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Posts posted by Chad

  1. I haven't kept neons as long as you but I believe that's a sign they're comfortable and relaxed in your aquarium. Schooling is a defense mechanism, no stress gets you no schooling? Mine school once in a while but usually act like you described.

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  2. I have to share my confounded joy about some guppy mutts that are growing in my tank. Originally, I added a pair of 24k Golds and Blue Galaxy's to my tank. They died early on minus one galaxy female. Her offspring were definitely gold-touched. But it ruined the pretty body pattern and the mutts looked a little like washed out tuxedos? Pale yellow tail and head with blue-black bodies. They weren't ugly, but I felt like they looked a bit boring. I kept two males and put the rest in a grow out tank to sell to a lfs that offered to take them once they sized up a little. As they got a bit older something amazing happened. To each their own, and pretty is a matter of opinion, but I couldn't believe the transformation! I've grown out guppies before but I have never seen a juvenile to adult change this drastically. Guppies are something else, now I have to rethink my decision of what goes in my tank. I don't think I want to lose these beauties. 

    Here's a before, juvenile size:


    The two in the back are a better indicator of what most of them looked like.

    But now:


    I'm not saying they're the most beautiful guppies I've EVER seen. I just can't believe how much different they look from a few weeks ago. My wife even asked when I added new fish to the tank? I loved telling her it was the same old fish. Anybody want to share a similar story? Again, no idea guppies could change THIS much.

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  3. Well, how could this post be complete without a pick and introduction of our new family member? So without further ado, here is "Lil' Pea". Or is it Little Pea. Or Lil'P? We haven't filled out all the paperwork yet so I suppose specifics are still up in the air. She (I think she's a she?) has been slowly checking everything out. Seems very healthy, curious and currently cautious. They really are cute little devils.


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  4. Thanks @Torrey, a good point about letting kids make little mistakes now in the hopes they dodge the big mistakes later.
    Also thanks for the in depth breakdown of your setup. I didn’t initially understand all the components you had in it and the methods you use to extract the little buggers. Very slick. I did add aeration to my set up, we’ll see if the odor stays reasonable. For now, scuds are off the menu but I might circle back around to them at a later date.

    The puffer arrived today, later than I was hoping but in great shape. She’s tiny and we’re keeping the lights dim tonight. Introductions and pics will follow tomorrow. I can’t thank you all enough for the advice and encouragement. I’m feeling a whole lot better about how to take care of this crazy cute little puffer thanks to you all.

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  5. My experience was not severe but it was no picnic either and it held on longer than I was expecting. Felt like the flu and pneumonia rolled into one. I was keeping 2-3 t-shirts on my nightstand throughout the night since I would wake up every couple hours just drenched in sweat. Caught up on a lot of tv... so it wasn't a total waste 🙄 Nobody else in my house caught it so I must have qt'd correctly. 

    • Like 1
  6. Sorry to hear you've been in QT a week now @Odd Duck. I got out of qt about a week ago after being there for two. It was no fun, didn't even want to hang out on this forum... it was that bad 🤣

    I really was hoping not to run an airline to it. Just put it up high somewhere the cats wouldn't bother it and let it go. I can remove the lid easily enough tho. Might get another nano pump tho and give it a whirl. Appreciate the advice.

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  7. Those are great plant options @Odd Duck! I'll start putting a bug in her ear about that 🙂 And yes, those pink and red plastic shells are all very rounded off but a good call too. 

    You had to rain on my party about the jar though didn't ya? I'll keep it off-kilter for now to allow air into the jar and until I can think of a better option. I have yet to see a snail crest the waters surface so I'm hopeful that when it happens it will be rare? Wishful thinking? Likely.

    • Haha 1
  8. On 2/10/2022 at 10:51 AM, Odd Duck said:

    OK, that floating castle would be a no go for me.  That’s just very risky looking paint.  Since you’re going to have snails in the tank, sooner or later one is going to hit that and eat through the paint, it will be flaking off, it just won’t end well.  And that string, just no.  That looks like one bite and it’s a foreign body.  I was picturing some tough monofilament, but woven, super thin string, . . . . .  Just say no.  😆 😝 

    Yeah, I agree and said no to it as well. But your reasons are more detailed and accurate than mine, thanks! Here's her first attempt at a habitat with almost zero help from me (I dictated where the heater and filter needed to go). A little piece of driftwood, some frog bit, and lots of fake plants. It was her call, she loves them. If you see anything to be worried about please share. She's not reading this and my skin's become as tough as bark.



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  9. Here's where my snails are being grown. It's two gallons and contains everything all you fine folks have mentioned so far. I added some extra substrate that I had around. Big mistake, now it's pretty darn hard to see the snails. Mind mind was screaming, "no no no no" but my hands kept pouring it in 🙄. Any thoughts or tips regarding it's current state are welcome and appreciated.

    Unless you're @Guppysnail 🤣



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  10. On 2/10/2022 at 10:39 AM, Guppysnail said:

    🥳😝😝😝 to bad you got it anyway why….BECAUSE I AM NOSEY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    I'm a fan of your kind of nosey @Guppysnail 🙂 Always appreciate your help.

    It does look like I'd need to aerate if I want to raise scuds. That's not going to work for me in this case. 😞 

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 2/10/2022 at 10:23 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Goliad farms and Carolina biologic are two I know of. In Carolina they are listed as amphipods section. 

    I don't believe I asked for your help @Guppysnail! 😉 Kidding, oh my lord am I just kidding.

    Thanks so much, I'll check em out right now. One other thing, how extensive do I need to get in keeping them alive? I did research some things online and all are saying you need an airstone and whatnot. Is this true? I was really hoping to just go stagnant with the setup.

  12. On 2/9/2022 at 11:38 PM, Torrey said:

    Throw in greens daily, and bloodworms or blackworms once a week if you add amphopods to the culture. The snails and amphopods are easy to culture together and keep pea puffers hunting skills pretty sharp.

    If you don't want amphopods, use a regular mason jar to grow snails in. They keep reproducing in direct proportion to the food supply.😅

    This is great @Torrey, thank you! You got me thinking of trying to add scuds to the mix, how might I go about getting a starter colony? Do fish stores have this sort of thing?

  13. Very funny stuff @jwcarlson. So here's the whole story: my kids first tank was this one but had a betta in it. It didn't end well. Learned a lot, yada yada. But I was such a control freak I'd secretly remove decorations she put in it and set it up the "right" way. So this is me trying to atone for past sins and I'm trying... REALLY trying to keep my opinion out of it. Wish me luck 😉 

    • Haha 2
  14. Thanks @Jennifer V, I do have plants. Lots of betta safe fake plants to use a filler too. Appreciate any and all tips on keeping pest snails. You have no idea how careful I've been to keep them out of my house... until now 🙂

    I asked my daughter if she wanted to try something like that @Mydonkeyfish. She's creeped out by my cherry shrimp so that was a fast pass. It came down to a puffer or an african dwarf frog. I'm liking her choice but I'm sure the frog would've been great too.

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  15. That's a great video @Fish Folk! Some of the best footage I've seen of their behavior too. Your kid did awesome. Thanks!

    Hmm, well I am using gravel as a substrate but it's the smoothest and smallest stuff I've found. If there are problems I'll reconfigure, as I can see how sand would help if they do decide to nosedive into it 🙂 

    Great tips @Jennifer V, much appreciated!

    • Thanks 1
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