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Posts posted by Chad

  1. On 1/17/2022 at 10:19 AM, Suz said:

    I so agree with you. I wanted some guppies but didn’t see the point of throwing money out the window. Got some platys instead, and am quite happy with them. They’re cute, active, and create a happy tank. Some day guppies will be back on my agenda.

    When I first started with guppies, I bought 5 males and no females. It was in a 9 gallon and there was bullying/aggression  issues amongst them right away. I got a bigger tank and tried raising fry. It worked, but wow did I have a lot of deaths. In a snippet of a PrimeTime Aquatics vid from a while back Jason mentioned that he just couldn't keep guppies. That they always die on him leaving him wondering if he was the problem. It struck a chord with me since that was exactly how I felt. I now believe guppies can be kept but you really need to know your stuff. Start slow and have a well-matured tank to make a success of it. Take a look at what @Guppysnail is doing to get an idea of where you need to be to make a go of it. Oh, and I now have Platies and am a big fan of them. Other than slowly killing off my snails, they're great.

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  2. That's not how I read it @Guppysnail, but that's likely how it was instructed. I thought it said 3% solution which is what I get right out of the bottle. Both yours and @Torrey's methods sound like the right way to do it. I will try those great ideas once my leaves grow back and share how it went.

    But let's all take a second to thank ME, for showing what NOT to do 🙂 and what happens when you go overboard. Thanks, and you're all welcome! 😉 

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  3. A Peroxide Dip for my plants

    I've had some black hair algae on a few plants. Nothing terribly out of control but I read elsewhere that a peroxide dip can work nicely to remove it. Just follow these directions: 1. Remove plant from tank. 2. Three minutes in the peroxide. 3. Rinse. 4. Put plant back into tank.

    Since I have no rooted plants this seemed worth a try. I tried it first on some Buce. I had three bunches so why not try it on one and see what happens. A week later, here were the results:


    Nice right!?

    So I dipped the others two bunches o' Buce and threw in some Anubias' for good measure. Again, the Buce is fine. But the Anubias' are not! I wouldn't say I killed it, but I would say I killed half of it. See for yourself:


    So yes, it works. But there's a good chance it will kill your plants too. In my case, I can live with it. I suppose "kill" is too strong a word. Killed some of it, but not a total knock out. Oh well, chalk this up to another Don't or Do Not. 

    I'm sure most of you already knew about this. But I just learned it first-hand and have the photographic evidence to share so here we are.

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  4. You COULD do a hydrogen peroxide dip. Remove the plant and put it into a H2O2 solution for 3 minutes, rinse, and put back into tank. I tried this, and will be sharing the results in my journal on this forum shortly. But here's a hint: it kills the algae, and half your plants too. 😞

  5. Exactly, I've rearranged my tank a ton so scape, rescape, add and remove to your hearts content. I've read moving plants slows down the growing time, or is that just the acclimation process to the aquarium and new water parameters? Either way, I don't care since if a plant grows in my tank I'm okay with slow growth.

  6. Those look great! It's a good problem to have, but still a problem, when you're doing such a good job that you have too many babies to deal with. You got the right plan though. My lfs will only take full grown guppies and I got tired of growing them out so I had to cut back. Now I'm thinking of keeping a couple nice looking males in the community tank. My hope's that it'll be busy enough in there to curb aggression. Which I had in an earlier, smaller tank.

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  7. Yeah, second second here. That’s not a prolapse. Honestly, I don’t think she looks too pregnant yet. When they start to get more boxy around the bottom then they’re getting close to birthing.

  8. On 1/13/2022 at 4:29 PM, laritheloud said:

    The only reason I have ever changed water during cycling is to replenish minerals. My buffer got completely eaten up and my PH plummeted to below 6 during this cycle; ordinarily my KH is 11 and my PH is 8.0, to give you an idea. This does slow down the cycle significantly.

    Ah, that makes sense, thanks for the reply!

  9. Like @HH Morant, I'm also lacking of mechanical filtration in my canister filter. Seems like the less I have to open it the better my chances of everything working nicely and staying water tight. Still, I have silicone lube ready for when I finally do crack it open. FYI, evidently vaseline to lubricate the ring seals is a bad idea.

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  10. Just looked at some glo bettas tonight at my local petsmart for the first time. I know, big box stores are the devil but honestly this one usually has nice fish. They had a few nice bettas, but the glow ones? Man they looked rough. I think they forgot they had them. And I do agree with @Guppysnail about enjoying more natural fish but I don't have a problem with the glo lite fish either. I get that kids like em and if it introduces them to the hobby then I'm ok with it. Still, not my cup o tea but to each their own at least in this respect.

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