you know it's going to be an interesting day when you wake up from a nap, and sit down with your nukeable enchiladas when you look over and see a NEW FRIEND in the tank! This is a surprise to everyone, I assure you- because I don't remember this little guy being here at 4am... though, I was still pretty tired- so I wasn't paying to much attention. He's so TINY! This was the best picture I could get with my phone pressed up to the tank and zoomed in. Also- Upon finding him ad now writing this post, he has moved to a spot that I can't see in this tank. My search continues for the tiny explorer. I am requesting your assistance @Guppysnail for your snail identification and knowledge! Please advice me, oh wise one. In other fun news! One of the betta bulbs is growing sprouts! I took this picture two days ago- and the sprouts are even larger now! So far this is the only one to have made any progress with growth, but it's still exciting nonetheless! Today is a surprising day here in the Swampy Household. Now I just have to figure out how it got in there.
  21. I had to pull out my post it notes and some paper to measure the space because I couldn't find my tape measure- just my regular ruler I use for art. Even then, it's always the the "3D" portion of it that gets me. I might need to raid my dollar tree for those bendy pipe cleaner things kids play with and just make one big structure to visualize the space 🤣 We get very DIY here with our Swampy Shenanigans.
  22. 2/10/22 I've gotten tired of trying to spell the months 🤣 so we'll catalogue this way. I finally figured out the size of the dresser top, and it's a lot bigger than I guessed from edge to edge! The width is 30 inches, and the length is 16.8 inches. I'm looking at this cheat sheet about "What dimensions are for tanks" and now I'm sitting here wondering what I can get. I'm bad at visualizing in my head about sizes and stuff. I blame math 🤣 it was never my best subject. But here's the cheat sheet, and what can pretty much go to the limit. Obviously my picture isn't including the wacky shaped ones like the hexagons, cubes, or cylinders- because those are listed in the kit section and well- it's to long to screencap. but if I were to go with another kit (Which, my parents will probably want to do- but I won't) I will most likely forgo any hexagon or cylinders. Since I noticed Ponyo seemed to be stressed in both environments. Granted, the Cylinder was the QT tank, and he was already sick (and for some reason it had started melting- no I still don't know how that happened, and it infuriates me) I still plan on using the Hexagon I currently have, but I think I'll keep it to some snails and shrimp. (Yes- I've gotten over my fear of them being a "hard" animal to keep. I've been doing my research.) The Cylinder is not going to be in use for any animals, since it has melting plastic- so right now it's my experiment tank for plants and the old gravel. Because... Well- I like science, and I don't like to waste things. What size tank do you think I should get? Size is the limit here, (Again 30in x 16.8in)
  23. I have a weird sleep schedule too, due to having chronic migraines and insomnia. So whenever I do fall asleep- I need to sleep in total darkness, otherwise the light will keep me up (or stress my migraine worse). I also have double blackout curtains- so if it wasn't for a watch or a clock, I couldn't tell you the time of day. I keep the rule of thumb of I'm up, lights on. I'm going to nap, lights need to be off. If I was heading out for errands, I kept the lights on and my music going. One, because it helps my dog and well- I dunno, if it helps my dog, maybe it'll help the fish. If it didn't eh, no harm no foul.
  24. February 6th, 2022 A wise man once said "A cold Swampy makes for a very bored Swampy." (Swampy is the shorthand for my user- and it's my nickname, so there's your Swampy Fun Fact for the day) and well- after a week of this stupid snow, and a possible second on the horizon- I've become bored. There's only so many times one can arrange the island on Animal Crossing before wanting to hit one of the villagers over the head with the net, or start locking them into fences. There's only so many farms I can built in Minecraft while I look at my dirt houses in disdain, and wonder why I got the agricultural / animal husbandry side of Minecraft, but not the Redstone or building mechanics. There's only so many times I can sit there and hunt shiny's in Pokémon before I get frustrated because I don't have patience. Like I said- A wise man. A bored Swampy. So- I put down the electronics, and spent about 10 minutes redecorating my room. And yes, it really only does take about 10 minutes, because while my room is the second largest bedroom in the house, it feels like a college dorm. But- I did achieve the dopamine, and I moved my dresser! The top of it used to be cluttered and dusty- and the dresser used to block the plugs on the wall, but now with it moved I think I'll put a new tank on there! I have a bookshelf near my bed, that was where I had the QT tank- but it's sturdy enough to hold the 6.5g tank. So I think I'll move the 6.5g over to the bookshelf, and the new tank will go on top of my dresser. I also thought my dreams would be dashed of getting some Endlers- and that I would have to get some guppies instead (Which, I still might- they are very cute) But I found some sites that are selling them! I am so happy to still have the ability to get Endlers! Online is my only option, as the LFS doesn't sell them, and driving 4 hours for a co-op swap to find possible Endlers isn't feasible either. I tried making a post to my cities facebook group about any local fish nerds, but no one commented. That was on the 23rd of December- when I first got Ponyo. Anyhow- I'm not sure what I'll do with the new tank- or how big it'll be as I still have to measure the top of the dresser! but my hope is a 10g or 15g- but we'll see what I can do.
  25. I saw Torrey use the acronym AFLO in a different thread - and my family would find this very apt if I started buying up more plants just to try and grow and eat them 🤣
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