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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. sorry for what you are going through, you are not a failure you haven't given up on him and you are doing everything you can. Take care and I do hope there is some light in this tunnel for you soon
  2. I new it would be somewhere interesting! When I think about how I've kept fish in the past I feel I could have been doing better but we do the best with what we have at the time. You haven't done any harm and but now if you stop using it you'll save some money. Good to have you on board. It will be fun helping you and seeing how to do things without the luxury of next day delivery.
  3. How much have you been using? I used it in various guises to treat ick and I know they often use it when importing fish (you can see it in some of Corys fish farm tours). What do the instructions on your bottle say? I will say take a breath don't worry about what has been done just move forward. I have found fry in water containing the stuff. Also have you been using a dechlorinator as well ? I only ask because of the random advice you have been getting from the store. Also where in the world are you based ? - curious to see if this is a different country different habits thing. It mainly feels like old fashioned advice from the limited med days of fish keeping. I would probably say steady water change it out if your fish are happy just do your normal water changes but without it. I don't think the fish will notice and you will be there to watch just in case. I think it breaks down to some degree in UV anyway ( from a faint memory ) so the levels in your tank might not be as worrying as you think.
  4. So glad your ok, things like this are just terrifying. They would have turned off the power to the building anyway so you turning off the tank won't really have affected that outcome. If you have time maybe drain the tank if time is limited leave it after removing any casualties, you never know if it's planted and gets some sunlight it might surprise you. Good luck with everything.
  5. Sorry about the fry but glad your health is in order.
  6. I kept mine well submerged I felt that if the venturi hole was above the surface it needed the air shaking out of it more often. Sometimes took a couple of goes to clear. Keep messing I really liked it once I'd got figured out.
  7. Corys spawn when water temp drops (simulated flood)so maybe your summer tanks didn't have the a suitable temp fluctuations to trigger action. You might have seen it after a storm I believe that has be noted as a trigger for some even on indoor tanks
  8. Completely underwater, that rattle is an air bubble once it's out it's silent. And don't worry some things are easy to explain in conversation but become odd when typed
  9. I found that just tipping or shaking underwater got the air out best (without the pipe on) ran silent after but it holds a shocking amount of air.
  10. I didn't get on with Venturi options so I didn't play with it much sorry. Have you tried getting it running silently(takes a few shakes and burps to get the air out) then adding the straw to draw the air in. I did try a longer bit of air line for while but it was more faff than I needed. I used a small prefilter sponge in the out let to dissipate the flow. Its my back up filter so it's not in constant use but I do like it used it when I took my canister filter off line for a while
  11. I used to try various fast growing stem plants but they just pulled them up dinging around, You might get away with magic bamboo or pathos if set up allows as they won't be in the substrate to dig up
  12. @Patrick_G I've been on a crazy journey of possible tanks on Facebook market place. If I wasn't a lockdown overdue getting a new kitchen fitted I could have gone nuts this will relieve the itch/pressure but I definitely need to get my house sorted so I can decide if another large tank can be accommodated. There is also a tank store (and general aquatic dry goods opening about 1mins walk from my house at the end of summer so dangerous times are ahead.
  13. Just picked this up locally 2nd hand. 60l so that's about 15 us gal I think. Not perfect but a quick and cheap solution to getting my krib out of the community tank where she isn't playing nice anymore.
  14. Well to avoid having to do large water changes you can do smaller ones more frequently as it won't reduce the nitrates as much. I'm not sure how sensitive shrimp are to large water changes but making sure the water temp is equal and oxygenation is good in the new water should help mitigate your risk but again I can't say is it's really necessary
  15. I really enjoy mine, I have two that are incredibly active and don't seem to even notice other fish in the tank. I am contemplating getting a few more to see if they chill out in higher numbers but haven't spotted any recently.
  16. This is quite a useful way of learning your tanks rhythm. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/water-changes
  17. Cardinal or neon tetras for just pure visual bright and pretty and generally easy to find. Or maybe rosy barbs fun bright and easy to keep. And won't bother anything else you pop in there. And they'll eat algae.
  18. I would take him to a fish store and see what he responds to is it the frantic busy little fish or big gliding fish. Then plan from there. Does he have a favourite colour?
  19. Well that explains why mine never get very big I was wondering.
  20. I started with just one plant at a time and removed the fake ones as they grew in this also allows for you to take it slowly. Fish don't care either way. Live plants can make things easier for you though. But in a new set up the nutrients will be low so just like with fish adding slowly one at a time helps them establish and saves you from having to buy fertiliser. Some great suggestions for plants have already been made so no need to add. Your tank looks great as it is though so no need to rush into this.
  21. I get tiny Ramshorn pest snails in my nano tank .They are probably to tasty to last long in the big tank.
  22. I spotted them in a store for the first time (as far as can remember) last weekend they were in a nano tank with shrimp away from the normal store rack maybe to get them noticed. I don't remember the price though.
  23. When I first got them they were pretty chummy but then the female got stroppy and now they chase each other off they are in line of site. It's a 60G long planted tank they are pretty much in constant hiding now. I did move the male in with my Betta for awhile in a 5G without issue.
  24. My apistos do not get on with each other but don't bother anything else in the community tank. I don't have Enders but do have cardinal tetras, and pygmy corys in there so size wise I wouldn't worry.
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